California college student busted on AW charges; had MySpace pics

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Lesson #1 Don't advertize your collection
Lesson #2 The Fed's and local police scan the internet.
Lesson #3 Don't keep other peoples cc#'s, That's what shreaders are for.
Just checking to make sure that I follow those lessons.

Lesson 1: Half check. I might have mentioned in a post what I own.... nothing illegal, but still I might have posted it. I'll have to be sure not to do that.

Lesson 2: True. I might have to be careful of what I say, even though I have nothing to hide.

Lesson 3: Well, if you run an ebusiness - it could be stored in a server database somewhere - depending upon what system you're using.
I have a picture of me shooting one of my guns on my myspace profile. I'll be damed if I'm going to remove it. Just because some bliss ninny sheep may see it. I hope the picture jumps of their monitor and kills them:barf: To make it even worse it is an EBR, those things do nothing but kill people.:cuss:
Can't say as I'm too sympathetic. You kids have got to stop advertising your mall ninjaish fads. Plus, from the pictures, you can't tell what kind of rifles they are. So don't be surprised if Susie Q, soccer mom panics when she sees this guy's page and calls the cops.

Here's the first line of the guy's my space page:

"Be polite. Be professional. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

What kind of idiot posts such a thing? Who does he think he's going to impress?

Rambo was just a movie. Get it? People who wear t-shirts with the message, "Kill 'em all. Let God sort them out." have no business owning guns.

We are under some of the most intense scrutiny since JFK got shot. Presidential election coming. The incumbant, a wildly unpopular Republican, is paving the way for a gun hating Democrat. (Thanks GW.)

The last thing we need is for mall ninjas to try to look tough. Chicks don't like and it scares the cops.
What kind of idiot posts such a thing? Who does he think he's going to impress?
Not sure of its origin, but a Google search finds at least one recent reference.

The rules posted on the wall of the U.S. Marine Corps base in Barwana concisely summed up its predicament in Iraq: Be polite, be professional, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Could it be a Marine Corps saying?

Would you agree or disagree with this statement as a summary of what "maintaining situational awareness" means in a CCW sense?

I don't have a real problem with it, though I can see how it would upset folks.
Could it be a Marine Corps saying?

Would you agree or disagree with this statement as a summary of what "maintaining situational awareness" means in a CCW sense?

I don't have a real problem with it, though I can see how it would upset folks.

I realize it's probably/possibly a quote. But, come on, in light of the fact that much/most/a whole bunch of America is paranoid, you think that it's appropriate?

In Christianity, there's a passage.

Rom 14:16: Let not then your good be evil spoken of

Even if we're right (which we are) re guns, we've got to bend over backwards to convince non gun people of that fact. And we're never going to convince soccer moms and dads that guns are a 2nd amendment right, but are also a good thing, if we have already shut the door by scaring them.

America is not impressed by a paramilitary looking gun owner proudly displaying his "assault" rifle collection with the slogan, "have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

That is strictly fodder for the antigunners.

Want to lose all your gun rights? Then just terrorize America. Thanks for nothing.
Well lets just throw the Constitution out.
How many amendments in the BOR are getting trashed.
Freedom of speech= watch what you say
Photo of a gun=criminal activity
private business=not private
Excessive bail=criminally poor

How many more?
They got a warrant based on a picture,posted on the web? What evidence is that of anything?
I dont think posting pics of guns is that bad. A lot of people post guns and such on myspace. I mean, if everything is on the up and up, there should be no problem. The problem is Off-List rifles, while being technically legal, arent totally on the up and up. The CA DOJ has consistently said that it will be up to CA's "58 DA's" to determine if your OLL build is legal or not.

From those pics, any person who isnt familiar with CA AW laws will assume that's a fully functional AR-15. All someone has to do is make a complaint, and you're gonna have a problem since most people, including LE, think any and all AR-15s are completely banned here unless they were registered 7 years ago.

This guy is 23, so there's no way he could have legally owned an AR-15 before they were banned.. so cops see young guy with pics of what seems to be an illegal assault weapon.. he just gave them Probable cause to raid his house. IMO, if you're gonna operate on the razor's edge of the law, it's not advisable to flaunt it.
Originally posted by ArchangelCD:
The guy is an idiot for putting his business on MySpace. Someone got jealous of what he has and turned him in. MySpace and young people who have no morals will do you in every time!!!

He screamed “HEY look at me!!” and they did...

Just like that guy Oleg Volk. He must be an idiot...
Even if we're right (which we are) re guns, we've got to bend over backwards to convince non gun people of that fact.

It is a right. If they don't like it ,Tough.

And we're never going to convince soccer moms and dads that guns are a 2nd amendment right, but are also a good thing, if we have already shut the door by scaring them.

America is not impressed by a paramilitary looking gun owner proudly displaying his "assault" rifle collection with the slogan, "have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

That is strictly fodder for the antigunners.

