Constitution party's time has come!

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Feb 3, 2008
Nashville, Tn
If there was ever an election where the "vote for the lesser of two evils" was just really hard to do for a conservative, this is it.

If gun owners vote Constitution party, The CP candidate would not win, BUT WHAT A MESSAGE WE WOULD MAKE. We could really flex our muscles that way and show how strong we are. Sure we would have a Democratic president, but they would be terrified of us and would probably shift to our position. They are already afraid of us. Bill Clinton said that the Republican's got control of the congress in 94 because of the awb not because of the contract with America.

McCain is just not a good choice and voting for him does not send a strong message.

So learn about them at
It's larger and extremely pro-gun.
According to ballot access expert Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News, who periodically compiles and analyzes voter registration statistics as reported by state voter agencies, it ranks third nationally amongst all United States political parties in registered voters, with 366,937 registered members as of November 2006.[
If gun owners vote Constitution party, The CP candidate would not win, BUT WHAT A MESSAGE WE WOULD MAKE. We could really flex our muscles that way and show how strong we are. Sure we would have a Democratic president, but they would be terrified of us and would probably shift to our position. They are already afraid of us. Bill Clinton said that the Republican's got control of the congress in 94 because of the awb not because of the contract with America.

Yes, but if all gun owners would come to their senses and vote for me and the Toga Party, we would not win either. But we would send everyone else in the world an even bigger message about how little we care about the electoral process and the Second Amendment. And I would feel very important for a few minutes.

Everyone now has a clear choice:
  1. You can vote for John McCain who, unlike you, is not perfect;
  2. You can throw away your vote on the same tired old third parties that want to help elect an anti-Second Amendment Democrat--Obama or Clinton;
  3. You can throw away your vote on me and the Toga Party, help elect Obama or Clinton, but surprise the heck out of my kids, who tend to think that people are rational.
So don't listen to the other guy. Don't throw your vote away on his party. Throw away your vote on me!

That way, when President Barack Obama or President Hillary Clinton starts signing the harshest possible gun control laws and you wonder why you were silly enough to throw away your vote, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you made an old man happy for a few minutes.

Abandon your hope and your reasoning powers: Vote Hairless for President in 2008!

(My name is Robert Hairless and I approved this message.)
You forgot #4.
Keep voting the same way so nothing ever changes. After all change is a bad thing for people who have no vision.
Why doesn't the CP endorse Ron Paul? If the Libertarians, Const. Party *and* the not-inconsiderable mass of gun-owning Republican Party members were to have voted that way in primaries, I'd have been more impressed with all of those groups :)

How is it different from the Libertarian party?

Based on the one conversation I've had with an ardent supporter they're kinda like Libertarians except with a heavy Biblical influence. No thanks. I've already dealt with the "If you're not a member of our church you'll never get ahead here" problem on a small scale. I don't need it on a large scale.
Why doesn't the CP endorse Ron Paul?

The main reason is they will have their own candidate, who unlike Dr. Paul, will be on the ballot in many if not most states. There are other reasons.

I think what most CP supporters are worried about is a Paul endorsement of their candidate.


I looked into this party a few years ago and everything looked pretty good. I signed up to their mailing list and the info packets they would send I could never understand how they where different then libertarians.

Then one day they mailed a packet that went on and on about how they will return this country to its Christian beginnings and pass laws to enforce Christian morality etc etc.

I'm not sure what they meant by enforcing Christian morality but I'm not about to trade one group of tyrants for another.
I voted for the Constitution Party candidate in 04 and will likely do the same in 08.

Nobody has a right to my vote, it must be earned. The Republicans at the national level have not earned my vote.

Voting one's conscience is never a wasted vote.
You forgot #4.
Keep voting the same way so nothing ever changes. After all change is a bad thing for people who have no vision.

Nope, I didn't forget # 4 and neither did the original poster. As we both said, you now have a remarkable opportunity to change the situation by losing the election and your Second Amendment rights. It's a package deal. You get two crushing defeats for the price of one.

So why be unhappy that you can't do everything you want and can't have everything you want? Now you can make sure that you won't be able to do anything you want and won't have anything you want. Use your special vision and lose it all. That'll show them the kind of person you are. They'll be sorry that you broke your toys. It will make them feel real bad.

That remarkable strategy is for people who have lots of vision--all of it bad. It's the vision of people who actually believe that they win something by losing everything just for the sake of telling the world that they are angry and frustrated.

