Dems want Civil War; have "Fully Automatic Revolver"

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Here are a few gems I gleaned from that (to quote Obi Wan Kenobi) "wretched hive of scum and villany" known as the democratic underground:

I'm sick of them. One of us has got to go.

The only good neocon is a dead neocon.

That mamby pamby lets place nice attitude is why these ????s are so brazen. Bloody their nose a bit and they're not so cocky.

I don't think these kids know just how much trouble they would truly be in under those circumstances, do they?
Am I the only one who saw that as "CDNN just had a special on them"?
Guilty :)

NeoCon is an interior design trade show according to google: NeoCon 2005 :D

Or maybe they mean neoconservative.

Where does that put libertarians in all this? They seem to deny the existence of us individual freedom lovers entirely.

I'll tell you what, in the fight for freedom, I know which of the parties are closer to standing for liberation, and it's not the "liberals".
Mouth breathing mush heads. Do the world a favor this weekend and take a liberal to the park for lunch. When they fall asleep by the duck pond after eating the tofu sandwich you thoughtfully made for them quickly tie their shoelaces together and sprinkle them with bread crumbs and back away. Then watch the ducks nibble them to death.:eek:
I never was much into drugs, sometimes I think I missed out on something. So I occasionally go over to Dem Underground and read about 30 posts. It screws up my head pretty bad, I think that must be what a "bad Acid trip" was like. Some of these tin-hat wearing nut jobs actually believe what they type. These cats make Pink Floyd look like Dick Nixon.
Ya know........ we are sitting here and laughing our butts off but this is a
a major problem. Those people have lost touch with reality to the point of
being scary.
The one that said that AW were going to flood the streets from the trunks
of cars. Oh my gosh! How do you handle that massive of a jump of illogic?
The junk they are spitting out is like .... saying the world is flat because
they have seen it on CNN.
"Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up"

On the other hand :neener: whatcha going to fight with if you don't like
Wow I started browsing DU because of bordem and I found the best quote on a different thread

I heard Mrs. Brady (Brady Bill) talking about the assault weapon ban on AAR today. If it expires, it'll be legal for 18 yr olds to buy long rifles although you still have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It'll be legal for gun shows to sell assault weapons and 100 clip rounds (whatever the term is) with no registration required (imagine how easy for terrorists, wanting to cause harm, to walk into said gun shows and stock up).

Such wonderfull discussions can be found here
Black Dragon said: "On the other hand whatcha going to fight with if you don't like firearms???"

Patchouli. That stuff is deadly. Should be classified as a chemical weapon.

Please someone tell me

these aren't the same people we have such a hard time against. :banghead: I've never read such "head securely in the rectum" drivel in my life. Fully automatic revolvers, Bazookas...:banghead: I see stupid people and they don't even know they're stupid.
DUh = Bizarro THR

Where does that put libertarians in all this? They seem to deny the existence of us individual freedom lovers entirely.
They can't seem to understand the concept of libertarianism. (neither can the Republicans, for that matter.) It's similar to the philosophy world's response to Ayn Rand: they simply ignore her. It's much easier to just pretend there's no elephant in the room rather than admit that you are wrong.

Sadly, personal liberty seems to be terribly out of style these days.
I gotta say, this website has just made my day! I agree with Tamara...liberals *are* so cute when they're angry!

Anyway, gotta run. I want to get a good spot in line for the free bazookas they're going to be handing out come Tuesday morning.

Michael B

PS: Will do my best to film and televise the "Civil War" when it gets started. I don't suppose we'll need more than one 20-minute tape...
We have so many “guests” here recently I thought I’d bump this old thread back to the top to make them feel at home.
I don't know about you but put me on the "full-auto revolver" waiting list! I got to get me one of those! :D

Liberal Dems are a laugh riot!
Has anyone e-mailed or posted Topanga and asked her if she feels stupid yet? I asked my Ice Cream Man once the ban ended if he had any hardware for sale and he didn't. He did say that if other companies were selling them he was going switch companies in the hopes of getting a "employee discount"! :D :D :D I've also never been able to find that "Full Auto Revolver". Maybe she bought it to "keep it out of the wrong hands"! LOL :neener:

Morons one and all. I spent 10min over there and now my brain hurts!

Take Care,
I guess all the folks you have said they would go to war if Bush got re-elected are waiting until the results are in from the 2006 election. Or maybe they're waiting to see who wins the 2008 presidential election or maybe they're stockpiling their arsenals in their basements and waiting for THE DAY.

Or perhaps they're just a bunch a dimwit jabberjaws who dimly realize that a true CIVIL WAR would disrupt their cell phone service , close their favorite coffee shop, turn off the internet and make it impossible for them to constantly update their iPod's.

God what a bunch of idiots. I don't know what is worse when I look over those threads; the fact that most of them come across as semi-illiterate or that I can barely understand their god awful posts. :fire: :cuss: :banghead:
i remember that thread... i was thinking when i read it: yeah, right... you'll fight a civil war w/, well, w/o guns, anyway.

i haven't heard an update - course, i don't watch the news all that much, but was hoping somebody could tell me how the civil war is faring, and how bush's impeachment and violent overthrow are going?

sure wish somebody could resurrect that thread over there and get the other side of the story... don't want any biased reports, don'cha know...
that's a really old thread, but this little nugget in particular cracked me up:

I saw a picture of John Kerry hunting, I am a vegeterian and it bothered me a little tha the likes to kill things, but we need a president who will be real.

