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Collected Wisdom

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May 7, 2007
The Have you been shooting longer than I've been alive? thread got me to thinking on this:

About 30% of the folks on THR have 41+ years of shooting experience. In that collected experience there is a wealth of wisdom locked up in all those collective brain cells. What would be the 1 or 2 bits of wisdom that you would want to make darn sure were passed on to the many younger (in experience) members and shooters that have recently joined?

I'll start with these. They may be very simple concepts, but it is these things that are the foundation for all the rest and are often overlooked or taken for granted.

1. In marksmanship, never forget the basics: stance, trigger control, sight alignment. Upon this foundation accuracy is built.

2. Never forget nor belittle your God-given rights. Not all of them are in the Bill of Rights.
Marry a fat tattoed woman. That way you'll have shade in the summer, heat in the winter and movin' pictures all year round.

Marry a fat tattoed woman. That way you'll have shade in the summer, heat in the winter and movin' pictures all year round.

Biker, is there a height to weight ratio so I can figure out the BTU output?
TEARS, Biker you have me in TEARS from laughing!!!

Get the idea of a "one shot stop" out of your head. Sometimes it happens but the odds are not good and depending on that notion could cost you your life.

Regardless of what other people think, carry what you shoot well. Nobody misses fast enough to win.
1. ALWAYS check to make sure the guns match the ammo you brought to the range.

2. Corrolary to Number one. If ammo is different than guns brought, have sufficient cash to buy ammo from shop.

3. Never use the range bag for another hobby. Never let the spouse think the bag can be used for another hobby. (Came home one day to find my range bag had been emptied and my wife had taken it for her deepwater aerobics class because it had lots of room and had all these neat pockets)

4. Never loan guns to people you don't trust.

5. Never expect loaned guns back in the same condition.
Working Man...

Just make sure she's easier to jump over than walk around and you'll be fine.

Back on Topic... I hope...

Resist every freakin' shootin' closure you can!

Resist strenuosly, strongly, and stridently!

"Wilderness" areas, "primitive" areas, National "Monuments," manufacturing parks out of good "roamin'" areas, "population density" areas, rezoning from Agricultural to ricky-ticky Condo subdivision development, noise abatement, designating hiking/biking trails, all, all of these are your enemy!

Ah, the good old days in Boulder CO when I could load five test rounds, drive up Boulder Canyon 1/2 mile, test them out, drive back down to the house, load five more, rinse and repeat.

And nowadays a Forest Ranger can close an area in the "multi-use" National Forests on a whim or whiney complaint by a bird-watchin' wimp.

('Course, those were the days you could walk into Valentine's Hardware on the corner of Pearl and Broadway and buy two or three sticks of low-grade dynamite and some fused detonators for blowin' stumps with zero hassle. Last I checked that locus was a coffee shop.)
Never under estimate the task at hand.

Always be prepared .

If I can add a third - Never loose your sense of humor - your gonna need it !

And more gun specific :

Make the first shot count.

Be familiar & safe with what your shooting before you try using it.

A third - Don't rely on us old farts for wisdom , most of us are on a lot of medication !
Das balarev Biker,

To stay on the high road I'll refrain from man bashing. It's considered impolite to point out an embarrassing truth.

When a shooting session starts out with 'I can't believe they have me competing against a little girl with an antigue", it's safe to assume your opponent will be lucky to break 120. Afterwards he will claim he was 'taking it easy on the kid.'

When a 1st Sgt kind of snickers and says 'watch this *stuff*' something very painful to watch is bound to follow.

In every case when a hunter brings home a doe or a button buck they have always seen at least a twelve point after they have secured their weapons to load the deer in the truck.

The 18 point buck that has used the same path to water for six months will start using a different path the first day of hunting season.

A weapon is always 50 to 200% more accurate than it's operator.

A shooters performance is usually inversely proportional to the level he brags he can perform. (Also holds true to men and driving.)

After sitting all morning in a tree and seeing nothing you will narrowly avoid getting hit by a deer on the drive back to the house.


I'll get back to you later. I think I coughed up a lung laughing and the ambulance just got here.

Oh...wisdom....When loading a shot gun make sure the brass part of the shell goes in last.:neener::D

To children: If you see a firearm, don't touch, leave the room, tell an adult.
Never point a weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy.

The biggest question in your life= "what's different here".

Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.

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You don't have enough time in your life to make EVERY mistake yourself.

Take everything you hear with a grain of salt.

*If* you do borrow something, return it in better shape than you got it.

IMO two of the best.....

The biggest question in your life= "what's different here".

You don't have enough time in your life to make EVERY mistake yourself.

When in doubt, re-recheck.

You can't un-shoot a firearm.

Just make sure she's easier to jump over than walk around and you'll be fine.

