Bill Cosby on Gun Violence?

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Someone needs to give real solutions to the problems plaguing black communities. (a hint folks) It ain't cheap stolen guns or drugs. It ain't broken homes (although that don't help). It is a government welfare system which perpetuates poverty, and which tells poor uneducted people their boys aren't important.
But the biggest problem with our welfare system is that it makes fathers and hard work seem unnecessary. So it perpetuates poverty while destroying the family at the same time. Billions of people have endured poverty without the same problems Black Americans now experience. The destruction of the family is the more important factor.
His son was murdered by a creep while changing a tire out here in SoCal….The creep is in prison until I don't know how long.
From “On March 12, 1997, his assailant, Mikail Markhasev, was arrested in Los Angeles and charged with attempted robbery and murder. He was convicted on July 7, 1998 and is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.”
Our Lord and savior was "just" a carpenter.

Some of the most influential men in history were "just" fisherman.

Many truly heroic men in history were from humble backgrounds.

If a man has a good message delivered with truth, integrity, and conviction, then his message should be considered regardless of his background.

Well said. And Martin Luther King, Jr. was just a preacher.
Cosby makes a brilliant observation that we must make sure we don't overlook. So many of these parents and grandparents, race is indifferent, claim to be christian, but only at church on Sunday. If the christians will live according to the teachings of out Lord Jesus then our children will be raised properly, we will all seek to earn our own living and teach this to our children. This will cause crime to fall, welfare will not be needed and self respect of individuals will grow.
If the majority of americans are christians, how can there be so much violence in our land, how can there be so much division?

If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14

It's plain english. This is the fix!!
If the majority of americans are christians, how can there be so much violence in our land, how can there be so much division?

Because the majority of Christians are so only by census. I'm thinking if we keep on with the religion part of the discussion, someone is gonna get their feelings hurt and this thread is gonna be locked. Just a thought.
The only difference between social comedy and social commentary is that the comedian can get away with more without being lynched.

AFAICT, Cosby's a good man. Not very many left in high-profile show biz...and he's not as high profile as he used to be.
He is doing what he thinks will help

I believe he is doing what he feels needs to be done for the problem that is very big in the community.

He should really go after the entertainment industry. But he won't do that.
The "Gangsta' music along with the low self esteem of the community is a major problem.

I read some stats awhile back that mentions 25% of the men never reach the age of 25. Another 25% end up in prison.
He should really go after the entertainment industry. But he won't do that.
"Go after"? Like how?

He's already spoken out against "hip hop" culture. He's already stated that parents should be around to keep kids from emulating TV. I don't know that there's a whole lot more to say on the subject, unless you want to start encroaching on (a) free market and (b) First Amerndment rights.
He should really go after the entertainment industry. But he won't do that.
The "Gangsta' music along with the low self esteem of the community is a major problem.,1,14618,00.html?newsrellink

The Cos Raps Rap

by Josh Grossberg
Jul 29, 2004, 2:00 PM PT

Fat Albert, good. Fat Boys, bad.

Everybody's favorite loose cannon Bill Cosby was at it again Wednesday, going off the troubles of the African-American community and singling out a particular pop-culture culprit: Hip-hop.

a d v e r t i s e m e n t

Watch The Vine @ E! Online

Addressing a college conference on Wednesday in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, the 67-year-old Cosby lashed out at hip-hop music for "glorifying the wrong things"--demeaning women, celebrating criminal behavior and embracing profanity.

The Cos also defended earlier remarks in which he complained about everything from bad grammar and baggy clothes to deadbeat dads and abusive husbands.

"I'm going to keep on saying what I've been saying," the Cos told the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education at its meeting, according to local media reports.

He also encouraged college educators to encourage their students to reach out to poorer blacks who come from broken homes and violent pasts and help them rise above their situations.

The former TV dad has been generating plenty of ink since launching his first attack in May. On the the anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education decision, Cosby took some members of the black community to task for not taking advantage of the opportunities fought for by civil-rights activists.

Cosby railed against the parenting skills of lower-income blacks, whom he called "knuckleheads." He also said that white people weren't to blame for teen pregnancy and high-school drop-out rates.

His withering attack drew both praise and condemnation from African-American groups.

Earlier this month, while giving a speech at Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Fund's annual conference in Chicago, Cosby said it was time for blacks to face facts and not cover up what he called their "dirty laundry."

Picking up that theme Wednesday, he said that, instead of asking youngsters to volunteer for the Peace Corps and going to Africa, that they should focus first at home.

"Go across the street into the projects. These are people who need to see another picture, a brighter picture," Cosby said.

Cosby practices what he preaches. The Emmy- and Grammy-winning icon routinely gives generous donations to historically black colleges and recently agreed to pick up the university bills for two struggling students.
He should really go after the entertainment industry. But he won't do that.
The "Gangsta' music along with the low self esteem of the community is a major problem.

It's not the movies or the music, this is about personal responsibility and parenting in the home, not in the headphones or the movie theaters.

The music is not the problem
The movies are not the problem
A culture and community full of bad, nonexistent or ineffective parents is the problem.