President Obama or President Clinton both are dedicated opponents of the right to keep and bear arms. With a Democratic president and a Democrat controlled congress, your only hope of keeping your Second Amendment rights is if Superman and the other super heroes rescue you.

But they won't. Not even Superman is interested in self destructive people who are intent on destroying themselves and all other sensible firearms owners.

Neither am I.

So can I count on you for your vote?
I'm sure they're a fine bunch of folks but I learned some time ago that living in a theocracy gives me a rash.

Between the Constitution Party and Robert Hairless, I'm voting Bald Bob all the way as a write-in.
A Gun owner voting for a third party candidate sends a message loud and clear. That message reads "Hillary 08".

How is that worse than voting for McCain? Y'all are talking like we are obligated to vote for whatever the Republicans trot out in November.
Why do you people believe you're not going to lose gun rights if McCain is elected?

I'd guess some of us aren't saying any such thing.

But there's more to rights than "gun rights".

I would just tend to feel a breeze across the nether regions of several other rights when a party includes the phrase "divinely instituted" in the body of their primary principles.

This could be a fun topic but I'm not sure it would survive long even at APS since the CP combines the double whammy of politics and religion into one convenient furrball.

I do not predict a long and happy life for this thread.
I agree, short life to follow,

but I get my licks in..
Why do you people believe you're not going to lose gun rights if McCain is elected?

Just 1 reason now, He was the only one of the three senators running (I don't believe Ron Paul is a viable candidate given his lack of rationality) to sign the Heller Amicus brief from the congress.
No thanks! They're Dominionists. If they would trim out the theocracy angle and stick with core Federalist and Constitutional beliefs it would be great, but the leaders seem to have a very different agenda linked with the pro-life movement and extreme evangelicals.
How is it different from the Libertarian party?
There are very significant differences, the Constitution party's platform is here

To me the libertarian party is the party of freedom and individual choice and the constitution party is the one of religious values. One man's theocrat is another man's strict constitutionalist though so you'll have to make your own call :)
What activism would you like us to do, specifically?

Which congresscritters should we write letters to, and what should the letters say?
How is it different from the Libertarian party?

Primarily, the Constitution Party differs greatly in that it is a Born-Again Christian party and it opposes free trade, whereas the Libertarian Party has no religious connection and opposes restrictions and taxes on trade.

Its platform begins:
The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.

This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Contrast that with the Libertarian Party's platform, which begins:
As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

The CP is protectionist:
In no event will the U.S. tariff on any foreign import be less than the difference between the foreign item's cost of production and the cost of production of a similar item produced in the United States. The cost of production of a U.S. product shall include, but not be limited to, all compensation, including fringe benefits, paid to American workers, and environmental costs of doing business imposed on business by federal, state, and local governments.

Tariffs are not only a constitutional source of revenue, but, wisely administered, are an aid to preservation of the national economy.

The LP is opposes any restriction of free trade:
Efforts to forcibly redistribute wealth or forcibly manage trade are intolerable. Government manipulation of the economy creates an entrenched privileged class -- those with access to tax money -- and an exploited class -- those who are net taxpayers.

The CP is 100% anti-abortion:
We affirm the God-given legal personhood of all unborn human beings, without exception. As to matters of rape and incest, it is unconscionable to take the life of an innocent child for the crimes of his father.

No government may legalize the taking of the unalienable right to life without justification, including the life of the pre-born; abortion may not be declared lawful by any institution of state or local government - legislative, judicial, or executive. The right to life should not be made dependent upon a vote of a majority of any legislative body.

The LP opposes government intervention in this area:
The tragedies caused by unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are aggravated and sometimes created by government policies of censorship, restriction, regulation and prohibition.
Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on both sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.
Why do you people believe you are going to lose gun rights if McCain is elected?

No. I don't like McCain and he's not what you'd call "pro-gun", but I don't see him advocating more gun legislation either...

On the bright side, as President, there's a good chance McCain will only last four years.....the jury's out a bit until we see his running mate. Is anyone trying to push Ron Paul for that gig?
I don't like the CP's religious stance. But, I'm having a hard time. I'm thinking Cthulhu in '08. All evil ticket.

Seriously, John McCan't isn't our friend. But, he has to be relatively benign (to outward appearances) to keep his powerbase. Granted, he has no problem harming all other civil rights. So, we are faced with the grinder problem. McCan't simply hurts us less than Obama or Hilldebeast.

Unless he decides to make a bipartisan gesture (which he often does, as long as it serves his and other incumbents' interests) and sign Gun Grab whatever bill.
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