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Bush supports gun rights..........Debate Thread

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If he follows through with what he said, there will be no more private sales in the country. In my mind, this would arguably make him the most anti-gun president ever.
Ah hell, we already lost that one in the PRK. I might as well vote third party since none of this matters to me anyway. Afterall, it is better to waste my vote than vote evil right? :rolleyes:

I sure hope most of you realize that a vote for third party is a vote for Kerry. The way the liberal media wants us to think, this one is going to be close. It might be if we have people throwing away their votes on an impossible dream.
The theory that a vote for any third party is a vote for Kerry is fundamentally flawed.

First, I don't really find eitherof these statists to be more palatable than the other. In fact, if Kerry got elected, the republican House and Senate might actually find some principles again.

Secondly, because of the electoral college, only people in a handful of states have the possibillity of changing anything. I live in texas. Texas is going for Bush, end of story. It doesn't matter who I vote for. It doesn't matter who me and my 100 closest friends vote for, texas will be going for Bush.

Now, if I lived in Ohio, I had would have to consider it. Most people though, don't live in swing states.
You know, I will give the third party this, they had Ross Perot. He had a snowball's chance in hell. Anyone third party this election? None. However, lets not forget, there would have been no Bill Clinton in 1992 had there not been a Ross Perot. Bush would have won. So the question is, what did we teach the Republican Party in 1992? What did we gain from "waking up" Congress? Well lets see, I guess one example would be the always popular 1994 AWB and the Brady Law.

Are you willing to trade some more liberties by teaching the Republicans a lesson? Some day the feds are going to get wise like the PRK has. They are going to stop putting in sunset provisions. Don't be so sure the next AWB isn't permanent. Are you willing to take that risk in Kerry by voting third party? Are you absolutely sure Bush is going to take Texas? Will you feel any better voting for a guy that has no change in hell knowing that if you did pick the lessor of two evils you would chose Bush? Are you really voting your "principles" if you know your vote would have gone for Bush, but instead you took a vote away from the lessor of two evils and helped strengthen the worse candidate?

I guess you can vote by principle if your idea is to "screw this country up so it can get better." Wow that idea works great here in California. I can't wait for the sheeple to get so pissed off about our stupid laws they suddenly backlash. Oh wait, they aren't. They keep pusing for their socialist utopian dream. Everytime we give them a little, they keep going. Darn this theory didn't work. Oh well, we only lost most of our semi-auto rifles, pistols, and shotguns in addition to large bore target rifles, standard capacity magazines, a 10 day wait, and mandatory FFL transfers. No big deal. :banghead:
No need to listen to the debate yapping. Kerry has voted for every single gun-grabbing bill he's ever seen. Bush's administration let the AWB die, changed the official gov't stance on an individual right to individual, told the UN gun-grabbers to go screw themselves and has not floated so much as a single anti-gun provision in 4 years.

If Kerry wins and the senate goes 50/50, Edwards will be the tiebreaking vote.

If Kerry puts a judge on the SC bench, it is all over.

Anyone who thinks these two candidates have similar records on the 2nd Amendment isn't paying attention. CLUE IN. You think Feinstein is the enemy? WAKE UP! Kerry will make destroying you his mission in life. How do we know that? Becuase it has been for 20 years.

If you give a rats ass about the 2nd Amendment, do everything you can to keep this scumbag out of the white house.

- Gabe
I saw the debate, Bush supports Prosecuting crimminals vigorously WHEN they commit CRIMES with guns and giving them serious jail time.

Kerry supports keeping guns out of the hands of lawabiding citizens like you and I.

