Colorado House Passes Gun Control

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The jokes about California are unfortunately more true than funny. On a drive back from Utah last spring, 4 out of 5 cars on I-70 were headed into CO with vehicles loaded with all their possessions. They are moving in and taking over, changing the culture, the attitude, the way of life, everything. Like a virus.

Isn't that what happened in Oregon?
not so sure about Oregon. Never trust a state where they wont even trust you to pump your own gas. ;)
I have absolutely no doubt that all the gun bulls (sorry, bills), will be be passed by the CO Senate, and signed by the Governor.

I also believe that there will be a few Democrats looking for other work when their reelection comes up.
I've just gotten word that Magpul will leave the state if this passes.

Maybe they should move their damned fine selves to Arizona if it is true.
I hope they do move to Arizona. I wish more companies would drop contracts with states and governments that work to destroy the second amendment.
Did you see where one of the state reps "reminded" everyone how you don't really need a gun to defend yourself since the folks who disarmed Gabrielle Giffords' attacker without one while he was busy reloading. Ah yes, brilliant. Thanks for the reminder. So I'm just supposed to wait out an attacker in my home and hope that he kills only 2 of my 3 kids before he has to reload, and then my catlike reflexes will kick in so I can disarm him.
It would appear that Colorado has been California...


The jokes about California are unfortunately more true than funny...They are moving in and taking over, changing the culture, the attitude, the way of life, everything. Like a virus.

Isn't that what happened in Oregon?

Absolutely. It has been happening in Oregon for about 15-20 years now (maybe more, but I would have been too young to remember). When I was a kid growing up here, and even into my teenage years, Oregon was truly a great place to live. I used to hear jokes about all the people moving out of San Francisco to Portland and Seattle, but I didn't really get what all the concern was about.

Now, the last 2 presidential elections have shown Oregon to be a blue state. Legalized marijuana has been on the ballots recently, as well as same-sex marriage. Hey, do what you want, if it doesn't hurt anybody.

But the talk from some of our politicians and some of the more vocal liberals here about gun control, is starting to sound like Colorado's recent nightmare. I wouldn't be surprised if Oregon goes down the same gun bill road as Colorado sooner rather than later.

If you've ever seen the comedy TV show, "Portlandia", many of those stereotypes aren't too far off from the kind of people you encounter on any given day in and around Portland. You still see bumper stickers that say, "Keep Portland Weird". Well, they have certainly succeeded in that. I want to make a bumper sticker that says, "Make Portland Normal", but I'd probably get my 4x4 gas-guzzling Republican pickup truck keyed.

And I've been considering a move from Oregon to Colorado. This recent mess has really stirred up my anger, and has made me question that move. My heart breaks for law-abiding gun owners in Colorado right now.
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I almost moved to Seattle about 5 years ago. I love the city, but I'm rather glad I didn't. Washington and Oregon are rather like Colorado -- they've gotten bluer and bluer as the years have gone by. The process is accelerating as more and more Californians leave their state in search of greener pastures. They problem is, the Brokeifornians never learn anything from their plight and necessary flight. They get to their destinations and promptly begin supporting politicians and policies just exactly like the ones that ruined the place they had to flee. I'm glad I live in Virginia, which is too far for most of them to come. But we have our own problems with transplanted New Yorkers and New Englanders doing the same thing down here. Fortunately, Virginia seems pretty safe from any of this gun control legislation at the state level. The few bills we've had are not at all bad, in my opinion (one increases the penalty for knowingly selling a gun to a person prohibited from possessing one, and the other makes carrying a gun on campus with the intent to commit a felony a crime), as these focus on criminal behavior, not on guns or lawful gun ownership. Our state is getting bluer too though, along with North Carolina, so I suppose it's only a matter of time.

My heart goes out to Coloradan gun owners. It looks like you folks are in for a rough ride next couple of years. It seems a foregone conclusion that this magazine bill will get passed by the senate and signed by the governor. If that happens, you folks are going to have to get active, get those Democrats out of their seats in the next election, and press a new republican majority to repeal this. None of that will be easy. I wish you luck.
Absolutely. It has been happening in Oregon for about 15-20 years now (maybe more, but I would have been too young to remember).
I lived in Oregon for about 10 years, leaving in 1975 (graduated from OSU). Even then, there were bumper stickers saying "Don't Californicate Oregon." Other jokes were current even then trying to discourage people from California resettling in Oregon.

