Big Money Law Firms Join Forces For Gun Control

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May 31, 2008
Looks like President Elect Trump has the gun control lobby scared. They feel he will keep his promises to maintain and further 2nd Amend. rights.

So several large law firms are joining together with gun control groups to further their agenda, working pro bono. They will go after laws and regulations at the state and local level, i.e., regulations allowing the carrying of weapons in previously banned places and try and stay away from the courts, whose rulings tend to further gun rights..

Here's the article:
I like articles like this, if for no other reason than that they highlight how much the Trump Administration owes to gun owners. I hope the Trumpites are listening.

As for these law firms, it's clear from the article that they are flailing. The issues that they're focused on are marginal at best. Even if they succeed, they've basically achieved nothing.
Obstinate and despicable gun control advocates will relegate you to being armed with just a .22 single-shot bolt-action rifle and still have the gall and audacity to claim that they "recognize that the Second Amendment is an important part of our Constitution, and we don’t take issue with responsible gun owners."
all I hear from these clowns is the same ol' blah blah blah yakety smackity clap-trap. if they have the cojones to show up around here we'll be sure and send them packing, back to the Communist States they came from. this is a constitutional carry state and our economy depends more on the Firearms industry than any other state in the nation with Alaska a close 2nd, so they certainly ain't welcome here. ...
Not that I am able to afford such law firms, but if I could I would have to choose different representation.
I also wonder if this would be setting up future legal challenges for which they could get paid.
I hope that they find that existing gun laws are not being enforced. Make any law that was broken a felony if a gun was present by the offender whether used in the crime or not (illegally armed by federal law). Make mandatory jail time for crimes where a firearm was used whether fired or not. Make states follow the laws as already written with mandatory punishment and watch armed felonies decline. We have laws in place. These law firms should find out why they aren't being enforced to hinder use of weapons while committing a crime. If the states can't get it done, make any felony involving a firearm a federal crime and have the feds use their resources to make a felon think twice about grabbing a gun. This will also help prevent locals from making deals to allow firearm arrests to be dealt down to misdemeanors. The laws are already written. It's time to enforce them.
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Obstinate and despicable gun control advocates will relegate you to being armed with just a .22 single-shot bolt-action rifle and still have the gall and audacity to claim that they "recognize that the Second Amendment is an important part of our Constitution, and we don’t take issue with responsible gun owners."

Agreed. Ultimately, their position is like saying, "I recognize that the First Amendment is an important part of our Constitution, so I'm only proposing to ban the most offensive and dangerous 20% of books."
After Years of Setbacks, Democrats Again See Gun Control as a Winning Issue - July 27, 2016

Oh really!!!
These people will go nowhere. It's a great time to be a defender of the RKBA.

From this time forward, no more backward steps. The reverse of gun control now will become the rule.
Aww, Bloomberg's finally tapped-out, I suppose.

Nah, more like Mayor's Against Illegal Guns --no wait, I mean Mothers Demand action --no wait, I mean Everytown USA (yup, that's the latest name) has been renamed once more as Law Firms Against Gun Owners, or something similar. Would love to see a list of HQ locations for these groups overlaid with Bloomberg's mayor allies (those who aren't in jail, at least), as well as how many of these firms are already prominent donors for Bloomberg's present/ongoing operations.

Highly unlikely this is some newly unearthed warchest as is being claimed. Even if it is, Bloomberg already outspends the NRA by like five times annually as it is, so this has got to be in the extreme end of dimishing returns/futile effort.

Looks like President Elect Trump has the gun control lobby scared. They feel he will keep his promises to maintain and further 2nd Amend. rights.

So several large law firms are joining together with gun control groups to further their agenda, working pro bono. They will go after laws and regulations at the state and local level, i.e., regulations allowing the carrying of weapons in previously banned places and try and stay away from the courts, whose rulings tend to further gun rights..

Here's the article:
I don't like having those people on the other side.
Careful what you wish for or you may end up with a felony for getting a parking ticket while carrying.
Very true.
It should be for illegal carry (by federal law) with several other caveats to prevent minor infractions to be felonious. I corrected my earlier post. Thank you.
Typically, such groups "unite" to attack lawful practices and NEVER go after the perps. Articles like this should remind everyone that we must continue to fight for our freedom. Here in Kansas the battle continues in many corners. All the larger newspapers...KC, Topeka, Wichita, etc...routinely give free publicity to all the fear mongers and quash facts.
This is about money. The Brady family made a very profitable career with their gun violence Org. It has always been about money. These people are selling our Constitutional Freedoms.
This is about money. The Brady family made a very profitable career with their gun violence Org. It has always been about money. These people are selling our Constitutional Freedoms.

