Cali carry ban?

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So does this go for public land for target shooting?

What do they define as a public place?
I think we owe this to the activists who were "making a statement" with the open carrying of unloaded guns. (What other purpose could there be for carrying unloaded guns?) The result was the opposite of what they intended. They should have been a little more discreet, given the general anti-gun atmosphere in California.
Insted of blaming 'open carry' gun owners (they were only using their legal right to carry under the silly Cali laws), blame Gov. "Moonbeam" for taking away the rights of law abiding firearm owners.

Open carry is a right still enjoyed in many states.... Virginia is one of them.
Until this new law it was legal to open carry an unloaded handgun with ammo on your belt. I would not want to open carry even with a loaded firearm. But, what most of the people in Ca. who were legally open carrying were trying to do was to demonstrate that they wanted to be able to legally defend themselves. Those who couldn't get a CCW permit had unloaded open carry as their only legal option. They were showing that they wanted to follow the law. The hope was that other people would prefer not to see guns carried exposed and there would be more people in favor of allowing concealed carry. It obviously didn't work, but that was the reasoning. Mark
And there is a lawsuit going through where the judge spouted the people don't need CCW because they can carry open that will be refought.
Well, now that all of the "loopholes" have been closed, I guess we won't be seeing any shootings or armed robberies involving guns in California anymore. :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, the former availability of unloaded open carry in California had been a key factor in recent (post-Heller/McDonald) court decisions that denied Californians shall-issue concealed carry. :scrutiny: The new law would appear to make those decisions obsolete just as they're being appealed, which is good news for concealed carry in this state.
I think we owe this to the activists who were "making a statement" with the open carrying of unloaded guns. (What other purpose could there be for carrying unloaded guns?) The result was the opposite of what they intended. They should have been a little more discreet, given the general anti-gun atmosphere in California.

So it is the open carriers fault for doing something that is completely legel? Yeah... Let's not blame the people who are taking away a right from those same legal carriers.

California makes it very difficult, and in some areas, impossible to obtain a carry permit. This was the only way for people to protect themselves. Plus this can actually have some good results. There was a recent denial of concealed carry because open carry was allowed. With open carry now banned the arguement for concealed carry is substaintially stronger.
The law is challengable since the open carry of empty guns was being used as a form of 1A.
AlexanderA made a good point. When politicians in CA get uneasy about some group or the other they pass anti-gun laws. The same thing happened in 1967 when the Black Panthers were openly carrying loaded guns. CA politicians passed the Mulford Act banning the carrying of loaded guns: Governor Ronald Reagan signed the Mulford Act into law.

Open carry is illegal in OK also. OK had a long tradition of open carry until our concealed carry law was passed.
While I thought the Open Carry advocates were making the wrong statement at a time when more counties were issuing CCWs in CA, I can see this as a plus for the CCW advocates.

Unlike other states, CA CCWs are issued by each county, even though they are valid throughout the state. What the economic bubble has offered is a reduction in LEO on the street, which has only strengthened the argument for Shall Issue in various counties. The courts only valid legal point to counter that argument was the existence of Unloaded Open Carry. With the signing of this bill into law, the anti-CCW courts have much less to base their argument on.
Need to drop to the most primitive weapon if you're going to do it as a protest... that way when it gets banned you make the banner look as silly as possible.

Break out the Fire-spears and arquebus!
It will be challenged. The 'Shall Issue (to Celebrities and Luminaries only)' law will be challenged as well.

The law probably has popular support, but CA's attitude to guns is unconstitutional period.
Open carry is a right still enjoyed in many states.... Virginia is one of them.

