Concealed carry in a bar in Illinos

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In Illinois there the law is clear that you cannot drink while carrying concealed. They state gross receipts, not profits. My local bar is a very small place that has had it's food business pick up considerably since they outlawed smoking in bars. According to the owner's husband they go over and under that 50% figure on a month to month basis. Based on this place I doubt that the chain restaurants gross more on liquor than food. The other bar in town does not have a no gun sigh but I need to take a closer look. In my opinion the law is written to keep the lawyers in business.
In my opinion the law is written to keep the lawyers in business

Probably. I just go by the legal situation at hand. There is no way anyone can be right all the time. But, you can shift the odds somewhat in your favor by being cognizant of all local,state and Fed laws.

That's a tough, almost impossible job. So, you just have to do the best you can in today's 2015, Amerika. :scrutiny:
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