I wouldn't be so sure about this, at least at the first level. Remember, the law firms described here are mostly based in NYC or coastal CA. They live in worlds where few of their peers own guns, and, of those, it's overwhelmingly going to be O/U shotguns and other blue-blood high dollar stuff. There's no local "gun culture" to speak of. They only see guns on the news, which means they see the <0.1% of gun use that is harmful. No cynicism is required in order to explain why some of the lawyers involved would think that they are doing good works.

That said, there's also about a 0% chance they'd do this stuff if they didn't think it would play relatively well with most of their clients. Since their clients are almost definitionally members of the global elite, that's probably not a bad bet.
Yep, Appeals to their wealthy clients. That is called marketing. It is about money. Our freedoms are more often bought and sold. It seems consensus driven gun control seldom works. Just my personal opinion no facts available.
Law firms like this don't generally have many "wealthy" clients in the sense of individuals. They generally do work for Fortune 100-type businesses.

And, as I said, I suspect they think they'll get some goodwill. But I also have no doubt the individuals involved believe passionately (and wrongly, IMO) that some more gun control of some sort would save lives and make life better in the U.S. I think they're badly mistaken, but I'm confident they believe they're on the "right" side of this issue. That's part of what makes them dangerous to our rights.
This is about money. The Brady family made a very profitable career with their gun violence Org. It has always been about money. These people are selling our Constitutional Freedoms.
Sure. James Brady probably tried to get shot in the head for the big bucks. Makes sense. Good post. Very insightful.
Obama and HRC are both "Bottom Feeders/Lawyers. They are both dedicated to gun control. We question both of them regarding honest decisions? Where do they fall? Are they both just following a Christian concept of "Thou shall not kill"?o_O
Obama and HRC are both "Bottom Feeders/Lawyers. They are both dedicated to gun control. We question both of them regarding honest decisions? Where do they fall? Are they both just following a Christian concept of "Thou shall not kill"?o_O

From Obama’s dismissive assertion that Middle America is just “bitterly clinging” to its religion and guns, to HRC’s comment about Trump’s “deplorables,” and "irredeemables" it is clear that they abhor people like us and sincerely wish they didn't have to share the country.

Those two have built Trump's pro gun and pro freedom coalition for him by essentially portraying them as if they’re all doltish people who they need to fix, and that’s the issue: They have allowed a strain of very nasty elitism to take root in their party such that they don’t even see it anymore.

We can have all these national conversations about civic virtue and the need to come together. But so-called progressives are stuck in a feedback loop of disinformation and lies. I frankly do not think HRC supporters and so-called progressives en masse can be reached. I am also not willing to waste my time trying to do so.
I hope that they find that existing gun laws are not being enforced. Make any law that was broken a felony if a gun was present by the offender whether used in the crime or not (illegally armed by federal law). Make mandatory jail time for crimes where a firearm was used whether fired or not. Make states follow the laws as already written with mandatory punishment and watch armed felonies decline. We have laws in place. These law firms should find out why they aren't being enforced to hinder use of weapons while committing a crime. If the states can't get it done, make any felony involving a firearm a federal crime and have the feds use their resources to make a felon think twice about grabbing a gun. This will also help prevent locals from making deals to allow firearm arrests to be dealt down to misdemeanors. The laws are already written. It's time to enforce them.

You say you hope they enforce laws already on the books, but then go on to list a bunch of new laws you'd like to see enacted? You should have stopped at 'enforce the laws already on the books'.

A felony for any crime committed while armed? So if I get caught speeding I become a felon & lose my 2A rights???

You want the federal government to have the power to force states to implement mandatory maximum sentences on their own laws??? Not big on state rights, I see.

Here's an idea. How about we find other solutions to gun violence that don't involve stringing up people for minor criminal infractions, or otherwise gutting our constitutional values? How about you don't lose your 2A rights just because raising your voice during an argument with your wife happens to constitute assault in your locality? How about we treat non-violent felons for what they are - non-violent - and violent felons for what they are - violent - and craft our laws accordingly?

We - the 'Land of the Free' - already boast the world's largest prison population (think about that). But you want to keep building jails. How about we find ways to make less people felons, and not more?
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