Democrat Targets .50 Caliber Revolver for Nationwide Ban

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Dec 24, 2002
By Michael L. Betsch Staff Writer
February 17, 2003

( - A well-known gun maker recently introduced a powerful new hunting revolver that is said to have no equal in terms of firepower.

But within days of introducing the Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum at an industry-wide trade show in Florida, an anti-gun Democrat promised to seek a nationwide ban on the product.

"It's hard for me to rationalize any particular need or purpose" for the 500 Magnum, said Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.). "I think guns are made to kill people. That's my opinion."

Asked if he would seek a nationwide ban on the 500 Magnum, Davis replied, "Yes, indeed." [...] (snip)
Rest of article here
S&W releases a new high-dollar product with tons of mainstream press coverage, and now anyone who's interested will rush out to buy one before they're banned.

Does anybody know who's doing S&W's marketing? They're geniuses.
If guns were made to kill people then mine must all be defective.
Deer, ducks, pheasant, chukkar, quail and bunnies are not people. Altho' I do own a couple of well used Lugars that have some blood pitting on them, the grips are well worn... they've been used as designed I think.

But wait till some drug sealing gangsta type actually buys or steals a S&W 500 and uses it, now that the idea has been firmly planted in his feeble little law-abiding mind...

Then you'll see just how right this Illinois Demo is. Probably happen in Chicago or some other big city with stringent gun control laws on the books as well. Teach us a lesson or two.


Better get yours before they go the way of the hi-cap magazines and dreaded "Barrett .50 eeeeevil assault rifle", and plan on paying more than MSRP due to the recent marketing hysteria.

Sorry about Davis, folks. I know this goes without saying, but he's some ward boss' protege from Chicago.
Choir-preaching here, but the laughable part about this inner-city twit is the notion that this 4.5 lb. handgun would be a concealable weapon of choice for gangbangers, that it will help escalate streetcorner altercations (as if gangs like the ones on that Chicago doorstep last summer needed guns to pummel those two men to death), and even the idea that the .500 handgun round is a superlative killer (what fraction of .30-06 power is it, anyway).
Some of my favorite quotes from the article...

He (Davis) claimed handguns in general are specifically designed kill fellow human beings, whereas rifles and shotguns are typically relegated to hunting animals.
Yeah, nobody has ever been killed by a rifle or shotgun. Handguns also are never used to shoot, oh, I don't know, paper targets of any kind.

(Davis) added that its high power combined with its concealability could make it the "weapon of choice" for urban gangs.
Concealability? Hmmm. Anybody remember the first Batman movie, when the Joker pulled out of his pants the revolver with the 4'+ barrel? That kind of concealability?

Currie (Illinois State House Majority Leader) compared the 500 Magnum to "military-style assault weapons," although she had no information to base her claims on except for a "tip" received from a reporter.

"I'm not a weapons expert, but it sounded like pretty strong firepower to me," Currie said. "The description I heard was that from a significant range you could fell a large bear."
Hmmm...could this be that whole hunting thing mentioned before?

Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt, who corrected the claim by Davis that hunters don't use revolvers to shoot prey. "He's quite ignorant because there are people who do," Pratt said.
Finally, the voice of reason.

There's more, but the above parts are among my favorites.
I guess S&W will have to change it to the .499 S&W Magnum. They could cause Mr. Davis to write 1,000 bills to have sent to the floor for a vote and codified into law for each and every caliber.

Better yet, just to get the most fun from the issue, perhaps they should call it the .4999 or even better .49999 caliber.

Hope Davis gets terminal writer's cramp.
When will *&# learn who their friends are?

Oh silly me. :eek: Their friends are back wiff'm. :banghead:
I mean, "Who needs that kind of firepower anyway?"

Over four rounds of GRIZZLY BEAR KILLING power in a "concealable handgun". Probably have em for sale on every street corner if we don't PASS A LAW NOW.

There, that'll stop em.

(what fraction of .30-06 power is it, anyway).