But not all the change over the years can be blamed on people moving in from California. The larger cities and college towns (Portland, Eugene, and even Corvallis) have gotten lefty/bluer more or less as a result of liberal influence in higher education. In the 1960's, Portland State College (as it was called then) elected an avowed communist as student body president. Of course, it was "the sixties." My point, though, is that what I'm seeing in Colorado (I visit, and occasionally get out there on business), is not just from the influx of Californians. It is also a generational thing in which a younger, college educated generation, is simply more apt to be liberal/Democratic.

It is a complex issue. But hopefully, the implosion of the bluest states and large cities will send a wakeup call to others before it is too late. Meanwhile, we're holding the line here down south.
I moved to Colorado only a couple of years ago, since then I've worked with lots of people from San Francisco, San Diego etc. so I'm afraid you guys might be right about the invasion.

Now I can be a pretty standoffish guy and don't really "fraternize" at work however, last summer we were in a meeting and the small talk was "what are you doing this weekend?" - most people said hiking or biking but one of the guys, another "not-so-chatty" guy says "I'm goin' shootin" - everyone looked at him like he had three heads so I immediately blurted out "That's Cool! WHere??" just to let everyone know NOT to ostracize the guy, not around me (they really did try to make him feel bad for saying that)

Turns out the guys dad was a gunsmith and HE is born and raised in Colorado... everyone else is from someplace else. So I fear the disease of California is spreading... he's a buddy of mine now (and the only one I made from that company)
Based on how the party line voting has gone, the laws will all pass, ridiculous as they are. I left CA to get away from all of this type of garbage, might have to move again before too long at this rate.

Lawmakers talk about reducing violence, pubic safety, respecting 2A rights, etc and yet they pass these laws that do none of that. If that was the case they wouldn't prevent conceal carry by permit holders on school campuses, they wouldn't make only people buying firearms pay for all of the cost (if it's pubic safety the public as a whole should pay as we do now). I'm not sure, but I think the background check system is used for more than just firearms purchases, wonder of those folks will all be paying a fee too (I should look into that).

The increase from 10 to 15 rounds was done to help the mag limit pass "constitutional muster" and because when a sheriff was asked how many rounds his pistol mag held he said 15. And several sheriffs who were asked indicated they wanted their citizens to be able to carry mags that help more than 10 or 15 rounds.

Passing laws that have more support against than they do for, so much for representing the people.
I lived in Colorado from '90 to '93. During that time in a prior recession, many folks from CA moved in. Shortly thereafter, they had their first drive by shooting, or that is that way the news stated. About that time, Aurora mall had to shut down their Santa Clause gathering for kids because some of the gang bangers threatened a mass shooting like the Chuck E Cheese shootings. When they actually did shut down the Santa Clause gatherings, I knew that they had already lost the battle.
Colorado is not New York or Maryland. There can and should be a payback for this in the next election cycle. Indeed if the Dems are swept out it will be held up as an example of overreach on the gun issue. This needs to be a major priority. We can't yield this ground.
I agree!

Election 2014 has to be the Waterloo for this state. As long as there is no similar ballot initiative like legalizing dope, we all need to speak loudly that day!
Texpatriate said:
Did you see where one of the state reps "reminded" everyone how you don't really need a gun to defend yourself since the folks who disarmed Gabrielle Giffords' attacker without one while he was busy reloading. Ah yes, brilliant. Thanks for the reminder. So I'm just supposed to wait out an attacker in my home and hope that he kills only 2 of my 3 kids before he has to reload, and then my catlike reflexes will kick in so I can disarm him.

If that doesn’t work you can always vomit on your attacker to get him to cease and desist. That little brilliant piece of advice is per the recommendation from one of our local colleges. This video from Fox News has some of the details.

I can’t believe what’s happened around here recently. It’s absolutely disgusting. I only received automated replies from my reps – those who even bothered to respond. They admitted these gun control measures wouldn’t stop any crimes and proceeded to pass them anyway.

We may eventually win in court but for now I think we’re in trouble. We should add an amendment to the Colorado constitution that automatically removes from office any elected official that voted for any measure that was later found to be unconstitutional at either the state or federal level.
“Come visit us again and again. This is a State of excitement. But for heaven's sake, don't move here to live.”

Gov Tom McCall.