Yes, and I'd like to keep it that way -- I want open carry to be available under circumstances when I need it. Around here, in Northern Virginia, an urban/suburban area, people that are open carrying "to make a statement" or "to desensitize the public" or whatever their reasoning happens to be, are ruining it for the rest of us. This is not the way to win friends around here. The next thing you know, there will be a hue and cry for laws to outlaw open carrying. (This is the kind of bandwagon the soccer moms love to jump on.)
Saw an open carrier this morning at the Dollar store, nobody said a thing, nobody made a fuss, nobody cared. it's normal and unremarked upon in AZ. I will say that his holster setup was terrible, clip on leather rig leaning so far forward and out it was obvious he wasn't wearing a belt. Ouch. Woulda broken my wrist trying to make a draw from that angle.
Cali is lost unless the courts force it back. I just hope that when we get the next wave of Calirefugees they realize we don't want ANY Cali laws here, not one, we're good, thanks.
I was born in California (a long time ago) but my mother had the good sense to leave before I was six months old so maybe I didn't catch whatever it is they have. I did live four years on Edwards AFB (my dad was a lifer) but spent most of that time within the borders of the base. I don't think living on a federal reservation actually would infect me with Californiaitis. Those folks down there are in a real mess and I doubt it's going to get much better soon. I just hope too many refugees don't migrate North and try to bring their idea of civilization to Oregon. Open carry isn't a big deal here but then most anyone with a handgun has a CCW around these parts anyway since the state is pretty gun friendly though there have been attempts in recent years to change that.
WoofersInc said:
So it is the open carriers fault for doing something that is completely legel? ...
That kind of thing has gone on for many years in many contexts. If enough people do something that's legal but they do it in a way that enough other people find obnoxious, the activity might not stay legal for long.

[1] See this post 6 regarding the history of the loss in Florida of the right to openly carry in this thread on another forum.

[2] There are plenty of examples of rights being lost because enough folks didn't like the ways in which they were being exercised. Over the years, in many communities, we have seen many zoning and other laws adopted restricting how you can use your own property. In some places you may not work on your car in your own driveway in view of the public street. In some places you must get design approval of remodeling or landscaping visible to the public. In some communities, you may not park or store large vehicles like boats on trailers or RVs on your property so as to be visible to the public. These sorts of restrictions have in large part been the result of strong enough public sentiment that some things previously lawfully done by private parties on their own land were unseemly or unattractive.
I agree with fiddletown's post. While perfectly legal, when it becomes irritating/alarming enough, people will take steps to make it illegal.

That is how CA lost our right to Open Carry in 1967. An unpopular group read the law, understood it and practiced it (lawfully)...but it scared folks so much that it united the populous, the LE, the legislature and the pro-gun Governor to outlaw it
So does that mean if you excersize a right it becomes illegal but if you don't you can? It's kinda like lane splitting on a motorcycle. It's not illegal in California because it doesn't bother anyone because they're used to it. So how do you ever get it legal in another state? You can carry openly if people are used to it but you can't carry openly because it makes people nervous because they aren't used to it? Seems dumb to me to blame people who are doing what's legal for losiong the right to do what they were doing.
exavid said:
So does that mean if you excersize a right it becomes illegal but if you don't you can? ...Seems dumb to me to blame people who are doing what's legal for losiong the right to do what they were doing.
Whether or not it seems dumb to you, it indeed has happened. And it's happened not just with guns, but with other things and activities as well. It is reality.
Stop blaming law abiding citizens. We all know this was the works of the anti-gun crowd.
Yes, it is the work of the anti-gun crowd and I have no doubt they fed off the brilliant citizens who thought it was a smart idea to have well publicized open carry days at Starbucks and things like that. They did it here in Washington as well and my instant thought was "***?" No one would have even considered a ban had it not been publicized by these so called activists and I even pondered the possibility those demonstrations were originated by anti-gunners. Whoever originated it, the result was the same, open carry is now banned in CA.
I've never understood why people don't like open carry, you just have a tool to defend yourself on your belt in plain view minding your own business, its not like we pull them out to get ahead in line or if someone cuts us off in traffic or won't leave the park bench that we want to sit at. This level of stupidity amazes me. A cop carrying openly isn't a problem even if the cop hates the thing and by the skin of his teeth, manages to get through qualifications yet someone who is usually a good shot (considering the kind of people that open carry, that is usually a safe assumption) causes uproar because its out of the ordinary. The level of perversity that is allowed and promoted on our streets such as gay pride is perfectly fine and doing drugs is becoming more and more acceptable while someone choosing a certain way to carry his self defense which is visible is the worst thing ever. How many criminals dress in an appropriate manner and being well groom with a gun in plain view scary?

These kind of people both confuse and tick me off, it's all pure ignorance. Someone should definatly sue on the grounds of it violating the First Amendment along with the Second. Its the right to bear arms, that means to be able to carry it and it certainly doesn't mean to keep one with a cable lock through it at home.
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