Actually it's almost the same energy as a .30-06 :what:

in case the article becomes un archived,
this beauty is worth keeping around for ammo

The hardcast 50mag load is similar in muzzle velocity and payload as a 12 gauge slug (from a 10 inch barrel)

Democrat Targets .50 Caliber Revolver for Nationwide Ban
By Michael L. Betsch Staff Writer
February 17, 2003

( - A well-known gun maker recently introduced a powerful new hunting revolver that is said to have no equal in terms of firepower.
But within days of introducing the Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum at an industry-wide trade show in Florida, an anti-gun Democrat promised to seek a nationwide ban on the product.

"It's hard for me to rationalize any particular need or purpose" for the 500 Magnum, said Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.). "I think guns are made to kill people. That's my opinion."

Asked if he would seek a nationwide ban on the 500 Magnum, Davis replied, "Yes, indeed."
Billed as the "most powerful production revolver in the world today," S&W claims its new 500 Magnum cartridge produces nearly three times the muzzle energy of the .44 Magnum round, one of the most powerful sidearm cartridges available.
But Davis said the .50 caliber revolver, which weighs 72.5 ounces and has an overall length 15-inch has no purpose in society except to cause injury and death to humans, dismissing the manufacturer's claim that it is intended for hunting wild game.

He claimed handguns in general are specifically designed kill fellow human beings, whereas rifles and shotguns are typically relegated to hunting animals.

"You don't go out hunting deer with a revolver," Davis said. "Those of us who live in big, urban centers have a different fear and a different take than some people who may live in different environments."

Davis believes the 500 Magnum has a greater potential for becoming a lethal inner-city status symbol than an effective hunting tool, at least in his congressional district. He added that its high power combined with its concealability could make it the "weapon of choice" for urban gangs.

"If you live in a place like Chicago, and you know the amount of violence that is perpetrated by individuals who grow-up with the idea that having, handling and using a gun is a way-of-life in terms of establishing yourself on the streets or as part of the culture, then I'm afraid that many of these individuals will, in fact, acquire this weapon," Davis said.
"And, of course, the thing will be, 'I've got the most powerful piece on the block,'" he said.
Can a revolver be an assault weapon?
While Smith & Wesson's new five-round revolver is billed by the company as "the most powerful production revolver ever made," it's already being reclassified by some gun control advocates.
"If you've got something that masquerades as a handgun, but has the firepower of a major weapon, you're all at risk," said Illinois State House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie. "This is not the Wild West. It hasn't been for a long time."

Currie compared the 500 Magnum to "military-style assault weapons," although she had no information to base her claims on except for a "tip" received from a reporter.
"I'm not a weapons expert, but it sounded like pretty strong firepower to me," Currie said. "The description I heard was that from a significant range you could fell a large bear."
She dismissed the notion that the 500 Magnum is a hunting revolver, but did equate it with mob violence.
"My concern is whether this kind of weaponry -- it is a handgun as I understand it -- in a crowded, urban area downtown street corners in the midst of people who are angry about something and developing the kind of range that means vandalism and mob action - whether this kind of weapon has any place," Currie said.
Like Davis, Currie said she would examine the prospects of making the sidearm illegal in the state.

"I'm going to look at the technology, as I say, and see if there is any way to specifically keep it from operating in the state of Illinois," Flynn said. "We are also working on efforts to ban military-style assault weapons, and, perhaps there is something about this technology that makes it possible to amend that legislation to include firepower like this."
Anti-gun message said to be flawed
Rifles are most commonly used for hunting, but many gun enthusiasts have also used smaller side arms for hunting, according to Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt, who corrected the claim by Davis that hunters don't use revolvers to shoot prey.
"He's quite ignorant because there are people who do," Pratt said. "I do know for a fact that people take large caliber handguns with them to go hunting. And, I have no doubt that if you were lucky enough to get close enough, you could take a deer down with a .44 Magnum, which until now, was the biggest gun around."
As far as Davis' contention that any would-be criminal could easily conceal the 500 Magnum, Pratt said, "Yeah, if you have a trench coat or something like that."
Asked if the 500 Magnum's predecessor, the .44 Magnum faced the same criticisms and threats by politicians upon its introduction in 1955, Pratt said the controversy over Smith and Wesson's latest offering appears to be a sign of the times.
"It was all sort of good clean fun when it was introduced, but we're 20 years further along the gun-hating sensitivity training," Pratt said. "We're talking about the frame of mind that opposes concealed carry by private citizens."
Just sounds like some Low Life Politican trying to make a name for himself like FEINSTEIN,BOXER AND PERALTA, The Yahoos trying to ban the 50Bmg in the Prk, I wish they show me one crime committed with a 50 Bmg .:banghead: :cuss: :fire:
Ya know, a clever man might product announce something just to get silly hoplophobes to rally against it, and then announce its a farsical fabrication.

