Angry Obama: Gun Lobby 'Willfully Lied'

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Feb 25, 2009
Since Obama today claimed that the gun lobby 'willfully lied', I thought it might be fun to have a thread in which we put together a compendium of the lies that the antis have told to date.
Aside from being a fun way to celebrate today's victory, it might also turn into a useful resource in our continuing fight.
Citations are encouraged.

I'll start: the antis talk a lot about how many children are killed with guns each year, but neglect to mention that the category of 'children' somehow includes gang members under 21 years of age.
Counting suicides as gun violence.

Totally ignoring the decrease in crime with the increase in responsible gun ownership.

Ignoring history.

Obama using family and children as props for his antigun stance and him saying he would never do such a thing.
Claims a fully automatic weapon was used at sandy hook
  • 90% of America is in favor of Obama's "common sense" gun control.

  • S.649 would eliminate Internet sales without a background check. Oh yeah, I forgot, we have that already :rolleyes:
Let's see. He lectures ad nauseam about the "lies" told about the bills, yet he claims its legal for criminals and the mentally insane to have firearms, the bill "only" effected internet sales and gun shows, and 90% of EVERYONE wanted it passed. He is enraging to listen to. He also claims the republicans use a distortion of the senate rules to block the bills but he didn't mind violating the Constitution blatantly to pass obamacare though did he?

The biggest lie is the Manchin-Toomey bill is a gun friendly "compromise". First lie is the name itself. It is an AMENDMENT to the Reid bill which renames it to sound more popular. Secondly it make's Reids bill even worse the way I read it.

If you read all the "common sense" bills the Democrats have put out you will find gun registration, gutting state CCW, weapons bans, magazine bans, registration of "assault weapons", authorization of studies to "solve gun violence" by organizations like the CDC, bans on legal private commerce, invasions of personal rights to privacy and medical records, and maybe most despicably attempts to disarm veterans without any due process of law. Calling any of that "common sense" or "reasonable" is just sick and anyone who doesn't make it known in the upcoming elections should be ashamed of themselves.
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The words 'Gun violence' are the liberals best LIE.

See there is violence. Tools do not produce violence. People are violent, not the tool.

The fact a particular tool is used is meaningless cause if that tool is taken away then other tools will just supplant them.

Cain killed Abel with a rock... and not a Glock. Yes it is sort of a catchy statement, something Jessie Jackson would say I guess, but still it's true.

So it does not matter if suicides are counted in Obama's world of 'gun violence'. The whole idea of 'gun violence' is just a liberal LIE.

Yeah the whole line about all people who own guns are nuts, and are responsible for crime. Now it's all people who own guns are nuts except those who believe in "reasonable gun control".

The claim that gun control works.
Gun Safety used for Gun Control. NRA are shills for CORPORATE (i.e. EVIL Capitalist) BIG GUN manufactures.
He lied when he claimed the bill was targeted to prevent another school massacre, even though it only effected lawful gun owners.
He lied about internet and gun "sales". Which are already privately owned after filling 4473's and passing background checks.
He lied about not trying to infringe on our 2nd rights.
He lied the government was doing everything they could within the law, while not enforcing existing laws.
He lied about going after gun "traffickers" ignoring the governments thousands of "fast and furious" trafficking schemes.
He lied.
Yeah I love the lie about the NRA just being a "lobby group" that mysteriously gets money just from rich gun makers and just buys it's way through DC. The press carries O's water big time on this one.
He actually claimed most "NRA families" supported the bill.

The most telling thing, which exposes completely how little they really care about "the children", is the mainstream media's total blackout of inter-city gun violence and murder. 26 more in Chicago this weekend, including 9 in one house, murdered in gang violence.

Obama will never say a word about those children, those mostly black children, some of them killed on Obama's own residential Chicago street. It would completely betray the ultimate goal, the complete disarmament of the citizenry. We can see what life is like in places where no law-abiding person is allowed to own guns. This is their vision for America.
Even if it was true why would it be so unreasonable for an entire industry to lobby in behalf of trying to avoid having itself declared "illegal" or bankrupted by fallacious lawsuits? They are engaging in legal commerce in support of a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Why would it even be wrong if they did support he NRA? That is such garbage. I guess he wants the sheep to believe the NRA doesn't actually have any members, its just "big business" behind it.

Don't forget another popular lie lately that gun sales are WAY down and most "reasonable people" have become enlightened enough to realize guns have no place in a modern society like ours. Of course, for some reason though, everyone is sold out of every darned thing you want to buy lately.
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Banning "x" will "save the children"..WRONG..All that is doing is stripping them of their rights when they get old enough to use them..
First and foremost, when has any firearm loaded itself, chambered a round into itself, released any or all the safeties, and fired a round killing or injuring somebody. Guns or firearms are a machine. Nothing more. Nothing less. One more time. Guns Don't kill people. People kill people
hes from chicago {deleted}, whatdja expect?
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It is nice to see Obama whine about the failure of his lies. I suspect that this is the first of many such instances.
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