Sound advice.
Realize that any plan you have in your head about how "it will go down, when the SHTF", will be wrong.
ALWAYS bring a gun to a gun fight.
You will not rise to the ocaission, you will revert to your training (if you have any).

The Old Man and The Boy by Robert Ruark

Shotgunning: The Art & Science
- Bob Brister

Score Better at Skeet and Score Better at Trap - Fred Misseldine

Ruark not only shares about firearms and shooting, also passes forward Values, and these values are part of being a responsible firearm owner.

Brister and Misseldine, share the answers to most of the questions most often asked about shotguns in private, in public, and Internet.

Single Shot .22 rifle, Youth and/or Adult size with iron sights.
This is the best way to start off a new shooter, especially a kid, and the fun factor is high.

.22 Revolver is the best handgun to learn on.
Something like a Model 17, or 18.
Less felt recoil, therefore allowing for correct basic fundamentals of trigger, sights and everything else.

Transition to Model 10 (staying with S&W) and the lessons from a .22 to a mild load of .38spl will further instill correct basic fundamentals.

.22 Semi Auto, is next, Colt Woodsman, Hi-Standard's, Ruger Standard, MKII, Buckmark, Smith 422, 622...
Simple, not heavy, and again iron sights.
New shooters do not have the hand, wrist and grip strength developed yet, fatigue leads to missing, and less fun and deflates self esteem.

The simple guns, afford a shooter to boost self esteem, instill correct basics and have fun, especially kids.

Transition to a BHP, or 1911. Single Action, again to advance the skills learned with a .22 semi.

Gun Fit , Gun Fit, Gun Fit.
Shotguns are pointed - not aimed.

Bone Stock, with wooden stocks are best.
Wood is denser, therefore less felt recoil, wood allows one to tweak gun fit [LOP, drop at comb, pitch, cast on, cast off, ...]

Seasoned shooter, and find someone that knows how to "read" a student when shooting to access gun fit.
Ladies should get with other seasoned lady shooters, then again there are plenty of men that can do this, just the lady needs to be comfortable with the male.
Ladies are built different, so these differences will be addressed, student and person assisting need to be able to communicate all this.

Now once various shotguns are actually shot, and various "tweaks" done (moleskin to raise comb for instance) take those measurements and get that/similar gun, and again with a seasoned shooter and gunsmith that knows guns fit, get your shotgun fitted.

For instance the contour of toe and heel and inside of Pach Decel works great for ladies, (built different remember?) still guys can benefit too.

One cannot shoot what they cannot see - Missledine

Sights? Well I learned to shoot shotguns without beads.
I teach this as well.
Many of the top shotgunners that have custom guns built, do not have beads on purpose.

Slug hunting, I just use a mid bead set up.

Never Ever learn with a crutch.

Picking a Gun:

Gun Fit is the Key.
One has to be able to reach and use any and all controls, and in shotguns the fit is what lessens felt recoil.

Handguns again- I/We after doing the above, the person has shot a slew of guns, and some of the same guns with different stocks.
For instance, Eight Model 10s, with different stocks.

Student has gone from .22 revolver, to center-fire revolver.
Student has gone from .22 semi to centerfire.

By now they have an idea of what fits them. So they pick out from these, tried, what is pretty, cute, or whatever.

Mr. H's drill is done.
1/4 sheet of typing paper.
Five rounds
Five yards

Best from concealed still low ready works.

"Go" and the paper don't lie.
Best groups are right there, with the times.
That is the gun that that shooter shoots best.

Gun Fit changes with age, we get bigger, we get stronger....
We also get older, arthritis, disease, injury, and we shrink.

This is why a shotgunner misses with a gun they have shot for 10 years...20 years.
Tweak the fit, since they have changed and they hit like they used to.

This is why a person hell on wheels with a .357 can't do.
Mr. H drill and the danged old Arthritis kicked in, that injury, whatever and with .38spl loads they can still shoot that revolver well, and get quick accurate hits.

Words to the wise:

-To keep it - give it away. Kids are our future, and these .22 rifles and ammunition are not that expensive.

-Work with the Elderly and Physically limited.
I assure you, you will learn more from them, than you are passing forward.
You too are getting older, and you too may find yourself limited physically.

-If you ever think you have Arrived - get rid of your guns to someone that can use them responsibly.
I don't know you, and I don't want you breathing my air.
Discretion is the better part of valour; and a virtue beyond reproach.

Avoiding a conflict entirely is an infinitely better outcome than even the most justified shooting.

The path of righteousness is 90% mental, 10% physical. Always think before you act.
Discretion is the better part of valour; and a virtue beyond reproach.

Avoiding a conflict entirely is an infinitely better outcome than even the most justified shooting.

The path of righteousness is 90% mental, 10% physical. Always think before you act.

Amen brother, Amen
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