He voted for banning cop killer 30-30 ammo and all other rifle rounds on which was a rider to 1805 pushed by Turddy Kennedy. He came in from the campaign trail on the day before super tuesday after he told people that he was a hunter and a sportsman who supports the 2nd ammendment. .
THE LIAR And his buddies right after they Killed 1805 the Defense of Lawfull commerce in firearms act with the rifle ammo and new AWB ammendments
These debates have helped reinforce my decision to vote libertarian across the board this year.
This is too important so please third party voters

Do me a favor and vote Bush for our gun rights. The only way a third party candidate is going to win president is when we have elected enough of them in mainstream politics like state offices and have enough of them out there to let the public see through legislation what they stand for. Don't waste a valuable presidential vote in this time. Do your best to get libertarians or constitutionalists into office locally and build a base from that. This election is really important. Please lets support the man who brought us the end of the AWB. Besides Kerry Says Bush did it! Don't you believe him? Really guys any and all votes would be helpful.
Screw the GOP. Where is the legislation to repeal the '89 import ban or the '86 MG ban? Hmmm??

Where is the legislation to give nationwide concealed carry to EVERYONE, not just super-citizen LEOs?

This country NEEDS the Patriot Act? Don't even get me started on this BS.

The entire airline industry is practically going bankrupt and wants government handouts. Why? Oh hmmm...gee I don't know....maybe people don't enjoy getting treated like a jew in Auschwitz with all the invasive probing and feeling up of one's breasts/genitals just to board a freaking plane.

Hmmm....the entire DHS and TSA came into existence because of our current administration. And you actually believe they've made a real (positive) difference? Here's a wild notion: let the PEOPLE protect themselves with the appropriate tools.

Neither candidate has touched the issue of Social Security. For many seniors, yes, they'll get their retirement money, but for people in their 20s-40s, they will see nothing. Absolutely not one single penny. Dems haven't touched it, true, but neither has your party of salvation (the GOP).

And btw, don't even start in with that stupid argument "We have to think about whose going to appoint the next Supreme Court justices". Stop feeding me this ridiculous %^@(*!@ line of BS! The Court dodged the Silveira v. Lockyear case and could have given all gun-owners everywhere the affirmation that the 2nd amendment conveys individual rights and not this stupid National Guard argument. On top of that, I have yet to hear any Justice announce their retirement. Yes, true, there is TALK of retirement, but that is all it is: talk.
I steal the following comments from another poster in another one of these threads. Basically, our opponents win by using incrementalism to slowly errode away our rights. Look no further than California for proof positive of this. First it was "assault weapons" now it is .50 BMG. They will keep going and as long as they can incrementally take away some guns, not everyone is going to get upset.

Many on this board do not understand the successful incremental strategy. The last poster stated that since Bush has not come out against the 89 import ban and the 86 MG ban, The President won't get any of his support. It seems some gun owners are not happy with incremental gains and they want it all and they want it now. In order to show the GOP that they want it all and they want it now, they are going to help elect John Kerry so they can teach them a lesson. Instead of backing up the President who let the AWB expire and who's administration affirmed our individual right to keep and bear arms and seeing what he can do in the next 4 years, we are going to help elect a anti-gun senator who has stated he will make the AWB come back. This is lunacy.

If you think the direction we are currently heading is a good thing, keep it going. Elect Bush. If you like gun laws and losing your rights, move to California, you are welcome here. I really don't want you here, but that is better than screwing the rest of free America.

Make no mistake about it, we are starting to win this war. it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Kerry is going to do to our gains. You might not like everything about Bush, but you should be able to support him because he did let the AWB die. Show him that it is in his interest to help out the gun lobby. What you are advocating is that we punish him because he doesn't do enough. That kind of screwed if you do, screwed if you don't attitude would make me say, "Screw it". I would then take the stance of saying how do I get as many undecided sheeple to come my way in the election, since I obviously can't do anything right for the gun nuts. Take a wild guess where the sheeple stand on our issue?
El Rojo:

Your argument to vote for Bush (ie: a vote for anyone else is a vote for Kerry) is also equally lacking. You choose to look at a single issue: gun rights.

The assault weapons ban expired. You believe it was because of Bush? You sound just like those Million Moron Moms who say it was Bush's fault that the AWB wasn't renewed. I guess you fail to understand the power and duties of our legislative branch.

I, for one, want ALL of my rights enumerated under the Bill of Rights ALL THE TIME. The Patriot Act can die a burning charred death, but no, according to your man Bush we NEED that Act. You also don't really seem to give a damn about the out of control spending this administration has let happen.