Want to lose all your gun rights? Then just terrorize America. Thanks for nothing.

What? I think you came in the wrong door. Were you looking for England?
Or France?
First thing that comes to mind: It's a given rule of a thumb that in general, the majority of what the media claims is either inaccurate, incomplete, or utter BS. So until we hear the full details, I don't see any reason to assume the worst. I, for one, kinda sorta believe in the whole "innocent until proven guilty" concept-thing that's been floating around for a while.

Second, while I don't fully disagree with the perspective many are taking on this issue, the fact remains that it's damned scary when it becomes a legal necessity to shut up and keep out of sight or risk losing your freedom and possessions. A very large part of the problem the gun community as a whole faces is the fact that we're not visible enough: that far too many people, particularly in urban areas, don't have the hands-on familiarity with firearms that is vital to understanding and supporting the RKBA. No, mall ninja-ism isn't going to help with public perception, but neither will hiding in a back closet and trying to keep from being noticed by the wider world. If his actions are legal, as it seems likely that they are, then the decision to let his hobby be known to the public is, and ought to be, a matter of personal preference.

Finally, does anyone else wonder about the "assistance" of the ATF? One always wonders when they say that if it actually meant one agent with ten deputies, or ten agents with one deputy.
Just like that guy Oleg Volk. He must be an idiot...

When did Oleg move to CA? That was the "idiot" part of the equation people are commenting upon.

When behind enemy lines, discretion is the better part of valor.
Well I am glad to see my fellow CAers so willing to not own something perfectly legal. Far be it for me to stop you from exercising your rights.
I'm not sure what the facts are here. All I have to say though is that I hope he's got a damn good lawyer. LA County isn't exactly the most friendly area for guns.

An attorney friend of mine always says this. "Don't be the test case." Unless he as over 100K in extra money, or someone who wants to go pro-bono (I would but I don't have a JD yet), he's in a tough area and would likely be taking a plea bargin at best.
Been a while since i checked out of Camp Pendleton, but IIRC when I went to supply to check out I said something like "boy, these ponchos sure are nice...I hate to give it up." To which the reply came, "costs 34.75 if you lost your poncho."

Not exact figures, but you get the drift. I think the flak jacket was something like 150...but it's been 15+ years. Having DoD gear isn't impossible. The CC charges sound cooked up so they could get a warrant on this guy. I assume they want to let him sit in jail over the weekend so they can harass him and interrogate him. I also assume tomorrow(Monday) when this goes before a magistrate that bail will be greatly reduced if it wasn't misquoted in the first place.

I also figure these charges will be thrown out after ruining this poor slob's life. Of course I'm speculating and it may come out that he's totally out of line. I for one believe in "innocent until proven guilty." But again that this can happen is indeed very scary.
I realize they (California LEO, et al.) want good press to appear to be proactive in finding "Cho's" before they go off in their area, but this seems way out of line.

I'm worried if they are wrong in charging this fellow that they will not be punished or that they will create something out of nothing just to look like they prevented another massacre.
What? I think you came in the wrong door. Were you looking for England?
Or France?

Can you truly be that obtuse? You care nothing about gun rights. With your ridiculous slogans.

Actually, I rather suspect you're a troll from something like DU. You're going to way too much effort to be radical. Your mission is obviously to alienate.

Be gone troll.
Well, I suppose the Constitution could be considered radical.
Especially as far away from it as we have gotten.
Imagine, firearm ownership being a right. What was I thinking.
Well, I suppose the Constitution could be considered radical.
Especially as far away from it as we have gotten.
Imagine, firearm ownership being a right. What was I thinking.

What you apparantly fail to comprehend is that the only way we're going to preserve firearm rights in America is to convert the unconverted to our way of thinking.

Trust me. This is my job. This is what I do. Persuasive speech.

And it's not accomplished by intimidation. And violent imagery via slogans and quasi military appearance to the uninitiated is definitely intimidating.

We have a right to guns via the constitution. You're right.

But if we're going to preserve that right, we must bring more voters to our side. And they'll never come over if they perceive us a irrational radicals.

Perception, in this case, is everything.
What you apparantly fail to comprehend is that the only way we're going to preserve firearm rights in America is to convert the unconverted to our way of thinking.

Trust me. This is my job. This is what I do. Persuasive speech.

And it's not accomplished by intimidation. And violent imagery via slogans and quasi military appearance to the uninitiated is definitely intimidating.

We have a right to guns via the constitution. You're right.

But if we're going to preserve that right, we must bring more voters to our side. And they'll never come over if they perceive us a irrational radicals.

Perception, in this case, is everything.

Whether his webpages were in good taste or not (in my opinion, borderline), when we've reached the point when we're afraid to be openly proud of firearm ownership, it's a sad day.
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

-H. L. Mencken
Posting mall ninja pictures on MySpace should not lead to SWAT teams outside your door early in the morning. Period.
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