Any plans for May 1 "Day without an immigrant?"

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Teachers want more illegals here because that simply means more bodies for the education system, and more money and job security for the "teachers".
Anyone who stands to gain money, comeraderie, votes, or savings from these people will stand with them.

John Dewey's Communist education system, the Catholic church, businesses
looking for cheap labor, and people who were themselves, or are children of illegals....
What I expect to see as well is that any bosses who fire anyone for skipping work will be villified.

Gee, in MANY jobs, if you just skip a day without an excuse, you get canned.
It seems like some in the media have never heard of free enterprise...
They interviewed a few people here in Tulsa who all but admitted to hiring illegals. They were in construction and house painting. Bitched that they could not find Americans to do that type of labor for $15-$20 hour. Problem is not the pay, it is that Americans also want health care insurance at the least. They are not offering so they can keep their costs down. So of course most Americans are not going to work for that without any benifits. Offer me similiar benifits I currently get plus $15-$20 hour I would start tomorrow.
I'm thinking of taking the plunge on a Springfield M1A. May as well do it 1 day before "National Fire a Mexican For Not Showing Up To Work Yesterday Day"
With no illegal aliens working that day, I guess I'll have to cut my own grass, clean my own bathroom, cook my own meal, tend my own garden, skim my own pool, and . . . uhhh . . . wait a minute . . . I'm doing all of those things right now. (Except for the last - I don't have a pool.)

Never mind. :rolleyes:
Over the next several two-year election cycles, we're gonna see some real messes develop, with increasing hard times for all of us--and the yowling over what SHOULD be a relatively minor issue will hide many of the more dire straits we face in taxation and governmental budgets.
That's profoundly true, I'm afraid. I hope no one here thinks I started this to try to scapegoat immigration as a bigger cause of our imploding economy than others, such as our declining dolar, trade deficit, oil depletion, etc. I just hate brazen scofflaws.

The fact that they are having this event on "May Day" helps to show us where their roots lie. This is anti-Americanism at its worse.
I hate to hijack my own thread, but that's not true. May-day is one of the most American of holidays. It commemorates the strikes in Chicago and San Fran in the late 1800s that eventually won workers the 8-hour day. The fact that it's celebrated in other countries more than here (and we got a PC "labor day" in October) shows how anti-American our leaders were in the early 20th century.

If you work 8 hours a day or at least get overtime, you can thank striking workers who were getting beat, shot and hung back in the 1880s.
Why does the left
make it seem like it's all anti Mexican?

Because one of the lefts "big lies" is that conservatism/the GOP = racism.

Everyone is afraid of the moniker "racist" so nobody challenges it (and if they do the race baiters shout them down and do so effectively because the left controls the MSM). Thus nobody actually debates the cost/benefit of immigration or disputes that "illegal" is often removed from the rhetoric.

They can't win the argument in a logical and reasoned debate so they just shut down their opposition by calling them names.

I think this "day without an immigrant" BS will backfire ... and when it does they'll spin it that since most immigrants are dirt poor they couldn't afford to take part and that's why whitey didn't see the world come to a halt like in that movie A Day Without A Mexican.
"Immigrant" and "illegal immigrant" mean completely different things.

That's another ploy of the left. "Violent crime" is not synonymous with "violence," which is necessary to STOP violent crimes, but the Orwellian newspeak deliberately mixes the meanings. "Driver" and "drunk driver" also have different meanings.

My parents are immigrants. They came legally, and they started on the path towards citizenship as soon as they made the decision to stay in the US. There is little parallel between them and people who come here illegally, and NO parallel between them and people who come here illegally and then claim this land in the name of a foreign country!

