BATLSKIN, kinda awesome

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Soldiers will hate that with a passion. Body armor isn't something we enjoy and we already have way too much of it.

Edit: looked more and saw the face piece is detachable - in that case it could be an improvement by giving weight reduction by wearing just the helmet portion as opposed to the full setup or ACH.
I saw an article on this stuff on another blog. Probably Kitup or something similiar. It's not intended for the guy humping a pack up and down mountains or the man kicking in doors. They are intending it for humvee gunners and other exposed troops . I wouldn't want to have to wear this on a daily basis but I can see it being used in certain circumstances.
patriot here got the point^ but i do have to agree with the rest of you to some extent also, thought of the cheek weld and well i don't think it was really made with snipers in mind and of course its not gonna be the best to have to strap on, Till you get a face full of shrapnel and all you need is a new visor and a drink. plus its relatively new tech so it will only improve
But what i liked best about this is its just one more step on the road to power armor:D
As computer simulated body armor goes, this looks perfect. They have awesome 3-D rendering skills. The marketing grunts have been working overtime.

I wonder if they have the cash and the technology to build a prototype?
Looks like the body armor from the Halo Video Games..........
my first thought as well.

Face armor has been around for quite some time. I remember seeing the PASGT facial armor several years ago. this looks more comfortable, but I still wouldn't want to wear what looks like a motocross helmet in combat.
Yeah well to be fair, that stormtrooper armor didn't even protect against rocks thrown by furry midgets.
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