Well you know...I've found a better candidate and there's no way in hell that the GOP or liberals own my vote. Your own shallow arguments serve to provide me further reinforcement to vote libertarian.
Screw the GOP. Where is the legislation to repeal the '89 import ban or the '86 MG ban? Hmmm??

What have you done to give the GOP the votes to repeal that legislation? Hmmmm?

There are not one; but two GOP Senate candidates running for office right now who support both of those things. One stands as much chance of winning as Badarnik does; but the other is actually polling slightly ahead of his competitor. Have you sent him money? Encouraged others to vote for him? Do you even know his name?

Should that Senator be lucky enough to get elected and write such a bill, who do you want to have the option of signing or vetoing it? Bush or Kerry? Because Badarnik is not going to be elected - you could combine the LP vote from every election since 1972 and triple it and Badarnik would barely leap the hurdle for matching federal funds. He is not going to win in 2004.

You can speculate about what the Easter Bunny might do if elected because it is exactly as relevant as what will happen if Badarnik is elected for this election.

And btw, don't even start in with that stupid argument "We have to think about whose going to appoint the next Supreme Court justices". Stop feeding me this ridiculous %^@(*!@ line of BS! The Court dodged the Silveira v. Lockyear case and could have given all gun-owners everywhere the affirmation that the 2nd amendment conveys individual rights and not this stupid National Guard argument.

Speaking of stupid arguments, do you not see a connection between the two events? More than one person has suggested the NRA is deliberately tanking Second Amendment cases because they know that the result will not be favorable to an individual-rights interpretation under the current line-up of judges.

In fact, considering that the Supreme Court is the ONLY hope that the "I want everything and I want it right now!" crowd ever has of seeing gun rights restored at the rate you are demanding, I would think it is an argument you would have to take pretty seriously because the only other route is to get back the same way we got here - incrementalism.

Well you know...I've found a better candidate and there's no way in hell that the GOP or liberals own my vote. Your own shallow arguments serve to provide me further reinforcement to vote libertarian.

You vote however your conscience dictates. I would not have it any other way; but as a matter of practical politics in the current system, voting Badarnik isn't going to do one damn thing to get you where you claim to want to go.
ProGlock, I respect your reasons for voting third party. Where we differ is I am not willing to ignore reality and vote based solely on principle when I know it will not do a single bit of good, but will actually cause us harm. Either John Kerry or George Bush are going to win this election. There are no other choices. Period.

So you have a choice to make. Help elect Kerry and lets see where he gets us in the next 4 years, especially with his supreme court nominations. Or elect Bush who although has many flaws, but is clearly better than Kerry.

It is one thing to be shallow, it is another thing entirely to know what you can change immediately and what you cannot. Your third party vote for President will do absolutely nothing to change this system. Supporting third party candidates locally and building your base from there will. Again, incrementalism is the key. You will never get everything you want in one big package. Even the liberals understand that. So change what you can and know the difference in what you can't. I disagree that this is a shallow take on things.
A Lib pres vote isn't even an option in 3 states. Already we've a handycap in the presidential race there. Bush is getting my prez vote. I'm weighing my congressional votes and it's looking like the Repub are going to get it. State and local, every chance to get a Lib in I'm taking. All the state/local Repubs are antis. :mad: One of which is even pro confiscation :fire:
By whatever fluke, Badarnik wins and named president in January.

Faced with a Republican led House, an almost even Senate, an existing top-down government structure - and - the shock effect of his win on those movers & shakers of the economy; those several millions of the adherents of both parties; those other millions of people, voters and non-voters alike who had their own perpective on the next four years; and those international business, government, and military decisioners both friend and foe - what's next???

Do what you will.

What have you done to give the GOP the votes to repeal that legislation? Hmmmm?

There are not one; but two GOP Senate candidates running for office right now who support both of those things. One stands as much chance of winning as Badarnik does; but the other is actually polling slightly ahead of his competitor. Have you sent him money? Encouraged others to vote for him? Do you even know his name?

