Cotton gun cleaning clothe


Contributing Member
Oct 10, 2014
Preble County, OH
A few years ago I bought a couple of yards of cotton lint free clothe from an online fabric store for gun cleaning that I really liked. About out now. Like a dummy I don't remember the source. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I don't wear T-shirts.
You don't have to wear them first. They can be used for cleaning guns without having been worn.:rofl: Seriously though, thrift stores are the place to go for stuff like that. Often they'll have days where clothes with a particular color tags on them are half off. Pick those color tags in the largest size t shirts that they have. I used to live in Ohio and there's a lot more of an obesity problem there than there is where I live now. Doesn't bode well for society, but it makes for lots of cheap gun cleaning rags.
I have used used up t-shirts for years. It has only cost me the effort to cut the material into small squares and I have never damaged a gun with them. Never had a gun complain about the shirt color either. Free is free. Why spend money when there is no need.
I took a small sample of my cleaning patch to the local fabric store and asked ifi could get a halfa yard of it. The clerk found the exact match of the sample. Half a yard of patch material came to $3. This and a few minutes of cutting up the fabric into small swatches kept me in cleaning patches for several years now.