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Another armed incursion on U.S.-Mexico border

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Manedwolf said:
How about moving some of the A-10's to a base down there for flight practice, patrol flights and such? That's a good deterrent.

They interviewed one captured Taliban who said that the sound that they feared most in the mountains was the scream of a diving A-10 (they do that awesome banshee wail) because it meant death was coming.

Damn right.

I like it!:D Oh, Yeahhhhhhhh! Ooorah!

For the record...

I am sitting about an hour's drive from the U.S./Mexican border, and the A-10's take off to play tag about 1 1/2 miles from where I sit. The other day I was peacefully going down a highway near the end of the runway when two of them suckers went in front of me, and so low I could see the pilots in the cockpits... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Now I must say they got my attention ... :what:

I suppose the good news is that they're flight time to the border is probably well under five minutes if they are really rolling - and usually they are. The not so good news is that I don't believe they are armed with anything. :fire:

But if they went over some border-jumper like the did over me, I don't think that hombre would stop until he got to Central America. :D
I believe a load of ammo is required to keep that plane properly balanced.

Or maybe they have a weight they put in for training flights.

The latter would not suprise me in the least.

As far as the thread topic goes, perhaps we need to encourage a new revolution south of the border.

Ensuring an outcome we could all live with, however, might be more than we could hope for.
While we fantasize about A-10s and mini-guns our President is figuring out how to Mexicanize the Southwest with "hard-working moms and dads." This would be funny if it weren't tragic and pathetic and damn infuriating. Waitone is right: Bush is legitimately in the anteroom of impeachment--or, rather, he should be. His arrant defiance of popular citizen opinion on this matter is galling. I voted for the man and had high hopes for him; it's taken me five years to realize, fully, just how much he has led this nation off-track, on this and other critical matters.
Those Governors declared teh "emergency' to get their hands on some extra cash.

Anywho since there are no Mexican Troops within 3 miles of the border, then if I could convince the NM and TX members into a trip south no bodies of Mexican Troops would be found within 3 miles of the border?

Sam said:
Those Governors declared teh "emergency' to get their hands on some extra cash.

I'm not the one that brought that up, but you are right. That was only a money play, no real good came of it.

I'd be up for a camping trip on the Rio Grande...
I wanna bring my BAR though. It likes the river :evil:
Got to have that cash for railroads and other pork, I mean "important projects".:barf:

Sam, I am free every weekend.

Just give me a call...;)
The whole "Quadrupling the cost of labor makes business sense because an AMERICAN who gets paid four times more will be at least four times as productive than a MEXICAN."

From what my friends in the construction industry tell me - the exact opposite is true.
I voted for the man and had high hopes for him; it's taken me five years to realize, fully, just how much he has led this nation off-track, on this and other critical matters.

Same here.
This is actually quite par for the course. It happens constantly. We actually have private citizens who have been killed by Mexican soldiers for asking them to get off their private land. Yet we do nothing, because we are scared to go to war with Mexico. In a war we would trounce Mexico within a week. Their military is all ground based. Comeon just a few air strikes and most of it would be over. Check out Ranch Rescue. Mexico is throwing fits over them, yet they've not made a single incursion onto Mexican soil. Many illegals have been killed by RR security after attacking them. Some of us have seen the consequences of U.S. Border Patrol stopping mexican illegals, they are brutal, definately NOT the sign of enlightened people trying to make a better life for themselves escaping from an oppressive government. This has got to be one of the saddest things in history.

Rev. Michael

I can tell you one thing, if I lived on the border and they wer ecrossing onto my land I'd sit in my house snipering the bastards. International incident be damned. If it cost the life of me and my family to get the country to finally take war with mexico, block the boarders and deport the illegals, then our deaths would carry an inherent nobolity, and I would be prfectly happy with that no regrets. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Lock the borders, deport the illegals, and execute all the rest who won't leave or put up a fight. Pardon the language but ???? em. I'd shoot every last one of the bastards coming onto U.S. soil, military or not. A remington 700 with a McMillan A5 stock, .300 Winchester Magnum match rounds, trued action, and a high powered scope and bipod will do a number to the skull of a mexican military man.
Border crossings

It was illegal for our minutemen to shoot at the Redcoats wasn't it? But the mexicans are bringing drugs, mexican army or not, the Bush family is quite famous for enabling drugs to enter the country.

Iran contra had something to do with this didn't it? Hmmm, Colombia's cocaine being delivered by CIA airplanes to US soil, on military bases no less. Maybe it's just more spookwork at a more local corruption level.

No holding back

fantacmet said:
I can tell you one thing, if I lived on the border and they wer ecrossing onto my land I'd sit in my house snipering the bastards. International incident be damned. If it cost the life of me and my family to get the country to finally take war with mexico, block the boarders and deport the illegals, then our deaths would carry an inherent nobolity, and I would be prfectly happy with that no regrets. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Lock the borders, deport the illegals, and execute all the rest who won't leave or put up a fight. Pardon the language but ???? em. I'd shoot every last one of the bastards coming onto U.S. soil, military or not. A remington 700 with a McMillan A5 stock, .300 Winchester Magnum match rounds, trued action, and a high powered scope and bipod will do a number to the skull of a mexican military man.

