Baseball bats anyone?

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Yes, I have a small steel bat in my car, the thing locks onto the stirring wheel for security, has a nice handle for swinging too. :)
A machete would be even better, and it’s at least as intimidating as a bat, even more. Don’t know about you, but I’d rather get hit with a bat than with a machete.
You can buy them in an hardware store for a couple of bucks, they are designed to take as much punishment as the best sword out there, and the added weight turns it into a fearsome weapon. Having some training would be better, but even if you swing it like a bat, the machete will do terrible damage.
A limb getting hit with a bat gets broken… hit with a sharp machete it just falls off.:D

I don't think I'd wanna be it with one of those Melee Sticks.
The History Channel has a series called Human Weapon. One episode covered the Israli Martial Art called Krav Maga. That had some moves that could make a bat a bit more useable in close quarters. it involved a LOT of jabbing type attacks.
I used to get hassled by bums wanting money after I used the ATM machine located next to my old college campus. The campus police would run them off regularly, but they just came back. I didn't get hassled anymore after I started carrying a bat to the ATM. That was the most effective weapon I could come up with in the college gun-free, knife-free and pepper-spray-free zone.
Since I have yet to purchase my first firearm, I do keep a crowbar under my bed. You can swing it like a (short) bat, but you can also use it in a jabbing motion if you wanted. You could even grip it with hands at either end and just smash it into someone's face (really close quarter encounter). It's very heavy (~5lbs, solid steel), so any type of hit is going to hurt.

Soon enough it will be replaced with a Mossberg 590 (on order) though :)

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