Yes, I am familiar with them, but you might find it surprising that I have not given the LP a single penny of my money. I have not given the GOP one penny either. Why would I wish to campaign for Senate candidates for whom I can not vote? Are people in those states so lazy they need others from other states to help out?

I write my rep and senators on every issue that is important to me. Not some stupid email, but either a fax or formal letter. All three of them are republicans. I do not always like their responses, but I am persistent and eloquent in addressing my concerns to them.

Speaking of stupid arguments, do you not see a connection between the two events? More than one person has suggested the NRA is deliberately tanking Second Amendment cases because they know that the result will not be favorable to an individual-rights interpretation under the current line-up of judges.

My arguments are stupid? Perhaps as moderator you could be a little more cordial. I tend to tie some level of respect with that little tag by people's handles here, but you can go ahead and start down that emotion road by calling arguments "stupid", much like liberals do when gun owners confront them with facts. Anyway....

So all of a sudden the NRA is the de-facto organization for which we all rely on some kind of political expertise? Are you for real? Need I remind everyone here again that it was because of the NRA that we now have the NFA of '34.
This is part of official record. You can thank for the NRA for helping institute some of the very first, all-inclusive gun control laws in our nation.
Secondly, don't forget for a second that the NRA considers the value of money above the value of firearms these days. The NRA is NOT the organization it once was.

In fact, considering that the Supreme Court is the ONLY hope that the "I want everything and I want it right now!" crowd ever has of seeing gun rights restored at the rate you are demanding, I would think it is an argument you would have to take pretty seriously because the only other route is to get back the same way we got here - incrementalism.

I think you seem to misunderstand the arguments I've made here entirely. I'm all for incrementalism, and I think it's a great approach. So in other words, you're saying that 18 years is getting too hasty in getting the 1968 GCA off the books? Because that's exactly how long it was between 1968 and 1986. Yes, I know what the original intent of the '86 FOPA was, so don't start in on that, I know the amendment added in at the last minute was what did it, but nonetheless, it happened. So, again, 18 years....that's being too hasty? That's asking for a "we want it all right now?" What about the 30 years between the FFA of '38 and the GCA of '68? Is that too hasty also?

Do you see a trend here? Let me connect the dots for you. . . the GOP has NOT put in enough effort at all to restore the rights we citizens have LOST while on their watch.

You vote however your conscience dictates. I would not have it any other way; but as a matter of practical politics in the current system, voting Badarnik isn't going to do one damn thing to get you where you claim to want to go.

So somehow the GOP is going to do an about-face and give us everything we want now? Do you remember those general elections Hussein held back in 2003 and he (of course) won like 99% of the vote? So I guess because since he was the most likely to win everyone *should* have voted for him anyway hmm? Hmm...let's see.... Hitler (D) and Stalin (R)....gee which one should I vote for?

ProGlock, I respect your reasons for voting third party. Where we differ is I am not willing to ignore reality and vote based solely on principle when I know it will not do a single bit of good, but will actually cause us harm. Either John Kerry or George Bush are going to win this election. There are no other choices. Period.

So you have a choice to make. Help elect Kerry and lets see where he gets us in the next 4 years, especially with his supreme court nominations. Or elect Bush who although has many flaws, but is clearly better than Kerry.

When you can come up with a better argument than "A vote for anyone but Bush is a vote for Kerry", let me know.

It is one thing to be shallow, it is another thing entirely to know what you can change immediately and what you cannot. Your third party vote for President will do absolutely nothing to change this system. Supporting third party candidates locally and building your base from there will. Again, incrementalism is the key. You will never get everything you want in one big package. Even the liberals understand that. So change what you can and know the difference in what you can't. I disagree that this is a shallow take on things.

Alluding to the argument that I am shallow doesn't earn you any points of respect from me. I DO support the local candidates running on the LP ballot, and well what do you know, the LP also has a Presidential candidate running. This is not hard to understand why I am voting for him.
Bush is saying what he has to in order keep the barbs out of his back until the election is over; after November 2nd and if he wins we will see his true colors which are more conservative than a lot of people realize.

