AWB looks dead...what about hi cap mag ban?

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Sep 18, 2012
Looks like they are going to drop the AWB because it doesn't even have a chance in the Senate and try out "Universal" background checks and "hi cap" mag ban. Not posting a source because this is all over the internet. My question: do any of you guys have a count on how many House Republicans have said they support "hi cap" mag ban?
^^^^ This, don't look away now.....

And don't even blink. We need to blitz now just as much as before. This is exactly what they are hoping for. THey got us all riled up with the proposed AWB, and now that they are hoping we've spent all our energy on something that was not gonna pass anyway, they are proposing a "compromise" that actually might pass.
Before when we were fighting the much less likely proposals, we fought hard. Now that we are fighting something that might happen, we need to make the previous fight look like a cakewalk for them.

Write your govnernors, senators, state senators, everyone you can. Call, email, write, make our voices heard! We can't afford to grow complacent!
No magazine capacity limits. If the antis get a 10-round limit they will be looking for 7 after the next spree-shooting.
Don't believe that any of this evil is dead prior to seeing the stake in it's heart.

Actually in THR lore (because I think MHI is canon on THR for how to kill monsters), the head needs to be chopped off, too. So stake the bill, but get the senator who proposed it removed from office.

I see a mag cap ban being pushed, especially because the President is pushing it. I hope it doesn't make it through the house. Universal Background Checks are very likely, I can see a lot of fencers voting yes. Pressure them to vote no.
I agree Skribs. Worst case scenario, a mag ban too. Not acceptable. I keep my AR handy for multiple armed home invaders. A mag ban is ludicrous in that scenario, and I came thisclose to it actually going down here. I'll spare the details, but not a shot was fired, lives were not lost. This was a happy ending. There may not be, next time.

The police pulled-over the van, arrests were made, and that was that, according to a neighbor. Yeah, the "crew" checked-out the entire neighborhood.

Keep the pressure on your representatives; use the multiple armed home invader scenario. It happens, a lot. Been there, done that.
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Riderbike, that's why I think the AR-15 platform (or something similar) is about the best HD weapon, and you're right - a hi-cap ban would neuter that advantage.

It's a shame you lost your AR-15 in that tragic boating accident, isn't it?
The gun registration, er.. "Universal background checks" are our worst nightmare. We need to push hard and pressure our politicians to vote NO on this.
An AWB or Mag Cap never stood a chance but as mentioned a "universal BG check" could slip in if we all do not pressure the heck out of our Reps..... Best we can do is make it very clear to them if they support any new measure that their seat will be filled with a new rear end. Call, email, write or flat just drop by their offices for a chat. Turn the heat up and keep the pressure on cause you can sure bet the other side is.
An AWB or Mag Cap never stood a chance but as mentioned a "universal BG check" could slip in if we all do not pressure the heck out of our Reps..... Best we can do is make it very clear to them if they support any new measure that their seat will be filled with a new rear end. Call, email, write or flat just drop by their offices for a chat. Turn the heat up and keep the pressure on cause you can sure bet the other side is.
And to do that not only will I vote for their opponent, but I'll volunteer and contribute to their opponent.
The real battle will be over the magazine-capacity limit. The "universal background check" has a 90% chance of passing, and the AWB has a 90% chance of not passing. Frankly, I'm scared of the magazine-capacity bill. It would have far-reaching consequences that may be worse than an outright AWB. (The key thing is what kind of "grandfather clause" would come with it.)
No magazine capacity limits. If the antis get a 10-round limit they will be looking for 7 after the next spree-shooting.