I don't know how this all should be.
All I know is that it is indeed true that many urban youths (not just blacks, but it does seem to be real heavy on that end) fail to graduate HS - at the HS where I currently work, the admins claim that the drop-out rate has been holding steady at 51%. Discounting adminsterial inflation, let's say that the rate is at a more realistic 40%. That is still ridiculously high.

What do the kids who don't graduate do? I've heard that the military no longer accepts kids without HS diplomas. So what options are there? Low-wage jobs that they have to fight illegals for.

I am certain, however, that waiting for the government to fix the problem will be a long and painful one at best. Much easier for us to do our own little part.

Say, I've been wondering. Are there any black members on THR? I'm pretty sure there are, but every time a discussion like this pops up I start wondering.
Everybody's favorite loose cannon Bill Cosby...

Huh, someone telling folks out loud to take responsibility for their own lives and not dwell on the past and don't expect handouts is a loose cannon.
I personally have a lot of respect for Mr. Cosby. He talks plain and simple sense that anybody can understand. There are few of note in the black community who have the courage to speak out and call bullsh*t on the individuals in that community that continue to blame all their problems on white oppression. Personal responsibility, hard work, and drive will get you ahead in this country no matter the color of your skin, where you have come from, or your religion. Might it be harder if you are from a minority group? Certainly. So work harder!

To gain respect and acceptance as a group it is necessary to show a desire and ability to integrate into a society that values hard work and personal responsibility. Large groups of immigrants from Europe and Asia have come into this country and been discriminated against. The Irish, Chinese, Koreans, Germans, Vietnamese have all come to this country often as refugees, poor, uneducated, and sometimes as indentured servants. They came to this country with a work ethic and desire to improve through education and hard work. In general these people are now fully integrated into our society and indeed have strengthened our country. Some of these groups also maintain a strong cultural awareness that does not detract from their ability to operate as Americans. Groups that refuse to integrate with the general society will remain outcast and unable to fullfill the promise of America and will forever plague our country with divisiveness.

Please do not construe this to be a condemnation of any group as inherently unable to integrate into American society or a blanket statement to indicate no members of particular groups have successfully integrated.

I am only second generation American. You cannot pick me out on the street as being outside mainstream American culture not because of the color of my skin but because I consider myself American and embrace the values and cultural identity that makes America the greatest country on earth. These values and cultural identity are a culmination of the integration of peoples from all over the world and of all races, creeds, colors, and religious persuasions. Hold yourself aloof and separate and you will not receive all the benefits of being American and America will not receive the benefit of your contribution to it's culture.
People in all walks of life could learn something from Mr. Cosby. Their are plenty of people from many different back grounds who could learn to take personal responsibilty for a great many things including how they raise their children.
He should really go after the entertainment industry. But he won't do that.
The "Gangsta' music along with the low self esteem of the community is a major problem.

Where have you been? He's slamed 'Gansta' music over and over again..:scrutiny:
I stand corrected

When I googled "Cosby, doctorate" all I got was his honorary degrees. When I add the name of the school you named and the date I got info on his real degree. :)

That aside....I still feel he is an honorable guy no matter what his education level.
I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Cosby. What he says is applicable to everyone.

If you have a person has a problem, then who better to fix it than that person?

silverlance: I'm a black member of THR.
All I know is that this hit him real close. His son was murdered
by a creep while changing a tire out here in SoCal.

If he is not blaming the guns themselves even when this happened then he is a better man then most for sure!:)

From what I have heard of Bill Cozby he is a good guy that will help the black community(if they listen)
If he is not blaming the guns themselves even when this happened then he is a better man then most for sure!
I do not even see how people can logically blame the gun when a loved one is shot (and I am probably one of the, if not the, most liberal person on this board). That would be like blaming the alcohol when a drunk driver kills someone.

Even if a toddler gets ahold of a loaded weapon and shoots someone by accident it is not the guns fault. It is the fault of the person that carelessly left and unsecured gun laying around. Most things can usually be traced back to bad personal decisions by someone.
Mr. Cosby is a gentleman for sure.

Cosby is racist white hater, and I refused to listen to anything he says, or watch anything he is associated with since his anti-white comments a few years ago.
I listened to Dr Cosby one night when he was on the old nightline.

There was nothing he said that night I could find fault with.

He was very clear. The poor status of blacks in america has been reinforced by the actions of the black community. His comment (paraphrased) was that black women were stupid (his word) for allowing black males to impregnate them with regard to the consequences. That the black community was also creating an environment of continued disrespect to itself by the way it portrayed its woman as breeders and 'ho's. His final statement was that how could they as a community ask for respect from anyone else when they did not respect themselves.

He also commented on a program in one innercity in which there were 1800 or so spots for innercity kids to attend either elite private schools or exclusive public schools. Apparently the program was instituted as a way for poor people to get their kids into grade A schools. after three years there were still about half the positions open. Meaning parents had not made the effort to get their kids a better chance. His statement was they should be fighting in line to get their kid that opportunity.

All in all I was impressed.
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