apologies to the brainiacs,,,

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Feb 14, 2003
if my use of the word in the "shooting in space" thread offended to whom i was refering, accept my apologies

it was a vague attempt at being funny and really not much more

i have a tremendous amount of respect for the knowledgeable ones around here

thats what keeps me coming back

so don't get me wrong

i'll try to be gooder,,,


Me persenaly, I wuz horibly affended. Jus bcuz I is inteligent duzn't meen I shud be pursekuted. Don't hate me cuz I is smart. I thunk I left this stuff bhind wen I droped out of Hi Skool.

Pleaze try to b a little more sencitive in da futre.

:D :rolleyes:

Sorry I couldn't resist. Just kidding with ya. It's been a long morning. I am sure nobody was offended if so your apology is a lot more than they could expect on a great many other boards I have been on.


youre probably right, but i like the people i run into around here and thats rare for a board as far as i'm concerned so i'm just makin' sure i havent stepped on any toes i shoulndta oughta,,,

not that THATS ever happened before :rolleyes:

Well, Brianiacs like us need to learn to tolerate low persons like yourself.

Don't beat yourself up about it; how could someone of your IQ realize what you're doing?

Later, if you're good, we can go get ice-cream.

Hehe...I never even clicked on the "shooting in space" thread because it just sounded too dumb. I guess I should go look at it now since I missed out on the joke.

brad cook
My Mom says I'm inter...intele....entellagen......grr......smart. :rolleyes:

*Runs off to read the other thread......* :D

edit to add: I just read through that thread. The term "brainiac" is offensive? I didn't see that in my latest copy of "Words you can't say in America anymore." :confused:
I thought the thread was great. Even better than the action-reaction discussion would be a quick dissertation on orbital mechanics. If you are in orbit, for example, which direction is the safest in terms of background? Up? Down? Foreward? or backward?
thanx folks,,,

when i was a kid "brainiac" wasnt the nicest thing you could call someone. guess i let my conscience get the best of me...or i'm starting to regress at an increased rate...


i would say there is no safe background in space, what if 200,000 million years from now your round negligently took out a well respected member of a much superior race,

now we've got an inter - galactic incident on our hands, not to mention the pain and suffering to the surviving beings


i'll be ok, but it may be a while...

Ah ha! So the person who got upset by the use of the word 'brainiac' was .... you! :D

Also, don't worry about that member of a superior race getting wasted by your bullet. The bullet will fall into a star or black hole long before it reaches any planet with life on it. Trust me on that one. (Feeling better now?)

And, 200,000 million years is roughly 13 times the age of the known universe, give or take a few billion years. So, if the big bang theorists are right, the bullet won't even exist at that time. If they're wrong, the amino acids that will eventually become that superior race haven't even started forming yet; because the star they orbit hasn't formed yet; because the galaxy that star is in hasn't formed yet .....

See! Nothing to worry about! :)
What's next, apologizing for calling someone handsome, moral or witty? 280, this thread is what's offensive. I for one would appreciate an apology.

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