Exactly. And then it will be 5 rounds the next time after that. Give these people an inch and they take a mile. They are never satisfied so what's the point of making more concessions?
Looks like they are going to drop the AWB because it doesn't even have a chance in the Senate and try out "Universal" background checks and "hi cap" mag ban. Not posting a source because this is all over the internet. My question: do any of you guys have a count on how many House Republicans have said they support "hi cap" mag ban?
That is what we thought after MA elected Scott Brown who was going to vote against Obamacare. It is not over til it's over.
The real battle will be over the magazine-capacity limit. The "universal background check" has a 90% chance of passing, and the AWB has a 90% chance of not passing. Frankly, I'm scared of the magazine-capacity bill. It would have far-reaching consequences that may be worse than an outright AWB. (The key thing is what kind of "grandfather clause" would come with it.)
The most dangerous provision is the UBC which will be defacto registration, a necessary step before confiscation of ALL firearms. Don't "compromise" on UBC to save us from the AWB.
The most dangerous provision is the UBC which will be defacto registration, a necessary step before confiscation of ALL firearms. Don't "compromise" on UBC to save us from the AWB.

I don't see that there's a necessary connection between "universal background checks" and gun registration. Depending on how the law is written, those two things can be entirely decoupled. That's where our input would become important. Will private sellers be able to access the NICS directly, or will all transfers have to be channeled through FFL's? My biggest worry about the UBC is economic. If all UBC's are channeled through FFL's, and they're allowed to charge whatever they want for the service, this could easily add $50 or more to the price of the gun. The price of used guns would have to be lowered accordingly, perhaps to the point where it's uneconomical to sell.
I don't see that there's a necessary connection between "universal background checks" and gun registration. Depending on how the law is written, those two things can be entirely decoupled. That's where our input would become important. Will private sellers be able to access the NICS directly, or will all transfers have to be channeled through FFL's? My biggest worry about the UBC is economic. If all UBC's are channeled through FFL's, and they're allowed to charge whatever they want for the service, this could easily add $50 or more to the price of the gun. The price of used guns would have to be lowered accordingly, perhaps to the point where it's uneconomical to sell.

The only way to enforce UBC is to track it in a database. This means it will either be another unenforced law (read: one law-abiding citizens will obey but criminals will not, and have no restriction on crime, therefore harming our rights) or it will be tracked in a database, which could be used with further legislation to at least provide a list of people to look at for registration.

Either way, UBCs are an infringement of our rights. If people are so dangerous we can't trust them with guns, logic would dictate we can't trust them with children (the most common weapon used to murder kids is bare hands), and we can't trust them with other unregulated weapons (sports equipment, cutlery, etc). We need a solution rather than "well take away one of their tools, that will do something!"
No magazine capacity limits. If the antis get a 10-round limit they will be looking for 7 after the next spree-shooting.

Actually in New York with the passage of the NY SAFE act the limit currently is 7 rounds.

The other states don't seem to be following suit though and the NRA is already sounding the drumbeat to a court challenge against the law.

Tough times. :(

It kind of pisses me off too, makes me feel like I'm somehow responsible for what Adam Lanza did, or what the Columbine kids did, or what the Aurora shooter did. At least thats how I feel I'm being portrayed by the media.

I honestly can't even watch the major news stations anymore such as CNN, it just makes me too angry. At least when it comes to their coverage of gun rights issues.
Put yourself in Harry Reids shoes.

1. Let Dianne Feinsteins AWB go to a vote on its own. Most likely it will fail.

2. Sweep the remaining bills, some 30 of them into his own S-2 as an omnibus comprehensive gun safety bill. Most likely it will fail as well.

3. Offer UBC and Mag Cap as a compromise, tossing in some pork for wavering Senators and a couple RINOS. Fair chance of passing.

4. Portray the thing as innocuous, helpful, and "for the children" and offer more pork for wavering representatives. Likely will fail in the House, but the odds begin to look scary.

At this point it's no compromise time. Make that clear to your representatives.
At this point we just need to follow through until it's all gone. Hypothesizing about it is useless, we can squash it if we keep up the preassure on our reps. I feel that we are slacking off. We need a push again to finalize this and restore our rights once and for all.
If everyone wrote a letter tonight that reads this post we can show them that we intend to follow through
OP: "AWB looks dead...what about hi cap mag ban? "

The best we can hope for is that any of these current proposals are dormant for a while, and that only if we work hard enough. These people do not give up. Ever.
We are still in the top of the first inning. Second inning starts with the next massacre. This game does not end with the Progessives.
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