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Colorado Passes anti-CCW bill

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I just telephoned the Governers office and advised them it wasn't only Colorado citizens that were unhappy with this bill.

Told the lady we enjoyed our LAST vacation in Colorado and hoped the Governer vetoed the bill.

It's so easy to make a call. If enough out of staters call, perhaps the thought of losing tourism dollars might cause reconsideration.
Contact your Governor

If your state has reciprocity with CO please call your Governor and urge him/her to contact Governor Ritter of CO and urge him NOT to sign the bill. Perhaps the threat of removing their reciprocity will cause him not to.

I live in California in Los Angeles and one of the reasons I got my UT & FL permits was when I travel to CO. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any Los Angeles resident to get a CCW. Unless you're LEO or a large financial contributor to the LA County Sheriff's Department's Chief Lee Bacca.

Please Do what you can. make a call send an e-mail, anything.

Our right's and freedoms are being chipped away slowly.

"if every chineese citizen were to take one grain of sand from a beach the beach would disappear"

Our freedoms are being taken away in the same manner.

This is just the first step. The Dems are only trying to create such a mess of complex laws pertaining to traveling with a firearm in hopes that the responsible ccw holders will just say "screw it" and decide not to carry. It's all in their pipe dream for a gun free America.

They have to get that Schumer out of the White House, soon...He is a huge influence on all of these moronic gun laws.

Complete bull****. :cuss:
Everyone with a permit from their state of residence is still legal. But non-resident permits will not be recognized. This affects anyone with a non-resident permit, no matter what state they live in.

OK, dumb question here but with all the back & forth on this thread I don't have a clear answer.

I have a CCW from my home state (OR). However my home state does NOT have reciprocity with CO.

So, assuming this bill is signed into law:
Can I carry legally in CO, relying on my valid OR CCW & driver's license?
This is not an anti-CCW bill. This is a good bill. Colorado is shall-issue. Colorado residents who want to carry in Colorado should get Colorado CCWs. Duh.

There are other states who require the same or more training, have less expensive fees, and won't put the CCW holders in the "persons of interest" database.
Under this bill to carry in Colorado as a non-resident you must:

1) Have a CCW,

2) Issued by the state you reside in, (as determined by your driver's license or other state photo ID)

3) Your state must recognize CO's CCW

4 (And you must be over 21)

Since in the case of Oregon you say it does not recognize Colorado's CCW you cannot carry in Colorado.
Since in the case of Oregon you say it does not recognize Colorado's CCW you cannot carry in Colorado.

Thus it IS an anti-CCW bill. It will prevent many out-of-state people from carrying there.
This is a good bill.

I have to disagree. Any bill that restricts the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens; does not address a defined problem; and has no effect on criminals, cannot be "a good bill".

It doesn't bother me very much that Colorado residents will need a Colorado permit (although the "CCIC database" issue IS a good reason for a resident to look elsewhere for a permit).

It bothers me a lot that residents of the 25 states who do not have reciprocity with Colorado will NOT be allowed to legally carry in this state under any circumstances, even though they CAN legally carry in many other states, and they could carry here previously (assuming they hold a non-resident permit from FL, UT, etc).

If there was some compelling reason to restrict those people's 2A rights, then I might be able to understand the purpose of this law. But there is no reason; the bill was proposed only to chip away at your rights and mine, and to make some dirtbag politicians (that's YOU, John Morse) feel self-important.

It is decidedly NOT a good bill.

Colorado's official reciprocity list is here.
It bothers me a lot that residents of the 25 states who do not have reciprocity with Colorado will NOT be allowed to legally carry in this state under any circumstances, even though they CAN legally carry in many other states

Oregon's CCW (CHL actually) law is similar. It is shall-issue for residents and may-issue for nonresidents, but only those who live in adjoining states :rolleyes: Further out and you basically can't carry in OR.

It is a stupid, pointless distinction and I hope CO doesn't join OR in this regard.
You must understand what happened here in the last election.

The Democrats took control of all branches of government here in Colorado and they are making DAMN SURE we know who's boss now (on a positive note, there's a good chance the Dems reach will outdo their grasp and they'll awaken the GOP here and get themselves fired next election).

Ritter will NOT be swayed against this bill as its his idea ... John Morse is his stooge that somehow got elected in one of the most conservative/Republican districts in the country (El Paso County Colorado has been a Republican stronghold for ages).

Keep in mind that our current governor was the DA in Denver and pushed for the passage of their AWB (the city and county of Denver has an AWB) He's spent his entire career trying to make Denver as much like Chicago as possible.

This bill is a stair step for them. I expect the Dems will now try to push to end CCW, expand the Denver AWB to statewide and all sorts of other evil (for example John Morse is fighting to make it illegal for gas stations to offer discounted gas because its "unfair").

I escaped The People's Holy Republic of Kansas for Colorado just in time to see it ruined by all the damn Californians :fire:

Stuff doesn't turn around here soon and I'm gonna have to head for Montana or something.
If CO repeals its shall-issue law it will be the first state ever to do such a thing. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Today I wrote a nice e-mail to the good Gov. urging him not to sign the bill into law. I also called every other state that has reciprocity with CO and left a nice message for that states Gov. to contact him alluding the the fact that they should not honor the CO permit anymore if therer was not complete reciprocity.

Now it's just wait & see.

