CA RKBA petition is on!

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Thank you for your efforts, I have just sent you my information teh teh email above....

We can do this.
We still need more volunteers.

If everyone does a little, we'll get a lot further than asking a few to do everything.
After reading this thread, I was hopeful, but wary of investing time and effort in something that very probably will never happen, or be of any real benefit if it does happen. Then I recalled a favorite quote:

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

-- Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910

100 years have not dimmed those words, nor the noble spirit behind them.

All right, count me in! I've sent a note advertising my availability.

Thanks again, Teddy.
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Best of luck, guys. Hope that "California gun owner" doesn't become an oxymoron. I took all my goodies and moved out of state -- non-political reasons, but it was probably just as well. Not interested in going the "cold, dead hands" route, but right is right.
Some here think the "Strict Scrutiny" approach is sneaky and ignoble. What's worse, to brazenly try to take away my rights, or to sneakily restore them?

And whether you like it or not, it is Law, and lawyers who determine what happens in this country. If it isn't spelled out, with every comma and semicolon in the proper place, it can be gotten around. Look at some of the fanciful interpretations given of the US Second Amendment-plain, clear, simple language, perverted.
The_Antibubba said:
Some here think the "Strict Scrutiny" approach is sneaky and ignoble. What's worse, to brazenly try to take away my rights, or to sneakily restore them?


I don't get it... what's "sneaky" or "underhanded" about requiring gun laws to be subject to the same strict test as laws abridging freedom of speech?

And why is it that, especially in California, any attempt to restore our rights has to be attacked and criticized to death instead of supported by the very people who claim to support the idea of restoring and protecting our rights?

I swear, it seems that Cali gun owners either revel in what they have that others don't (a real AR-15, a CCW, etc.), or they just love playing the part of the downtrodden underdog and have absolutely no interest in fixing the problem because then they would lose something to whine and complain about.

I would ask the nay-sayers "If this isn't the 'right way' to fix our problems, what is? What would you be willing to support?", except I know what answer I'll get... silence.
I'm not saying that using the law is sneaky or underhanded. I'm just trying to understand the pathological distrust of lawyers and law. I think that some here forget that We are a Nation of Laws.

It's all very well that you're willing to die when the jackbooted thugs come for your guns. I, personally will work for the day when the local sheriff comes to my door because he heard I got my Thompson in the mail, and he wants me to go to the range with him so he can try it out! :cool:

jnojr, it looks like the Sacramento group is going to try to meet this week. Can you give us a concise definition of "strict scrutiny" and it's pivotal role in this initiative? When we start making the rounds with flyers, I want to be able to sum it up for the curious.
The_Antibubba said:
jnojr, it looks like the Sacramento group is going to try to meet this week. Can you give us a concise definition of "strict scrutiny" and it's pivotal role in this initiative? When we start making the rounds with flyers, I want to be able to sum it up for the curious.

Google is your friend! :) The first link returned:
Be there!

Saturday, November 5 at 7pm, there is a meeting at the Java City Coffeehouse at 18th & Capitol for everyone in the area interested in helping.
I hope the clerk was wrong...

I stopped at my favorite gun shop today to drop of some of the initiative flyers. He says the owner never puts up anything political, and he'd probably end up throwing them away.

I won't mention the shop because I hope to talk to the owner directly this week. I'd hate to have to boycott it.
The_Antibubba said:
I stopped at my favorite gun shop today to drop of some of the initiative flyers. He says the owner never puts up anything political, and he'd probably end up throwing them away.

I won't mention the shop because I hope to talk to the owner directly this week. I'd hate to have to boycott it.

Definitely try to chat with him. Point him out that if we don't get some drastic politics going, he's going to be out of business in a few years.

This is one of the things that has me really, really puzzled about California gun owners... the lazy ones who won't do a thing are one thing, but there are a lot who are actively hostile towards any attempt to fix our problems. I can guarantee you there will be several gun stores that won't be happy with a "No, thanks, we can't have those here..." Someone is going to get screamed at for trying to leave petitions or flyers.
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