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California Gun Owners Blamed for the Loss of Gun Rights

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Dec 25, 2002
Bremerton, WA
In the past, I have seen many comments regarding the PRK, mostly in the negetive. This article might not apply to those who frequent this board, but how many of you living in California know of people this might apply to?

By Ralph Weller
Editor, GunNewsDaily.com

March 3, 2003 - It has been suspected for quite some time that gun owners were generally all mouth and no action. But, we really didn't understand the gravity of the situation until we received an email from John Brantuk, 2002 candidate for the 56th Assembly District in Southern California. John is upset, and he has every right to be.
John had a shot of winning his district had he received the pro-gun vote. Southern Californians don't need to be told how pro-Second Amendment John is. Suffice it to say, he's one of those rare types who makes protecting our Second Amendment rights a top priority in his personal and public life. But, the information he sent in his email is the type of information that makes the hearts soar of gun grabber Don Perata and other liberals of his ilk in Sacramento. It is the kind of information liberals know about, but very few pro-gun types are willing to acknowledge. So who got the pro-gun vote instead of John Brantuk? The answer is most disappointing.

John took a look at a list of people that regularly attended gun shows in his district. He compared the attendee list to voter registration lists to determine how many of the 12,000 gun show attendees were registered to vote.

Do you want to guess the results? Would you say only half are registered? You would be considered an eternal optimist if that was your guess. How about 30%? Well, you're getting closer, but you still have a long, long way to go. How about 10%. No, you're still too high. No... I'm not kidding. Try about 670 people. That's a whopping 5.6% of gun show attendees are registered to vote. Now, of those 670, an optimistic number of those who voted would probably range at about 50%. That means of the 12,000 gun show attendees only about 335 probably voted. Ok, that's being a little harsh. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that all 670 voted. Somehow inflating the number won't make most feel all that much better about the whole thing.

Not surprising at all. And, unfortunately, this is par for the course for many gun owners. You have to understand that many gun people have adopted the stance that the entire political process has become too corrupt, that "all politicians are a bunch of criminals". In their mind, this justifies their lack of involvement in the democratic process that is the cornerstone of our country. By doing so, they voluntarily surrender the very rights that they say their precious guns protect. They have a siege mentality that prevents them from moving offensively. The truth is that their cynacism is nothing more than a cover for pure laziness and when the govt. comes for their guns, they will not in fact take up arms in resistance; rather, they will simply roll over and continue to bitch and whine. They deserve their fate.
Blaming gun owners for the loss of rights in CA is like blaming a robbery victim for their loss of property.

Certainly people should be actively involved in retaining things that are of value to them, but blame rests squarely on the thief.

CA gun owners have been negligent in safeguarding their liberties, but we are grossly outnumbered here.

Still, those numbers are pathetic.
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