Colbert report, guns, Mr. Helmke, and the Brady Campaign

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Jan 1, 2008
on right now. brady Pres. Helmke is the guest. hopefully clips soon, because it's hilarious, regardless of if you hate him and his show or not.

I loved the joke on "the spontanaeity of hunting"

I also liked the cold but true statement about Mr. Brady and the rest of his closing statements.

Surely dont expect another brady member back on that show, though.
just saw it.

Colbert is obviously anti.

There were one or two funny lines, but overall I found it not amusing.
I dont really see how he is an anti. Maybe personally he is, but in-character, I just don't see it. He throws jokes both ways usually.
this time it was definitely jokes and sarcasm taking the anti position.

The jokes against the gun-control lobby were dripping with sarcasm and were against the pro-gun lobby essentially.
I don't see how. He pretty much attacked the brady's whole rationale and motivation:

"is it really bold for someone to try and infringe on rights just because he got shot in the head, or is it even bolder to stand up for people's right to have a gun because you still dont think it's fair to take away their rights just because you got shot in the head?"

that plus his other unrelenting 'serious' comments sort of say otherwise, at least this time around. But yea, anyone who has seen his past bits can safely see how he still views a good deal of the gun-owning population to be criminals and/or rednecks. I guess it was still somewhat surprising towards the end of it all, at least to me, that he would actually come off as serious and fair-minded
I guess we interpreted it differently. I saw him as being sarcastic and poking fun at us pro-gunners.

You saw it as him being fair-minded and serious.

Perception is different from person to person. :)
A lot of people don't realize Colbert's being sarcastic. Especially a neophyte to his show. Based on watching him for about a year, if he made any pro-gun comments, they were likely dripping caustic sarcasm.
I see him as refreshingly right sided usually. Granted, his job is entertainment, and poking fun at the redneck stereotype is funny. guns are part of that stereotype.
I would be truly interested to get a serious interview with him and get his views. I don't watch him often, but when I do I usually like most of what I hear. I'll have to catch the re-run tonight and see how he did.
If you missed it, you can watch the segment here:

Actually, he took shots at both sides, as he usually/always does.
I thought he made Helmke look pretty foolish-the 4 main shots I recall at gun owners were:
1. The comment about the deer in the swingset
2. Disarming at the beginning of the interview
3. His statment about how much more hopeful the gospel would be if Jesus had a gun
4. His statements at the end of the interview

'Course, I laughed at the first 3-I thought #4 was the worst shot at gun owners and didn't find it funny (and unlike some, I think I understand satire)!

Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself...make fun of others?
Just watched the rerun. Here's a few things I picked up:
"They may hate guns, but they have no problem blasting holes in the Constitution. and the BIGGEST offender is the [Brady Bunch]"

"The Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. you are talking about infringing, infringement. There is infringing going on."

I thought the interview was brilliant from a comedic standpoint. Seriously, the nintendo gun had me laughing for a few minutes. But until the end of the inteview where he talked about "people are tired of the a lot of people have been killed by guns card," I thought he antagonized Mr Helmke pretty thoroughly. "I guess the obvious question is, are you packing heat?" That had me in stitches! He made 2 remarks about reckless use of guns, and 4-5 against gun control. I really liked the inteview.
I thought it was great. Very Colbert-esque.....

Until the end of it, when he went into super sarcasm mode.
"I'm not anti-gun."

-Paul Helmke

(Insert me falling on the floor and laughing for a good hour.)
That is a quote for the ages.

They finally figured out how ridiculous they look trying to curtail, prevent, or stop violent criminals by taking attempting to take away one inanimate object that they use. So now you get quotes like this. Genius. Pure genius I tell you! :rolleyes:
Right you have to realize about Colbert, is that his Colbert Report character is a parody of right-wingers.
Ok. I just watched the interview. Rest assured, there was nothing pro gun in that interview was not deliberate sarcastic satire. That is what Colbert does. He plays "devils advocate" in a way that's designed to be transparent. If anyone thinks that colbert's "pro gun" comments were designed to portray guns or gun owners in a positive light, they neither know Colbert, nor his audience.

The end of the interview summarizes his position. Everything before that was designed to paint gun owners as obstinate, ignorant rednecks.
Wow. Sometimes the lack of ability to seperate the real world from the TV world of some of you people just floors me.

The Colbert Report is a TV show. It's an act. You people assinging pro or anti-gun status to someone based on their act makes you look dumber than Carolyn McCarthy.

He has said many times it's an act. Even Steve Carroll said it's an act in this month's Playboy interview.

If you want to assign him pro or anti-gun status given on his real world voting record, quotes, or anything else, fine, do so. But to do it based on his show is just ungodly dumb.
Did you notice his muzzle control at the beginning? That says something.

I think he is personally an anti, but it's hard to tell because he never breaks character.

All the profound and memorable points were pro-gun, even if they were parody.

P.H. came across as a halfwit who was unprepared. That's gotta be a good thing.
You people assinging pro or anti-gun status to someone based on their act makes you look dumber than Carolyn McCarthy.

Do you know something we don't? I've followed Colbert since long before his appearance at the press club dinner years ago. I'm well aware of his politics, and I'm well aware of his position on guns. So unless you know something we don't, perhaps you might lay off calling people you don't know "dumb."
I had a thread complaining about Colbert and guns recently.

I thought this episode was at least funny, and he spent some time actually antagonizing the anti, which I appreciated. The ending wrap-up where he basically made the antis case was to be expected but at least the first half was actually funny. Watching him tell Huckabee that he wanted to allow people to buy guns and sell them in New York wasn't funny. I have to admit he gave the Brady rep a harder time than I expected. His views on guns are apparent, despite the chorus of "it's satire! S-A-T-I-R-E! You just don't understaaaand; it's called satire! Wise up, stop being so serious about your rights and enjoy people mocking them." I can laugh with Colbert over plenty of topics, the guy is really clever. I watched him on Exit 57, Upright Citizens Brigade, etc.... I just can't sit through most of his gun -satire-.

Maybe I need to relax. It's not like the guy has the ability to inspire others who are on the fence re these issues. They understand it's satire...

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