Cheap 45 ammo question

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Dec 28, 2002
If you have the choice between Speer Lawman, Federal American Eagle, and Fiocci which would you choose? All are 230gr FMJ and priced the same at Ammoman.
I have shot a lot of the Speer Lawman, in .40S&W and it has been great. Also reloads well.

I had a case of Federal American Eagle in 9mm and it is, by far, the nastiest 9mm I have shot to date. It groups well, functions well, but is dirty as all get out. My hands are absolutely black when I get through shooting a box or two of it. Other than that, it ain't bad.

I have shot some Fiochhi in the .40S&W. It performs well and would be a even money match with the Lawman.

In .45auto, Sellier & Bellot has performed well as has the Winchester USA bulk pack from Walmart. The Winchester sells for about $20 per hundred, not a bad price.

Although not a direct reply to the .45auto question, I hope this helps.
I have used all three brands and all seem compairable and good quality except the Fiochi has a very strong smell and seems to dirty up the front of the slide more.

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