Anyone get called by Common Sense Issues?

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Jul 3, 2007
Linn County, Iowa
I had one of those automated polling computers call me today. Once I figured out I had a computer call me my first impulse was to hang up. Once I figured out it was a political entity that was calling me my second impulse was to hang up. Something compelled me to listen.

I was asked many questions, and I don't remember them all, but a few stuck out in my mind. I was asked if I thought highly of our current President. I'm not sure what they wanted from that since he is going to leave office soon regardless of how any caucus or election turns out.

Another couple questions that stuck out was what I thought was an important issue in the current election, immigration, something I don't recall, or gun control. I stated gun control which brought a follow up question which was something like, "would you vote for <candidate> who has shown to be an avid hunter and stands up for hunters rights?" (I don't want to mention the candidate to avoid a political slant.) What I found rather maddening about the question is this...


I stated no to the question because hunting has nothing to do with gun control, crime, or our right to self defense. Why is it that candidates talk about hunting when asked about gun control?

Here are some questions I'm posing the members here. Has anyone else received these phone calls? Who are these "Common Sense Issues" people and what are they trying to do?

I live in the state next door and it seems like the only two they care about are Iowa and New Hampshire.
I am in Tennessee and I had one of those call me on the 28th. It was a human, not a machine though, and from a different group. A bit more thorough on guns to. Asked if any were in the home, yes. Asked if the owner was an NRA member, yes. Then it went on.
Whenever someone uses "Common Sense" as part of the title of their organization, it throws up a big red flag to me.

Anyway, Common Sense Issues is Democrat Congressman from Colorado; Mark Udall's little 501(c)(4) lobbying organization

He's an NRA "F" Rated gun grabbing socialist, and it looks like you've been "push polled".
It's frustrating when they equate hunting with gun rights.

Politician: "I'm an avid hunter and have been for many years"

Voter: "That's nice, but I asked about the second amendment. Don't change the subject"
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