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Courage under fire: Amish girls

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It might be a true story, or it might not. It certainly is a story of hope and courage.

Remember the story around Pat Tillman's death was supposed to be true also, but the facts around his death were very different from the initial report.
I hate to be a wet blanket but similar stories came out after Columbine and they turned out to be completely false. Personally I'll wait for some more corroboration.

It might be a true story, or it might not. It certainly is a story of hope and courage.

Remember the story around Pat Tillman's death was supposed to be true also, but the facts around his death were very different from the initial report.

Just want to wrap up this loose end....

FWIW, "turn the other cheek" is NOT an endorsement of pacifism in any way, shape or form. Basically, a strike to the cheek is an insult, not a lethal threat, so don't go flying off the handle and try to kill someone over an insult. Offer them your other cheek, to show that insults mean nothing to you.

Christ was quite adamant that self-defense was acceptable and moral.
Already the pros have been revving up the political noise machine, dancing in the blood of the murdered (to use your analogy) and calling for arming everyone in sight. It's just as vile a way of scoring political points off the victims.
I have to take exception with your characterization, tellner. The "pros" have not been "calling for arming everyone in sight." There is a huge difference in allowing someone to be armed and requiring that they be either armed or disarmed. Apples and oranges. The "pros" in this case are pro-choice.

1. The DOOM dry run idea: well, turned out to be a lie. first time i heard of this one, though. makes me want to go dig out my old doom cd and make a level of my house so i can do dry runs. i bet that'd be tactical. i have a tactical 42" plasma to try it out on, too.

2. the christain girl saying "yes" stuff. wow, it was a lie? damn. my mother harped on about it for months. and every single MSM & christian group praised her vociferously for qutie some time. do you have a link?
well i got curious

What most people know about the massacre is what they learned in the first few days after it occurred. The basic narrative of Columbine—the story that Americans absorbed—was based on fragmentary and incorrect information from the first hours after the shooting. The story was that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, a pair of lonely, outcast Goths, tore through the school hunting down jocks to settle a long-running feud between athletes and the Trenchcoat Mafia. After years of bullying, the pair finally snapped and turned on their tormenters with automatic weapons and pipe bombs. They arrived at the school with a hit list of victims, including despised minorities, Christians, and athletes. In fact, this tale was mostly a myth, as were other supposed "facts" about Columbine involving Marilyn Manson, the martyrdom of Cassie Bernall, and a plan to hijack a plane and crash it into New York City.

Here is the straight story on seven of the central myths:

1. Targeting jocks, blacks, and Christians: There were no targets. Harris and Klebold just wanted body count, and they didn't care who died. They expected their bombs to do most of the killing, murdering everyone in the cafeteria, irrespective of clique or social standing. When the bombs failed, they shot indiscriminately, firing into open crowds and under tables without bothering to see who their victims were. They taunted jocks briefly in the library, but they taunted virtually everyone else there, too.

2. The Trench Coat Mafia: A small group of Columbine students did dub themselves the Trenchcoat Mafia, and they did have a feud with a band of jocks in 1999. But it was never a formal gang or club, and most of the members graduated nearly a year before the massacre. Harris and Klebold were never closely affiliated with the group and did not appear in the 1998 yearbook picture identifying the members. The TCM had little to do with Harris and Klebold and nothing to do with the massacre. The killers wore long coats in order to hide their weapons.

3. The Hit List: Eric Harris did create an enemies list, with a wide and sometimes comical assortment of personalities—students who pissed him off, girls who refused his dates, Tiger Woods. There's no indication that these were ever intended as targets. No one on the list was killed.

4. Christian Martyr Cassie Bernall: One of the killers allegedly asked student Cassie Bernall if she believed in God, then killed her when she said yes. Bernall became a revered figure among evangelical Christians. In fact, one of the killers posed the question to another girl, Valeen Schnurr, after she had already been shot. They had a short exchange, he reloaded, got distracted, and she crawled away to safety.

5. Marilyn Manson: Klebold and Harris hated Marilyn Manson. On his Web site, Harris said he loved, "Good, fast, hard, strong, pounding TECHNO!! Such as KMFDM, PRODIGY, ORBITAL, RAMMSTEIN, and such."

6. Escape to New York: Harris' journal does contain a passage about hijacking a plane and crashing it into New York City, but that appears to have been an early fantasy. He settled on a more practical scheme long before he and Klebold actually staged their massacre. By the time of the attack, they fully expected to die at the high school. They refer to their death routinely and explicitly in their writings and in their videos.

7. Outcasts: Perhaps the most pervasive myth is that Harris and Klebold were rejected outcasts. They were not captains of the football team, but they were far more accepted than many of their schoolmates. They hung out with a tight circle of close friends and partied regularly on the weekend with a wider crowd.
"State police Capt. John Laufer, head of the Lancaster barracks, said his investigators have been able to talk to only one of the surviving girls, who are hospitalized at Hershey, because of their medical conditions.

“We confirmed that (13-year-old Marian Fisher) did say ‘Shoot me first,’” Laufer said, “and then Roberts made a statement to the girls, ‘I’m going to make you pay for my daughter.’’’"

The link didn't work for awhile, so I thought I'd post this quote in case it goes down again.

Henry, I'm afraid it's absolutely accurate. The pro side has been using the tragedy to call for turning elementary school teachers into armed bodyguards. It's every bit as political and every bit as venal and self-centered as the other side.
It's every bit as political and every bit as venal and self-centered as the other side.

Only if it were true.

Joe Progun says, "Teachers should not be disarmed" or "Teachers should be allowed to be armed" or even "Schools should not be CCW-free zones." This is (mis)translated or reported as "Joe Progun says that all teachers should be armed." I trust you can see the difference.
Which came first?

It seems to me that the Brady Bunch was out there the day of, or the day after the Amish shootings calling for gun control "for the children".

They are still making the rounds with the same call for more gun control. They were here in Chicago this week stumping for Tammy Duckworth (Rahm Emanuel's hand picked congress critter candidate) with the same old assault weapons ban story, to protect our children.

IIRC, that Wisconsin congressman (can't recall the name) offered his "arm the teachers" comments as a reply to a "well what can we do about this?" question.

In the balance, the Brady types, Rosie O et. al. never seem to get around to offering their sympathy for the family's loss. And they never seem to have any ideas on what to do about it, just a rant for more gun control of exactly the same kind that just failed. (Rosie O has admitted on a number of public occasions to being clinically depressed and has been under medication for years to treat it, sometimes I think her responses are way out of proportion because she identifies with the behavior issue personally, more than she truly believes gun control is really any kind of answer.)

I don't consider that the congressman was "pushing an agenda". Just answering the question logically, on what can we do to stop this kind of random violence on children. People won't accept that there is nothing you can do to protect them any further. Schools are already gun free zones. Mentally disturbed people are already precluded from owning guns.

Does anyone here believe there is anything that really can be done legislatively to protect the kids?
Does anyone here believe there is anything that really can be done legislatively to protect the kids?
Yes. Allow them to be defended.

In the case of the Amish school, they made their own choice as to whether to act in defense of themselves or their children. I have no problem with that other than that I don't agree. But I do not advocate passing a law that takes that choice away from them. Likewise, the Amish don't wish to impose their beliefs on me by law. "Gun free school zones" put our children in danger. Simple observations prove this fact.
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