coyotes getting bolder

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Aug 26, 2004
Prescott, AZ
This just happened to the wife of one of my coworkers.

She was out for a hike on a newly opened trail inside the city limits with their dog, a good sized black lab, when this happened. The dog was off-leash and had ventured ahead a little out of sight when four coyotes attacked the dog. The lady heard the fight and the dog broke contact with the coyotes and made it's way back to her. The coyotes actually followed them back to the car and were not scared off by yelling or thrown rocks. The lab ended up needing stitches for some large lacerations on her hind legs.
Sounds like the coyote population has out grown it's environment’s ability to support it, so they are out looking for food. Sounds to me like they need a good ol’fashioned town hunt to reduce the numbers of coyotes, or you could have the governor give me a free hunting license and I'll come take care of em for yall :D
If it had been me I probably would have fired at them, but I'm not really sure what the threshold for an animal threat is to justify discharging a firearm within city limits.

The other day my wife and I pulled into our driveway and caught a large (45lb +) coyote trotting through the yard. We hear them hunting almost every night. They definitely seem to be getting a little overpopulated.
Had one outside our house last night, was a baby looking for momma.. the thing howled and belly ached for hours... Had one a few weeks back, up on my porch, trying to get its snout into my trash bin...
I live in an upscale residential area about 300 yards from the national forest.
We have all kinds of wildlife through the yard. We had a black bear walk through the yard this morning around 5:00 am. We see coyotes too.

One time last winter about 10:00 PM I took the Cocker Spaniel out before bed time. I was gazing up at the stars and heard a slight noise behind me of something walking in the grass. A coyote came right up the the dog and me. The cocker got excited and tried to chase the coyote. I called her back. She is a well disciplined dog and stopped.

Around here coyotes it a pack will sometimes have an individual lure a dog into a chase and suddenly the dog is surrounded by the pack and killed.

I learned to be more careful after that. Coyotes are too darned bold.
Usually I can hear 'em howling a good ways away but a couple of nights ago a whole pack must have been no less than 50' away in the tree line and started up with they're howling. My cat was so surprised he jumped in the air and clawed me on his way back to the house. The AR was handy that night.
I'm a shooter, not a hunter. I enjoy informal target shooting (plinking). I won't shoot any animal for meat or sport. But, there are two mean-spirited critters that I will blast when our paths cross and they are coyotes and crows.
Some States have or had bounties for Coyote. Didn't have to be anything wrong, you just shot the Coyote and collected some cash. Not sure which still have active bounties if any though.
Did I say something wrong here? Ok, let me be more specific.

COYOTES are vermon that will kill just for the sake of killing, they don't always eat their kill.

CROWS take advantage of animals that are not able to defend themselves like a cow or sheep giving birth. They will attack the mother and fetus and the first thing they go for are their eyes.
coyotes are gettinb older and more plentiful around here as well. We have lived in our current home (old construction) for five years, in the least three sightings of them are getting fairly common. Even when I do not see them I find their scat when I am on trails in my own woods. They have been on our porch and drink from my wifes little barrel fountain thingy in the front yard. I do not go outside at night unarmed simple as that.

I am convinced that new home construction around here is removing their habitat.

Sign me up as Not a big fan of coyotes.
It could also be the area is getting populated with too many people. I'm no tree hugger but did get raised on a ranch in CO. If you really want to see "guns gone wild" go there some time.
Around here coyotes it a pack will sometimes have an individual lure a dog into a chase and suddenly the dog is surrounded by the pack and killed.

They do the same thing near our home in Georgia. I suspect its common behavior for them most places. A neighbor has lost a couple of dogs to them - I almost killed my in laws dog (a sweet little stray) cause I saw it looking through some bushes at my kid playing and she looks just like a coyote. She's lucky she turned to the side and walked down to us - cause 5 more seconds where she was and she would have had a .45 caliber hole through her head.
I almost killed my in laws dog (a sweet little stray) cause I saw it looking through some bushes at my kid playing and she looks just like a coyote. [/QUOTE] Your kid looks just like a coyote? Ha, Ha, Ha,...,I'm sorry, no offense intended. I just found humour in the way you worded your post.
I think they just grow in population around the outskirts of town because Mt lions won't come down that low. We need to pick up the slack, but we can't within city limits... lame...
Sounds like you folks need to buy some guns out there in GWR.

Actually, there was a report a couple weeks ago of a mountain lion killing a deer in somebody's yard not to far from the coyote incident.:eek:
This seems like a good excuse to buy an infra-red scope, and chill out on the roof with a long-range rifle at night. :cool:
I've seen them in Studio City, Glendale and other parts of Los Angeles. They generally are seen the night people put their garbage out for pick up the next day. They will adapt and thrive to any condition. We have a increasing population of these animals in the Southeast and, they've always been here in Nevada.
They have been howling very loudly at dusk back home. Coyotes used to be rare back home but now they are everywhere. I set up a treestand memorial day weekend and my little brother has been bating them with scraps. I bought a distress cottontail rabbit call from bass pro shop and I have been practicing with it. I plan on nailing some with my sks next time I go home, which is really soon.
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