Where is the NRA on this issue? Who else can we contact?
Where is the NRA on this issue? Who else can we contact?

I hate to sound defeatist, but really.... it's a done deal. All this is waiting for is the governor's signature. The governor loves this kind of thing. As a DA in Denver, he was very much anti-gun.
I escaped The People's Holy Republic of Kansas for Colorado just in time to see it ruined by all the damn Californians
What do you mean by "The People's Holy Republic of Kansas"?

Stuff doesn't turn around here soon and I'm gonna have to head for Montana or something.
What happens when the statists ruin Montana? I understand how you feel but I think if we don't fight this bs will spread everywhere.
What do you mean by "The People's Holy Republic of Kansas"?
I have often said that left to its own devices, Kansas would become a Socialist Theocratic Police State.

Its a strange place politically.

What happens when the statists ruin Montana?
Maybe I'm in a more cynical than usual mood today, but honestly the statist are going to ruin the entire freakin' planet. Liberty will die because people want to be slaves in gilded shackles. As long as they eat regularly, are still allowed to watch TV and have any kind of sex they want they'll welcome the coming global Socialist police state with open arms. I'm tired of fighting this loosing battle ... I just want to live my life in peace. The good lord has seen fit to keep my wife and I from being able to have children, so I don't have any reason to change things for any future generation ... I just want to live the next few decades as I wish and then the public school indoctrinated socialist children can have this ball of mud.

Edit: Sorry if that came across like I was slapping you down or something. :uhoh:
this is what happens when you allow the plague of california to run rampant through your state. If only people from California where banned from carrying their political disease with them when they travel to other states....

Now looky here, as a resident of CA I fully understand that there's political problems here, but just a brief search of the bills writers show that they appear to be native to CO.

Bash CA for whatever you want, but don't blame us for your own idiotically performing government. After all, YOU voted them in, not Californians.

Basically, I think CA has become the "excuse" Coloradans use whenever they screw up.
While Colorado residents are certainly responsible for their voting choices, it can't be denied that the influx of people moving from more liberal states has changed the political climate over the past 10-15 years.

From the Colorado Business Journal, January 1997:

As has been widely reported, a great many of the people moving into the state, almost 20 percent as reported in 1994 income tax returns, came from California. Texas was the second largest state of origin. Colorado, along with other western states, has been a destination point for many Californians moving out of the state during the 1990s. The Census Bureau reported in 1996 that California had lost about one and one-half million residents to other states in the five years ending in July 1995.

And from 2006:

Western states are turning purple, and migrating Californians might be to blame, says a Los Angeles Times opinion piece today. West Coasters who can’t afford the rent are resettling in once-dependable GOP territories like Colorado, Nevada, and Wyoming, and they’re bringing their liberal views with them:

And from the LA Times in 2006:
Long link to partial archived story

The trend is so pronounced that demographer William Frey says Arizona and Nevada "are essentially now becoming appendages of California." Nevada stands out in particular, with 18% of its residents (as of the 2000 census) having been born in California. In Arizona, the number is 8%. The other Mountain states post some impressive numbers too: 9% of Idaho, 7% of Utah, 6% of Colorado and 5% of Montana. In New Mexico, where Bush won in 2004 by about 6,000 votes, 79,000 ex-Californians lived there as of 2000.

In 2006, Democrats have strong pickup possibilities in the races for the Colorado and Nevada governorships. Sen. Conrad Burns in Montana, a Republican tied tightly to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, is extremely vulnerable. And House races in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico have become unexpectedly rough for Republicans.

Can we send any of them back to you yet? :D

Full disclosure: I moved here from Virginia 6 years ago. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, and I'm not even close to being a Colorado native.
Colorado has so few natives that nearly all elections are determined by the recent migrants (myself included).

Part of the bad part of the coastal housing/mortgage credit bubble is the housing refugees from the coasts are swamping the middle states. Colorado had so few people it didn't take much migration for the demographics to switch.

It takes a while to get a CCW, but you can vote immediately.
SoCalShooter, I'm thinking it would, but honestly the national reciprocity bill is 1) not going to pass and 2) even if it does there will be so many legal challenges to it right off the bat that it'll be another decade before the issue is settled.
I have often said that left to its own devices, Kansas would become a Socialist Theocratic Police State.Its a strange place politically.
Interesting...doesn't sound like I would like it.

Maybe I'm in a more cynical than usual mood today, but honestly the statist are going to ruin the entire freakin' planet. Liberty will die because people want to be slaves in gilded shackles. As long as they eat regularly, are still allowed to watch TV and have any kind of sex they want they'll welcome the coming global Socialist police state with open arms. I'm tired of fighting this loosing battle ... I just want to live my life in peace. The good lord has seen fit to keep my wife and I from being able to have children, so I don't have any reason to change things for any future generation ... I just want to live the next few decades as I wish and then the public school indoctrinated socialist children can have this ball of mud. Sorry if that came across like I was slapping you down or something.

It didn't come across like you were trying to slap me down. :) I understand exactly how you feel. My husband & I are lucky we don't have kids either. My husband's brother has 2 kids so I worry about the future for them.
I'm trying to convince my husband to move to Alaska when I retire. He retired early because of health problems. I just want to live somewhere in Alaska...far from civilization!
How long have you lived in Colorado? I lived there from the early '70's until mid '80's. It sounds so different now but then the US is so different now too.
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