While Portlandia isn't far off the mark, not everyone is anti gun here, but increasingly the people who react with horror are the ones who've moved here, and want to change the place to match where they left.

Thankfully the 9 months of grey rain drives all but the hardiest specimens away with seasonal affective disorder :D
Magpul has stated they are likely to go to either Wyoming or Montana if this legislation becomes law. That being said, here is what my cousin wrote to every senator in Colorado. (He lives in Telluride).

Good evening,

I would like to state that this week's session concerning HB13-1224, HB13-1226, HB13-1228 and HB13-1229 was disturbing to say the least. What the House of Representatives did was showcase a distrust of those they represent by restricting our rights, putting us at risk, and treat us like children. They also knowingly gave pink slips to many in the plastics industry in Colorado. What a shame.

Today, the House of Representatives told every criminal intent on doing harm to others, that in Colorado, criminals that seek the path of least resistance will have even less resistance, if only the Senate passes these bills. Criminals will now have an easier time committing crimes and hurting people, and I will have a tougher time defending myself and loved ones.

We all know that no matter what the legislature does, criminals don't care. They don't care about or follow laws - that's why they are called criminals. The only people who will listen are those who follow the letter and spirit of the law, and because criminals will be the only ones with more rounds in a magazine, and the only ones bypassing background checks, we are now in more danger than ever before. Since I first heard of this legislation, I have been doing a little research. It has been reported that the Batman shooter (I refuse to give him recognition by saying his name) passed multiple movie theaters before picking his target because he'd found that the one he eventually entered had "no guns allowed" signs. What does that tell you? What does the fact that nobody stopped him with a firearm tell you? It tells me that the criminals will never listen to the rules, and because we law abiding citizens will, we are at much greater risk. And to be honest, I am not comfortable with some legislative body telling me that I am now going to have a harder time defending my life, when (not if) some nutcase attempts to take it from me. This is unbelievably silly to me, and it shows me that our legislators have more faith that criminals will listen to them, than they do that law abiding citizens will act responsibly with our guns and rights. How dare they. How dare they try to punish me for the acts of the individual criminal acts perpetrated by the mentally ill, or those who've lost sight of the idea of community.

I have always voted Democrat. I have never been too politically active, and often opt for a nice Nuggets or Broncos game, instead of watching political news and commentary. I've never written to a legislator, never written to a newspaper, and never even commented on a political blog, or made my thoughts public at the bottom of a website news story. That being said, I and my family will no longer support the Democratic Party if it chooses to limit our freedoms by demonstrating they are no longer concerned about the little things like Constitutional rights and little people like constituents. The government works for the people, not the other way around. Somewhere along the line, the elect officials either forgot that, or threw it out the window.

I didn't support President Bush because he, in the name of a more secure nation, stepped on the Constitution, and authorized the illegal wire-tapping of citizens all over this country. I will vote against anyone in the great state of Colorado who in the name of false security, steps on the Constitution and limits my 2nd Amendment. Make no mistake. You are not going to be able to deliver on your promise of providing me with more safety. Not only will we have our rights reduced by this legislation, but also, we will be less safe because of it.

As the great Benjamin Franklin said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” We should all heed those wise words.

Thank you very much
It is a sad day for the citizens of Colorado, they are losing their 2nd amendment rights.
None of it will affect or stop criminals.
Colorado Constitution

Part of your problem in Colorado is the text in your state constitution is so strange when it comes to the 2nd amendment. This is the foundation to stop the legislation in the Senate or at worst, the governors desk. Since many legislators don't bother to read the bills they introduce, (WA) Coloradoans should send a copy of this with their emails:

Colorado bill of rights
Sec.13: That the right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.
Part of your problem in Colorado is the text in your state constitution is so strange when it comes to the 2nd amendment.

I think it's crystal clear. There are no pesky commas or mention of "militia".

I don't believe there's any way to misinterpret "the right of no person........shall be called into question". It puts background checks in direct violation. Problem is, our state supreme court is a joke.
I lived in CO for about 17 years back in the late 70's and 80's.
I personally saw the degradation of the climate due to the California of the state.
I often thought, geez, if these people of California like their laws so much, why not just move back there?

There was a song back then that had something like this for a chorus:

Well you can visit now and then,
Bring your money, bring your friends,
Bring your campers and your Winnebago's too.
Bring your festivals and dope, and we all sincerely hope,
That you don't forget to leave when you get through.
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