I think a lot of people are going to be surprised by him. He's not really going to care what anyone thinks of him because barring some sort of impeachable offense he'll be untouchable. Who knows, he might even show up at the NRA convention to thank those of us who have shown the most steadfast support of him. He won't have anything to lose and he'll be remembered as a man of principle, unlike another more recent president.
Bush will appoint Constructionalist judges who'll support the 2nd Amendement. Kerry will appoint activist judges who'll rule against RKBA.

As if Bush's appointments will ever get confirmed or that SCOTUS will change their ducking and dodging history concerning 2A issues even hear a 2A case.:rolleyes:

These debates have helped reinforce my decision to vote Libertarian across the board this year.

I don't know about across the board, since I think our congressional critters do a good job, but I'm definitely voting for Badnarik.

No third party candidate is going to win if voters don't vote for them.
Screw the GOP. Where is the legislation to repeal the '89 import ban or the '86 MG ban? Hmmm??

I think you need to wake up and realize that the government has OTHER more important priorities than spending an entire session having losing votes on gun law. Things do not happen fast in Washington and, though you may find it hard to believe, there are other more important issues to deal with than gun laws. The fact is that gun rights is not even on the radar for the great majority of the people in this country. In order to get things to move in our direction you have to be PATIENT and can't expect to get everything overnight. Bush has done the best job of this since any president in recent history. There has not been ONE anti-gun proposal that has passed out of either house of congress AND we have had a MAJOR anti-gun proposal taken off the books, without ANY pressure from the White House otherwise. In addition he's stood up to the UN on their "treaty of small arms", had the AG state the second amendment is an individual right, and has repeatedly asked for a CLEAN bill to give gun manufacturers immunity from frivolus lawsuits. I swear some of you people will cut off your nose to spite your face. :banghead:
Bush is saying what he has to in order keep the barbs out of his back until the election is over; after November 2nd and if he wins we will see his true colors which are more conservative than a lot of people realize.

I think a lot of people are going to be surprised by him. He's not really going to care what anyone thinks of him because barring some sort of impeachable offense he'll be untouchable. Who knows, he might even show up at the NRA convention to thank those of us who have shown the most steadfast support of him. He won't have anything to lose and he'll be remembered as a man of principle, unlike another more recent president.

If Bush is re-elected, I really and truly do hope that we can restore more of our rights that all lawful gun-owners deserve. I absolutely hope for this with every fiber of my being. BUT...that is still not changing the fact that I will not be voting for him.

No third party candidate is going to win if voters don't vote for them.
My god...that statement all by itself is so simple and straight to the point it's almost scary. My hat's off to you sir.

I think you need to wake up and realize that the government has OTHER more important priorities than spending an entire session having losing votes on gun law.

Ugh....if you would please go back and re-read my posts you'll notice plenty of other major issues about why the GOP has let me down.
When you can come up with a better argument than "A vote for anyone but Bush is a vote for Kerry", let me know.
Nope, that is it. Cast your vote for Kerry and sleep well at night. We are not going to change your mind and I respect your ability to choose. Just remember, if Kerry gets elected, you forfeit your right to complain about him because you helped elect him. So be sure you are comfortable with a John Kerry as president, because a third party vote will help achieve that. As long as you acknowledge that you would rather see John Kerry be president, then you are consistant and your argument is valid.

Alluding to the argument that I am shallow doesn't earn you any points of respect from me.
I was just responding to this quote from you.
Your own shallow arguments serve to provide me further reinforcement to vote libertarian.
Be sure you are clean before you start casting stones ProGlock. You started the talk of shallow arguments. Maybe you forgot you had mentioned it first.
Bush will appoint constructionalist judges, who will support the 2nd amendment.

I don't understand why people think the man who loves the Patriot Act is suddenly going to start respecting the Constitution, through judicial nominations or otherwise. (BTW, the Senate has to actually confirm nominees, so it's not all up to the pres.)
Why would I wish to campaign for Senate candidates for whom I can not vote? Are people in those states so lazy they need others from other states to help out?

