Bathroom Etiquette

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OK--let's anti up--has anyone ever dropped their piece in the pot and had to fish it out?

This thread is already heading this way--let's go before someone has the common decency to lock it up--just like the cheese spread in the old MRE's.

I'm voting take a seat and place it in your shorts--it does make one not forget their weapon.
I just did the experiment...

here at home, wearing New Balance 1122s, Wrangler 31x30 straight leg jeans, and Jockey Classic 30" waist. With a Smith and Wesson N-frame lying in my shorts, no part of my jeans touched the floor, or even went below the top edge of my shoes in the ankle area.
Just remember to NEVER hang your gun on the coat hook by the trigger guard.

I've done that hundreds of times. You just have to be mindful.

OK--let's anti up--has anyone ever dropped their piece in the pot and had to fish it out?

No, but I did drop a magazine...and there I was with the magazine apart rinsing it out and washing the ammo when the big boss of the client I'm working at comes in...

"WHY are you washing bullets?"

"Because I dropped a magazine in the toilet."

He laughed for about 5 minutes and we went shooting the next weekend.


Oh, and I usually wear a 30x29 in blue jeans, so there was some slack there, and I was still safe, with clean pants cuffs. I can see how some guys whose waists are 4x longer around than their pantses cuffs might have problems, though.

Hey, sometimes it's good to be a scrawny little guy.
Oh, c'mon, folks!

So, has anyone else tried the experiment? The Jeff Cooper Paranoid Position for Peeing and Pooing?

I really am curious to know if people of "ample girth" are more likely to have trousers touch floor while on the seat of ease.

(Cleanliness of said seat is always aside, of course, as I'm sure the Colonel thought as well, he having been a Marine and accustomed to having to put up with, and ignore, filth if something important were possibly about to happen.)
One of the responsabilities of carrying a firearm is to be mindful of where it is 24/7. That even means when doing business. If you are going to forget a gun somewhere, DONT carry IT! But, I like the "put it in the drawers idea, between the legs".

Also, public bathrooms are the best place to take one when you have diarrhea (except bars) I've come to find. It also depends on if they use industrial TP or Charmin. :) Who likes to clean the bowl after they are done spraying fecal matter everywhere inside it? (sorry for TMI) Not me. In the public place restroom I leave that for the maintenence crew. (Don't hate me, it's their job)
To the question of why use a public restroom, I don't think most folks prefer a public john to their own sanctuary, but when ya gotta go ya gotta go!

One simple answer is to simply hold it in your (we'll call it non dominant) hand until you are finished.

Pretty simple question with many reasonable answers. Do what works for you. Just make sure to wash your hands when you're finished!
I think one of the characters in one of Heinlein's later novels mentioned that cleaning up after one's self in a public toilet facility used to be considered a civic duty, even most 'specially if one had had a bad splatter accident.

Later it got to be, "Who cares, not my problem, I'm outa here."
think one of the characters in one of Heinlein's later novels mentioned that cleaning up after one's self in a public toilet facility used to be considered a civic duty, even most 'specially if one had had a bad splatter accident.

Who is Heinlein and why is he righting NOVELS about using public bathrooms?? LOL
Torque, as suspicious as I am about those guys who run Google, and their nefarious machinations, I must advise you that, in this case, Google is your friend.
i google or search everything i do online.... that wasn't my point even. Let me re-phrase my question:

Why would you even read a NOVEL written with information about using a public bathroom??

How's that for search engines?
After 'prepairing the area'

-Drop trou.
-'Fold over' the holstered gun into the center of the pile of cloth
-Drop the underwear on top of the gun
-Button the button so the pants don't spread, or touch the ground,
-loop the underwear over the mag pouch so it cannot be seen from outside the stall.
Hell let the gun be seen under the stall! Who wants to lose their damn fingers or arm, Step right up!
OK, torque, one more time.

A character in a novel, in a throw-away aside kind of comment, lamented that people did not clean up after themselves when she was old, as well as they did when she was young, when using public sanitary facilities.

Do you understand, now?
OK, torque, one more time.


A character in a novel, in a throw-away aside kind of comment, lamented that people did not clean up after themselves when she was old, as well as they did when she was young, when using public sanitary facilities.

Do you understand, now?


I can see clearly now the rain is gone. Maybe I should just read the darn book anyways. lol
Dorryn: I dont see why you would USE a public bathroom.
Pronunciation: ni-'se-s&-tE, -'ses-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English necessite, from Anglo-French necessité, from Latin necessitat-, necessitas, from necesse
1 : the quality or state of being necessary
2 a : pressure of circumstance b : physical or moral compulsion c : impossibility of a contrary order or condition
3 : the quality or state of being in need; especially : POVERTY
4 a : something that is necessary : REQUIREMENT b : an urgent need or desire
- of necessity : in such a way that it cannot be otherwise; also : as a necessary consequence <further changes will occur of necessity>
(Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)
Public restrooms:
When you have got to go, you go. In general any medical doctor will warn their patients it's unhealthy to hold it back until you get home.

Cleaning up is sometimes totally impossible in some cases particularly when you have double or triple streams. If you're in a stall it is especially difficult to cleanup if the adjacent stalls are occupied.

So what if the gun hits the floor. If you have to justify yourself just mention you had a heavy meal, or say, "damn they felt good" followed with an audible sigh of relief.
OK--let's anti up--has anyone ever dropped their piece in the pot and had to fish it out?

Nope, but I did drop my wallet in once, it weasled it's way up out of my pocket and sploosh.

I changed brands of wallet after that, no more tri-folds for me.
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