Considering Lee Breech Lock

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Jul 6, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Hi all,

I'm thinking about the Lee Breech Lock to reload 30-06. Anyone have any feedback about the press? Also, what about getting the Ram Prime accessory versus a separate priming tool? Pros/Cons?

I have a Lee Breech Lock Challenger, and I like it a lot. However, I don't think I'd want to use it to resize rifle brass. I sure it can, but I guess I am spoiled by my Rockchucker when it comes to resizing rifle. I do really like the Lee on-press priming system, the Safety Prime.

For rifle, I'd look at the Lee Classic Cast.
"Considering Lee Breech Lock "

Goodness. Why? "Fast" die changes?

We don't change them all that often and it only takes maybe 15 seconds to swap screw-in dies. The breech lock systems aren't instantaneous so ....?

I second the Classic Cast option, it's really a much better press.
Well because I'm on a budget. I would've been looking at the Lee Reloader Press, but it's not really big enough for 30-06. I've been using a lee loader up until this point. Breech Lock is just the next step up pricewise.
Not a LEE fan

I purchased a LEE combo set for a great book and bad press. Wanted to size brass on it and then seat in the old RCBS RS2. Wasted several Weatherby cases. The presses ram was sooo off center it could be seen. Returned to factory, asking for a cherry picked "good one". Replacement was almost as bad. Wasted a few more cases, then placed on shelf to spare the Wby brass.

If I was buying today... It would be a LNL w/ bullet rebate. Already have the LNL-AP. A friend is ordering the kit and two sets of dies. That will be 700 free bullets.

If money is the real problem, barter with friends for old equipment. May need to find new friends;)
Dollar wiseman

It would be hard to wear out a good press, unless neglected. Ever wonder why LEE is 1-2 year warranty and most of the rest are no BS life time coverage? RCBS, Dillon and Hornady back it up if needed.
I use a set of dies for 22 Hornet that are made for quick change. Never seen another set like them. They are not steel but work okay for tiney brass. Now to find them and figure out the name of them again. I wouldn't trust a Lee C press ever again after breaking one. It's made out of mouilded pot metal instead of steel.
Good press. I still use mine to de-cap and size. Then I hand prime with a RCBS and finish up on a Pro-1000.
I purchased a LEE combo set for a great book and bad press. Wanted to size brass on it and then seat in the old RCBS RS2. Wasted several Weatherby cases. The presses ram was sooo off center it could be seen. Returned to factory, asking for a cherry picked "good one". Replacement was almost as bad. Wasted a few more cases, then placed on shelf to spare the Wby brass.
Sounds like you're resizing a Weatherby rifle cartridge. That is too much for one of the challenger presses (a generally known fact). They work just fine for pistols and small rifle.
Great article rcmodel.

In general I have found nothing wrong with any single stage press used within its limits. That said I like the Redding T-7.
"Well because I'm on a budget. I would've been looking at the Lee Reloader Press, but it's not really big enough for 30-06."

Not so. I have two Reloaders, dedicated to decapping and recapping (with a Universal decapper die and a Lee AutoPrime II). Just to see if the simular web remarks I read had any validity, I loaded a couple boxes of 30-06. NO problem! They would NOT be suitable for a high volume loader, the wear points are too small for large quanities, but they are plenty capabile of handling most common cartridges for a significant life time.

One post above disparaging Lee presses as "pot metal" is typical of the slanders. Lee makes a wide range of presses. Yes, many are of a very high grade of aluminum alloy, the same stuff as scope tubes are made of, as well as a LOT of handgun frames and shotgun actions so it certainly isn't pot metal. It ain't iron or steel so the ham fisted CAN break them but, actually, I know one guy who popped the top bar in a RC. (Build a stronger press and nature will supply a stronger dummy!) But, Lee ALSO makes two of the best cast steel (not cheaper/weaker cast iron) presses available at any price.

Lee presses are bored on modern CNC machinery. Knowing a little about how pressses are bored, I won't say they don't ever mess up but I've never seen any bored off-line and don't see how it could happen. I've never seen ANY press bored-off line and in some 45+ years of reloading I've seen quite a few of most brands.

Lee's two year warrantee limits how long they will protect dummies from themselves. And the rest of us from them too. I mean, who can't find an honest manufactoring defect in a piece of equipment in two years of use? Part of the high cost of other brands is to cover those who do foul their gear and want the rest of us to pay for it; I'm just not happy to do that. I actually LIKE Lee's two year limit because of the lower cost to me that goes with it! If something is actually bad, I can learn it in that time. If I break something 10 years from now it's my fault and I SHOULD have to pay for it!

I would swap my old RCBS Rock Chucker II for a new Lee Classic Cast single stage press, even, in a minute. Lee's is bigger, stronger, more user friendly features, the spent primer catcher actually works and it's made in the USA! What's not to love?
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I purchased a LEE combo set for a great book and bad press. Wanted to size brass on it and then seat in the old RCBS RS2. Wasted several Weatherby cases. The presses ram was sooo off center it could be seen. Returned to factory, asking for a cherry picked "good one". Replacement was almost as bad. Wasted a few more cases, then placed on shelf to spare the Wby brass.

If I was buying today... It would be a LNL w/ bullet rebate. Already have the LNL-AP. A friend is ordering the kit and two sets of dies. That will be 700 free bullets.

If money is the real problem, barter with friends for old equipment. May need to find new friends;)
was the press you had a breechlock Challenger or the little "C"press that comes with the book?
Thanks all for the feedback. Ranger, you've made me feel a little better about lee as I've already ordered the breech lock. I'm not a really high volume reloader, 100 rounds/month tops.
I like mine quite a bit. After seeing how the various dies work into a reloading process, I liked the Lee system best. Unfortunately, people here will tell you that the locking rings on the Lee dies suck, which has some truth. The breech locks take care of that problem though.

I am very happy with mine, but I have only loaded straight walled pistol ammo with it. I use the Lee hand priming tool, but if it hadn't come in the kit, I would have gotten the RCBS tool instead.

I don't know how well the press will work with .30-06, but I imagine neck sizing would not be a problem.
I have an old RCBS JR3 that works great.I also just bought a Breechlock to try for myself.I just got it set up and haven't reloaded on it yet but it seems to be just fine.I'll set up and resize some '06 cases ans get back to ya.I believe it will be OK.:D
I have the Lee Breechlock, it's a pretty awesome setup. Die changes are quick and easy. Set them up once and forget about it.

OK I ran a box of '06 through a full length sizing die today.I see no reason the Breechlock won't be a good press.It didn't show any signs of flex.It ran smooth and never missed a beat.It's plenty strong enough for rifle calibers.I didn't use the breechlock quick change.I just left the bushing in and used it like a regular press.AND the primer catcher works GREAT!!
The LEE press i have is the "LEE Reloader" Yes it is a "C" frame press. LEE has marketed it as a rifle press. De-cap / size was my goal. Both of mine were off center. Far enough out that you could see the ram was not lining up with the die hole. Could have tried a third press, but just really wanted more range time, less post office trips. Still recommend the LEE book to new reloaders, great reference tool. I like my LEE Factory Crimp dies also. Giving away my autoprime due to ergonomics. New owner will like.

The new breech lock kit looks good, but have not touched one yet.

Anyone know what the long clear tube in the LEE kit is??
Have a great day.
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