Anti-gun response from applebees

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I have to say WOW!

I walk into an Applebees on 6/2/2003 8:00pm

Walk out of applebees on 6/2/2003 8:01pm

Post it on THR on 6/3/2003 4:00pm

Fire off an Email about a stupid sign to Deangelo 6/4/2003 9:00am.

Post his smarmy reply here at THR 6/4/2003 12:09pm

6/4/2003 through 6/5/2003 Frank Deangelo is innundated with
thousands of angry but polite Emails about his stupid policy by
nearly everyone with a computer.

6/62003 10:30am I am notified of their change in policy.

Way to go THR!!!!

6/6/2003 10:31am Jsalcedo is innundated by 200 penis enlargement emails.

Oh well, small price to pay :D
Outstanding. Haven't gotten a response, but good to know he's changed the policy.

We have influence. Not much, maybe, but some. Good to see it put to use.
This was the letter I sent--->


I have just received word of Applebees policy concerning legally concealed handguns on their property in the State of Texas.

Thank you for your open comments regarding the policy.

I shall have nothing further to do with Applebees Restaurants nor any establishment owned and/or operated by Applejam Inc.


M.A. Barber

Good work campers! Now, can you guys help me get Feinstein and company to take their 12-step selves and convince them to walk off of an eleven step pier here in California?:D

Newspapers, Restaraunts and others....

Even if you don't live in the city in which the "offense" has taken place, save these sort of emails and copy/paste/send them off and we will get the results we want! This is the second time this week I have seen positive results from a mini-campaign like this. Keep it up and congrats to all!!
my response

Mr. DeAngelo,

I would like to let you and your company know that I will no longer go to Applebees due to it's stance on the LAWFUL carry of concealed weapons. Permitted carriers of concealed weapons go through intensive background checks and are law abiding citizens. It is a shame your company discriminates against us. I will make sure the email you sent to [email protected] (see below) gets posted on as many gun related web sites as possible. I hope this will open your eyes to the mistake your company has made.

Ms. Diraimo, I have included you in this email because I couldn't find any other email contacts for Applebees Corporate Executives on your web site. Please forward this to the person that should handle such issues within your company. Thank you.

Dean Miller
Buford, GA.
Guys, guys...nice to have you on the board but:

Read above. We won. They changed the policy. Send 'em a thank you note.
Further responses may be posted on this thread, which is about Applebee's attitude adjustment.


There is a lust in man no charm can tame
Of loudly publishing his neighbor's shame
On eagles wings immortal scandals fly,
while virtuous actions are born and die.
-- William Harvey
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