Maybe because a single Senator can't do much; but several Senators working together can accomplish more? Let me just say that I don't consider myself lazy; but I still welcome help when there is a hard job to be done. If you feel like you are doing enough, then OK; but I find it ironic that someone who seems to want a great deal of change in the current system of government doesn't seem to feel that they need to do more besides write their legislators in their own state.

My arguments are stupid? Perhaps as moderator you could be a little more cordial. I tend to tie some level of respect with that little tag by people's handles here, but you can go ahead and start down that emotion road by calling arguments "stupid", much like liberals do when gun owners confront them with facts.

Start down that road? Maybe you should go back an reread some of those posts and see where that phrase first crops up, eh? Those who want respect should show it to others. In any case, I think that arguing that Supreme Court appointments are not relevant is an incredibly stupid argument. You may not agree with my opinion; but there it is. You have a right to not be personally attacked, not to be shielded from all offense and I will be more than happy to give up that "moderator" tag next to my name rather than babysit those who are unwilling to take what they so freely dish out.

[So all of a sudden the NRA is the de-facto organization for which we all rely on some kind of political expertise?

Do you understand the contention that the current Supreme Court may not look on ANY Second Amendment argument favorably with the current lineup of judges? Do you see how if one accepts that contention, it would place a great deal of emphasis on appointing judges to that court who might give you a fair hearing? Can you see the additional connection to putting someone in charge who might be more willing to appoint those judges than say, a John Kerry?

I think you seem to misunderstand the arguments I've made here entirely. I'm all for incrementalism, and I think it's a great approach. So in other words, you're saying that 18 years is getting too hasty in getting the 1968 GCA off the books?

OK, so we agree on incrementalism.

Do you see a trend here? Let me connect the dots for you. . . the GOP has NOT put in enough effort at all to restore the rights we citizens have LOST while on their watch.

Do YOU not see a trend here? You complain about it taking 18 years to get from the 1968 GCA to the 1986. Let me ask you this, in terms of practical effects, which party is taking us in the direction you want to go? Republicans? Democrats? I know it isn't the Libertarian party because you can't take legislation anywhere if you aren't in a position to write or sign it.

So somehow the GOP is going to do an about-face and give us everything we want now?

No, they aren't. They will give us some of what we want now and as we prove a solid base of political power for them, they will give us more. If we are solid enough, eventually the Democrats will give us more too in an effort to split that base from the Republicans.

No party is going to give us everything we want now. However, of the two parties who actually have the ability to dole out favors, one of them will give us a kick in the groin and the other will give us some of what we want.

Do you remember those general elections Hussein held back in 2003 and he (of course) won like 99% of the vote? So I guess because since he was the most likely to win everyone *should* have voted for him anyway hmm? Hmm...let's see.... Hitler (D) and Stalin (R)....gee which one should I vote for?

That is a false analogy. In Iraq's case, your vote would not count because the dictator would determine the outcome and the election was a sham from the start.

Here in the United States, your vote will not count because the majority of your fellow citizens don't agree with your ideology enough to support it. No vote you can make in this election is going to change how your fellow citizens feel about that in the next three weeks. If you want to risk the chance that your vote puts Kerry in the White House, that is your decision. I don't think it is a good risk assessment myself; but it is already clear we assess things quite differently.
Bartholomew Roberts
If you want to risk the chance that your vote puts Kerry in the White House, that is your decision.
Why do Bush supporters keep pushing this flawed reasoning? Only a vote for Kerry, helps put him into the White House. For many people such as myself, the choice is either a "second party" candidate or nobody at all. If Bush and Kerry were the only two choices on the ballot, I'd leave it blank.
SCOTUS will change their ducking and dodging history concerning 2A issues even hear a 2A case.

You might be surprised to know that there is more than one judge on the SCOTUS that has come out effectively in support of the 2nd A, at least as far as they can and not have to recuse themselves. Thomas particularly has indicated a desire to see such a case before the Court. They haven't done it because the right case hasn't come along yet.

If Kerry gets to nominate 3 or 4 justices, we had better pray that such a case doesn't get before the SCOTUS, as it's a guaranteed death knell for the individual right.
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