ATROCIOUS gun handling "safety"youtube

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Jan 8, 2014
man, those guys are RETARDED. Pointing guns into their palms, so they can show them to the cam, all sorts of bad habits being built, standing around and moving with fingers inside of the guard, sweeping the muzzle across their arms, legs, cameraman, etc. Just more proof that the anti-gunners are correct. Airsoft and the youngsters are many times worse, and those bad habits are being ingrained into them. They will carry over to "live" guns, guaranteed. Sheesh. Any ideas what could be done about it? Any way to have youtube post/enforce safe practices, perhaps. Millions are "learning" a lot about guns via those videos, you know.

Gun safety habits can become reflexive. I've seen someone step between Jamie and his car as he turned with the fill up nozzle in the hand. The nozzle INSTANTLY went vertical, downward. :) I've seen Bill Wilson (1978) fall flat on his face, while he was running an assault course on muddy ground, , but his 1911 safety stayed "on" and his finger stayed out of the guard. I once got a searing hot empty .45case on my eyelid, while firing my 1911. It was caught betwixt me and my glasses. I swept off the glasses with my weak hand, almost broke my nose! When I looked, the safety was engaged and my finger was out of the guard. I was very pleased when I noted that.
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numerous ones, sam. I don't recall,

probably various evaluations of pocket 9's, since that's what I've mostly watched, recently. I could probably dig up some examples, from google Plus answers, snotty ones, that I got back after admonishing them about such things.
Oh. Yeah, there's lots of lousy gun videos out there. From poor to very dangerous, and actually all the way to criminal if you want to get right down to it.

We can flood them with safety lectures if they haven't disabled comments. Not much more we can do, I don't think.
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