Tell us how you really feel.
Waitone said:
The moonbat left is screaming impeachment. I've talked with representatives as much as one can talk with them. They insist on charges being brought based on Halliburton or WMD or some other phantom scandal. Problem is, right in their face is an impeachable offense and they want nothing to do with it. Why? Because illegal aliens are viewed as the road back to power for the moonbat party.

Me? I don't care what the parties say. I think it is time for impeachment charges be drafted centered around Bush's criminal refusal to do anything about the border. My position used to be impeach him if we get a terror hit from across the southern border. I changed my criterion to now. I think there exists sufficient cause.

What makes me sad is I am not given to wild statements. :(

Refusal to deal with the border, and the whole "breaking the law, bypassing FISA" thing. Something in TIME about bipartisan mutterings about calling for a constitutional amendment to clarify rule of law in the matter of NOT making congress irrelevant by unitary executive decisions.

If Bush keeps shoving Congress into the broom closet and posing for the photo op, he IS asking for impeachment from all the members of the right, as well, who still have a sense of personal pride.

So you have that, and you have endangering the security of the sovereign borders of the United States of America (or "th' home-laynd", as it's now become) by ignoring the illegal crossings.
I cringe every time I hear these people being called "immigrants".
Congress and the President won't even call them what they really are....illegal aliens.

I don't expect anything to change fotr the better. I do expect to see the Democrats, and strict gun control, to become the dominant force in this nation for my remaining life time in 2008 and beyond.
I don't expect anything to change fotr the better. I do expect to see the Democrats, and strict gun control, to become the dominant force in this nation for my remaining life time in 2008 and beyond.

That's one possibility.

Another is that the "law" will be ignored--as a lot of laws seem to be these days. There's a disconnect between the courts and the rule of law and the people that is real and growing.

Still another is the political fragmentation of these United States. Call it secession, call it whatever you want, we are not really one nation any more.
Armed intrusion by mexico

While I'm not suggesting anyone break any law, What would happen if someone purchased a used rifle with no papers on in and accurized it and went hunting for illegals?? If anyone were to consider such a thing, The cheap unregistered rifle could be dumped in the river after use. What would be the result of a few casulties among the invaders?? Assuming this would happen, the patriot could never boast of it or give any information out at all. If small groups of these invaders made it north of the red river, It's doubtful they would make it across going south. I'm not advocating breaking the law. Anyone who violates the U.S. constitunal rights of these illegals does so at their own risk. Of course, people who live on the border can flee north of the red river and ask for help. Help hasn't come yet. What next? Should the border residents cede their homes to Mexico. I'm easy going and generally peaceful but, if I am pushed, I WILL fight.

Use extreme caution if you plan to violate the civil rights of the invaders. Perhaps it would be better to pay them to leave you alone. Still, a shot in the dark has some advantage. I would not be surprised if the mexican army would raid an American jail to rescue one of their people. Pancho Villa wasn't the last Mexican to invade the U.S.A.:mad: :mad: :fire: :fire:
Sounds like a great opportunity

I'm thinking these activities offer us a chance to spend a couple of days enjoying the outdoors while we *find* stuff left in the sand. I'd like to find a Hummer and a Class III machine gun. What could the BATF say about the previous owners?
It's not hard to talk about what a hard man you'd be if you lived there, but let's keep this within the realm of reality.

And let's remember that drug cartels HAVE been known to employ paramilitary forces.
What international incident?

So I'm curious here. When an american citizen is murdered in mexico (or some other two bit 3rd world country) such as the college student from Kansas, is it an "international incident"? Seems to me it's treated as a local law enforcement matter. I don't remember any sanctions taken against that country on her behalf. :confused:

Right now where I am, if I come upon armed individuals on my property I can present arms and order them to leave. If they were to threaten me or fire upon me I could use lethal force to subdue the threat. How does it become different if the offender is a citizen of another country? As far as I can see the ranchers should just order them to leave and kill anyone who presents a threat. If someone could please explain how or why this is an "international incident" I would appreciate it.

Right now where I am, if I come upon armed individuals on my property I can present arms and order them to leave. If they were to threaten me or fire upon me I could use lethal force to subdue the threat. How does it become different if the offender is a citizen of another country? As far as I can see the ranchers should just order them to leave and kill anyone who presents a threat. If someone could please explain how or why this is an "international incident" I would appreciate it.

A couple of goblins is social business. Ten million on your property's a Federal matter.

An international incident is when two poobahs get together, smoke a couple of expensive cigars, and figure out how to make more money out of temporary trouble.
insidious_calm said:
Right now where I am, if I come upon armed individuals on my property I can present arms and order them to leave. If they were to threaten me or fire upon me I could use lethal force to subdue the threat. How does it become different if the offender is a citizen of another country?

Because when you do that, do you worry that 1000 of their closest "friends" with machine guns will come visit you tomorrow night and no one will help protect you?

If you lived in Laredo you might.......:cuss: :cuss:
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