WRT the Irish illegal immigrants... I haven't seen the Irish, even those here illegally, claiming the US in the name of Ireland. And I live in San Diego. They're not on my RADAR. So I don't have an opinion other than that everyone who wants to needs to come here legally, and that our laws may need to be changed to reflect reality, if the laws don't match up with what's good for the country. That means more legal immigrants, probably, and that's fine with me, no matter where they come from. Anyone who "wants in", and is willing and happy to join us in the US, should be given priority over those who just want to come here and take whatever they can without even learning the language.
I think this "day without an immigrant" BS will backfire

I think it will be an absolutely zero-impact nonevent, except for the few, as I mentioned, vilified bosses who fired people who skipped work without permission...which would happen for ANY reason to ANYONE.
I think I'll enjoy some good American microbrews and probably eat at a local Italian restaurant. While the owner is actually an Italian immigrant, he absolutely hates illegal immigration.
Enzo say: Ifa I hadda go through dee process, every awther *expletive deleted* should too.

Thats one Italian guy you don't want to piss off, but he can cook like nobodies business.
I plan to watch Amerikka's first May Day parade on the news after work. I wonder if the MSM will also show the other socialist countries May Day parades.
I will fly my American flag and boycott the local Mexican restaurants
If I were at home, I would be patronizing my favorite Mexican restaurant. The owners are legal immigrants, and they loathe the illegals. Every legal immigrant I have ever met hates illegals. All the naturalized citizens I know vote republican, too. Go figure.
What chaps my hide is the way the lefty socialist-liberal corksnorklers (with the cooperation of the MSM) are trying to reframe the arguement from "illegal immigrants" to immigrants in general.

I have run into next to no one who has a problem with immigration/imiigrants, it's the "illegal" part that bothers anyone with half a brain. Americans, by and large, believe in fair play and have little use or sympathy for cheaters (i.e. illegal immigrants). I have less than that for the wankers that rationalize, apologize, or otherwise make excuses for these criminals.
Malone, since 1917, May Day, May 1st has been the celebratory day of the Communist Internationale. Recall the hoopla every year in Moscow, as well as in many other world capitals.

Since the 1940s, my memories of May Day began with the newsreels and later the TV coverage of Stalin et seq, standing at the Kremlin watching the "Pass in Review" of the Red Army.

May 1st has not been associated in the public mind with the U.S. of A. for over 60 years that I personally know about...

No gringos day suggestion

Have all illegal Mexican immigrants boycott medical facilities where they usually get their taxpayer funded care.

Teachers want more illegals here because that simply means more bodies for the education system, and more money and job security for the "teac

At the risk of igniting our semi-annual anti-"government schools" rant thread;) :

Out of the 200 teachers in my building, I can't think of a single one who thinks that allowing illegals into the country provides them with job security. All it does is put one more (or two, or three) kids in each one of my classes......all of which have 34-35 students ALREADY. With teaching 6 classes a day, that means that most teachers in my building have, at minimum, around 190 students with some (like me) who have over 200.

A full time teaching load for a HS teacher is considered 28 students times six classes.

That's 200 students, everyday, who I need to account for in attendance, check their written work, evaluate their in class labs, correspond with parents via phone and email, write bathroom passes, distribute letters from the office, go to conferences in guidance (around 5-6 a week), fix their instruments, and stay after school to let them work in the recording studio.

The last, albeit legal, immigrant student who entered my room was introduced to me sort of like this:


ESOL Teacher: "Hi, this is _______ and she is from (insert obscure African country here). She speaks no English at all and has been in a refugee camp for the last 5 years and has had no schooling in that time. There is only one person in the entire DC metro area capable of translating her particular dialect. Good luck" :banghead:

This rush of immigrants, legal or illegal, is corrupting and bogging down our entire educational process. These students demand proportionally much more time than their English speaking counterparts, add bodies in already overcrowded classrooms, create cultural tensions in the school. is true that schools receive a per student allocation. However, I can't think of a single high school out of 21 in our system that isn't already operating at 125% of student capacity all while being staffed below 100% of their allocation of teachers. We've been hiring new teachers throughout the school year as they accept positions and then creating new sections of classes as classrooms become available.

