Anyone think the media is actually doing work now?

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Mar 7, 2005
I know the media is crass and fake, but the news media actually did their jobs, and I think some of them have been rejuvenated with exposing truths again. I don't expect it to last very long, but I think that the news has been important in what happened in NO.

Imagine if the news media had been blocked from entering outright, we would have had to believe all that we heard from official gov't press releases. Think about it.

Or if the press had been embedded with police units, and not allowed to travel around and see things from the point of view of the victims.

I think the news media will likely by sort of 'punished' for rocking the boat so much, but I think that what they did was good, and necessary. It might instill a healthy mistrust of 'officials' for a while, again.
Some more than others. IMO, there's too much competition to 'be the news' (will somebody please shoot Geraldo :barf: ) rather than being thorough and do quality reporting. There are also way too many with agendas and misplaced emotion they are trying to pass off as 'objectivity'. Too much blather, not enough thought.

There's a huge opportunity to do some real public service in documenting the ineptitue, corruption and general @$$holery and buffoonery being perpetrated against citizens of MS, AL, and LA and the American public at large. Unfortunately, too much will be offered as 'infotainment' rather than measured observation and factual reportage

It is SOOOOO time to clean house on the political elitist class and I pray to God there will be some real alternative emerging for the mid-term elections. The Consititution and BoR is being so abused right now and if teh media dowsn't start doing its job responsibly, we're scrod.
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NO. If one thing I have learned is the Media is full of liars,blowhards,people with agendas, and people who represent a very small part of the citizens of the USA. They are not reporters they are propagandists. There is no such thing as a professional journalist. That is a made up term. Need I mention I rate the media below lawyers and used car salesmen. :fire:
MSM is still doing what it does best. Lots of pictures of death, destruction, mayhem. Lots of stories of how a disaster of biblical proportions has effected one single person and his dog.

Any stories out there about mindblowing incompetence, galactic scale corruption, crime, bureaucratic stoopidity, and political butt-covering? Didn't think so. So far only Time has scored with a number on Brown. I'll give 'em credit. No one else gets nuthin'. :mad:
I very much sympathize with the people hurt by Katrina, but there IS other important news in the world that could be included a bit more. There is only so much fresh news from the disaster area and after a while it appears more and more like the news agencies are fishing for money through this impromptu 'reality' show.

I also have problems with things like Dr. Phil getting ratings for going overboard for a miniscule portion of the needy rather than spreading it out over many. (Asbestos suit on.)
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