It worked for the "HoMeBoY NyTe SyTeS".

how about titanium tipped depleated uranium 22lr ammo with a tactical teflon coating...

it makes any 100 dollar Walmart rifle into an elephant rifle

or a specially developed CNC barrel that converts any flintlock into an assault rifle.

or a bayonet lug for any handgun
Ok, so people who hate guns are trusted to give an unbiased technologically correct assessment of which guns are necessary?

The .500 Magnum is too big to be of any practical value?
The P32 pocket pistol is too small for conventional use?

How would they know anyway? This is like having a pastry chef tell a NASCAR driver how to improve his gas mileage. That's a nice opinion there pal, but don't feel the need to share it.

Does no one besides us see the discrepency here?

The problem is that politicians and “experts†like those from VPC et al. get the air time. NRA & GOA and the grassroots groups on our side are always portrayed as “special interest" (like the others aren’t) and always tainted with that brush.

As long as the anti’s have the ear and the sympathies of the main stream media we’re fighting an uphill battle. Besides, what do most people know about firearms beyond what they see from Hollywood and the nightly news? The “if it’s on TV it must be true†syndrome. Look at the threads on this board and others about gun owners and even gun dealers owners spewing total BS.

Just because you have enough money to own a gun doesn’t mean you know anything about them, technical or political. That’s an assumption that we sometimes make. Those of us that participate in forums like this are without a doubt some of the most knowledgeable and informed gun owners out there. Even in 4 years of operation The Firing Line only had what, a few hundred regular participants? We are a minority.

The deck is stacked against us. Even if a reporter bothered to ask a “typical†gun owner about anything (since they don’t trust our organizations) the odds of finding someone with our knowledge and savvy among the millions of Joe-Sixpacks with a .38 special in the sock drawer, skeet shooters and 1 box of ammo a year deer hunters is infinitesimal.

Besides, safe and sane gun owners who shoot paper doesn’t sell papers or make ratings. Sensationalized, end of the world, dead cops in the street hysteria does.

</Here endth the Rant>

edited because I depend on the spell checker a bit too much
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Somebody should send that twit the sale flyer for a BFR, he'll probably go into shock.
S&W releases a new high-dollar product with tons of mainstream press coverage, and now anyone who's interested will rush out to buy one before they're banned.

That's the irony...Clinton, Schumer, and Ted Kennedy have probably sold more guns together than anyone else. Every time they're thinking out loud about banning something, the natural reaction of Americans is to run out and stock up on the soon-to-be-banned guns.
Davis still unindicted

Danny Davis is a very rare Chicago politician. He is as yet unindicted and doesn't have a record.

We have a fine and long standing traditiion of having aldermen, representatives and governors going to the slammer for felony convictions for taking bribes or other crimes. Davis is noteworthy in that he has not had any major indictments or convictions so he must be honest right?

Our current governor used the .50 caliber Barrett rifles for high public visibility by suggesting, at a press confereence, that "You could go to the top of the Hancock building and kill Sammy Sosa at Wrigley Field with one of these".

When a reporter asked if he might be overstepping the issue by suggesting something to a possibly unstable person, he said, "I was just speaking metaphorically".

Davis is just leveraging a short term opportunity to try and sound Uber Liberal to his existing consituency.

Don P.
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