Yeah....I really luvs me some illegal immigrants because it makes me sleep better at night knowing my job is "secure". :rolleyes:
What chaps my hide is the way the lefty socialist-liberal corksnorklers (with the cooperation of the MSM) are trying to reframe the arguement from "illegal immigrants" to immigrants in general.
The technique is called "jamming" whereby advocates of a position flood media outlets with just one concept and steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of any modifiers. Next time you see a reconquista debate a border control type watch how the modifier "illegal" is not acknowledge in any sense. Our lapdog media for all things marxist know exactly what is going on and refuses to call anyone on it.
Out of the 200 teachers in my building, I can't think of a single one who thinks that allowing illegals into the country provides them with job security. All it does is put one more (or two, or three) kids in each one of my classes......all of which have 34-35 students ALREADY. With teaching 6 classes a day, that means that most teachers in my building have, at minimum, around 190 students with some (like me) who have over 200.

And I can't think of a single time that teachers remembered a) who pays their salaries and b) what their mission is supposed to be and c) united politically to oppose the crushing influx of illegal immigrants that is incrementally destroying whatever value public education has had.

If teachers know they face an unworkable situation, why do they not speak out publicly on what they know and get involved in the debate? Do they not understand that the problem is going to get worse, MUCH worse, if they don't?

No, I'm sorry, but teachers are also citizens, and they should be American citizens FIRST, just as journalists should be, not loyal to some "progressive" abstractions that are bearing poison fruit.
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I do believe we should make a distinction between liberalism and leftism. I know many people that are conservative liberals, and on most issues are the diet-coke version of most posters on this board. Those are not the people we need to worry about. It is the leftists/communists that are spearheading this assault on our laws, communities, national mentality, and way of life. Let's call the little commies for what they are. The choice of May 1st is indeed symptomatic.

Art, just how OLD are you if you remember the 40s?

longeyes is right - these commies will make total jackasses out of themselves in public. That is the problem with being both wrong and irrational - you can't help discrediting yourself.
I hate to hijack my own thread, but that's not true. May-day is one of the most American of holidays.

Comrade, you go right ahead and celebrate May Day, I will celebrate the 4th of July instead. One represents the evils of socialism, the other celebrates the dignity of freedom.

The government mandated 8 hour work day, minimum wage laws, government mandated overtime, government meddling with health care, OSHA safety standards, etc., etc. etc. are NOT American. Our nation was founded on Freedom and limited government, not government intrusion into every facet of life.

If you were a true student of history, you would know that the situation that you think was made better by the socialist labor unions was really exacerbated by government meddling in the first place. Big business received government protections that allowed them to run over the labor pool, rather than allowing the free market to dictate the conditions under which people would sell their labor.

Government is NEVER the answer, and the less the better.
And I can't think of a single time that teachers remembered a) who pays their salaries and b) what their mission is supposed to be and c) united politically to oppose the crushing influx of illegal immigrants that is incrementally destroying whatever value public education has had.

If teachers know they face an unworkable situation, why do they not speak out publicly on what they know and get involved in the debate? Do they not understand that the problem is going to get worse, MUCH worse, if they don't?

No, I'm sorry, but teachers are also citizens, and they should American citizens FIRST, just as journalists should be, not loyal to some "progressive" abstractions that are bearing poison fruit.


As we routinely make the distinction between line duty police officers and the anti-gun politcal appointees that run the administrative aspects of the department, I think we should also make that distinction when applied to teachers and their unions (of which I am NOT a member, in spite of the fact that they still withhold 85% of the dues as a representation fee).

Educators are no more a monolithic culture than are any group.

Regarding speaking what end? We can make our voices heard to the admininstration, who will buck it to the central office, who bucks it off to the county government, then to the state government, then the feds. That's nothing more than a dog and pony show with no hope of an achievable goal.

What about landscapers, drywall installers, painters, etc? I don't see anyone there speaking out.......

The school system doesn't get to decide who comes into the system. The legislature does.

I vote my conscience in elections, campaign for those who agree with my beliefs and write my current reps about how I want them to vote. Those are actions with achievable outcomes.
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