Avian flu and the bird hunter

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Dec 24, 2002
Southwestern Ohio
How does this affect us bird hunters? Do we don PPE when bird hunting or have to nuke the heck out of our quarry when prepping it for table fare? :)
At this point I wouldn't worry about it. Cook as you normally would with any bird. If it appears diseased leave it where it fell (or bury it). It's not a bad idea to wear rubber gloves anyway. If they happen to have avian flu, you'll either get it or you won't. Short of a bunny suit nothing you wear will likely add significant protection. Just make sure you wash up afterwards. Regardless, avian flu hasn't shown up here yet anyway, and those in Asia getting infected have had constant, daily contact with caged birds. Even if you go dove/quail hunting every day, they're still not caged birds you're dealing with, nor are you going to be exposed to anywhere near the number of birds as those Asian poultry farmers.
True, but they are doing extensive testing in Alaska on waterfowl. That might play into the fowl hunters at some point in time.

I'm not concerned with it at this point.
as with all pathogens, it has more to do with the susceptibility of the host organism.
keep your immune system strong by eating natural and unprocessed fresh food, get your rest and exercise, avoid toxin exposure, and don't worry about it.
Yea, I know it is and I'm not worried. Just thought I'd address an issue that one day we might have to face as hunters.

If it looks sick do not touch it with bare hands,, find a way to put it in an ice box and Take it to your local dep.of, natural res. Thats what I would doo...
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