Didn't make me want to get an assualt weapon, but I was happy that John Kerry was a real man

So let me get this straight;

1. You actually *believed* that John Kerry was/is a hunter or would voluntarily kill anything had he not been putting on a big smoke and mirrors show for the potus race.
2. You don't like to see him kill things because you're a vegetarian, yet this is a positive, not a negative because he's a "real" man. (See #1)
OK, first of all, when I read topanga's post about the AWB, I thought it was sarcasm, missing the tag, but oh well.

The Full Auto Revolver (which btw, I wouldnt mind purchasing...) is most likely some dimwit that doesnt know the difference between a Glock 18 and a Revolver!

Next, I think I missed the Civil War, perhaps they didnt have a starbucks on the battle field? The world may never know.

Finally, IF these nuggets decide to come and fight, well, I got a nice .30 suppository for ya! Oh, and I can insert it from 600 yards!

PS: The rifle range thing has to be a joke. I have only been shooting for about a year, but the only arguments I EVER saw at a range involved calbur wars. Oh, and that one time I told a guy jokingly that his AK was a pellet rifle, and he didnt get the joke.*

*Gar, I hate doing this, but an explaination. WHen I first bought my Garand, one of the guys at the range told me that I couldnt handle it, and that it would make the AR-15 I was shooting look like a pellet rifle. Well, that statement basically circulated, so that most people there joked about it, and it became necessary for me to say something deroggatory about any rounds less powerful than the .30-06 every time someone brought it up. Anyway, Guy didnt get it, got red in the face, and realized we were all laughing at him. Long story even longer, I bought the guy a box of ammo, and all was good.
I'm still waiting........
My loaded mags will have spring fatigue before they start a civil war. :rolleyes:
One year later:

I check my gun safe last weekend. All those eeevil assault weapons I purchased after 9/14/04 are just sitting there, no doubt conspiring to commit some sort of Evil! :evil:

BTW, where is that blasted Ice Cream Truck of Death? Have not seen one in my neighborhood.
I have a confession. I'm a regular reader of the DU. Yes I have to go through decon after, but there's a reason.

1) To gather intelligence. You should always know your enemy. If you watch that dribble you'll see, that in one form or another, it appears on the "main stream" media. Not all, but enough that it's prudent to be aware of what's comming. :what:
2) I need a good laugh from time to time. :neener:
PRAVDA Delaware, Home of SARAH Brady Admits No effect

End of gun ban has little effect in state No increase reported in crimes using previously banned arms
BY J.L. MILLER / The News Journal
09/18/2005The predictions were dire. The expiration of the 10-year-old federal assault-weapons ban would flood the streets with AK-47s and other weapons of war.

With the one-year anniversary of the expiration of the ban passing quietly last week, the reality has proved much less grim. The assault-weapons ban went out with a whimper, not a bang.

Although precise figures are not available, police in Delaware have not reported an increase in crimes committed with previously banned weapons.

And area gun dealers say they have not seen an increase in demand, possibly because so many guns that had been legally manufactured before the law remained on the market through the decade-long ban.

But proponents and opponents of the legislation, which Congress declined to renew last year, remain divided on whether it accomplished anything -- and whether it should be reinstated.

"A year later, I still certainly feel we need the ban," said Sarah Brady, the Dewey Beach resident who founded the national gun-control group now known as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

"Thank goodness we haven't seen any huge increase [in shootings]. That doesn't mean there isn't one around the corner," said Brady, whose husband, former White House press secretary Jim Brady, was seriously wounded after a 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan.

Another key player in the gun-control debate also lives in Delaware: John Sigler, a retired Dover police captain who is first vice president of the National Rifle Association and the likely successor to its president, Sandra S. Froman.

"I'm not surprised there hasn't been much effect," Sigler said.

The assault-weapons ban's 10-year sunset provision, he said, "was a test, an experiment if you will, and during the course of that 10-year experiment, [then-President] Clinton's own Justice Department came to the conclusion that the ban would have no effect on the criminal use of firearms."

Delaware authorities do not keep track of the type of firearms used or recovered in crimes.

But, state police troopers have been involved in incidents that led to the arrest of people using weapons that were classed as assault rifles.

"Over the last year we've had four incidents where we recovered assault rifles," state police spokesman Lt. Joseph Aviola said. "That's down two from [the previous] year."

Detractors of the ban say it was merely cosmetic. The law banned combinations of such military features as flash suppressors and bayonet lugs, but the weapons themselves remained essentially unchanged.

The ban also played on a popular misconception "that somehow a semiautomatic firearm was synonymous with a fully automatic firearm," the NRA's Sigler said.

Fully automatic firearms, which fire a steady stream of bullets for as long as the trigger is held, are severely restricted under federal law and are illegal in Delaware.

Semiautomatics, the guns that were covered under the assault-weapons ban, fire one shot each time the trigger is pressed.

The ban also outlawed newly manufactured ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds -- and gun-control advocate Brady finds that perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the ban's demise.

"To me, I don't care cosmetically what [firearms] look like. It's what they're capable of doing," Brady said. "That's the problem, the problem being that you don't want the ability to fire many, many rounds very, very quickly."

Brady also fears that the expected congressional approval of legislation to shield firearm manufacturers and dealers from many lawsuits will prompt gun makers to unleash a new wave of increasingly deadly products.

"Now they're going to be immune, so that means Nellie bar the door," Brady said.

Sigler, though, called that prediction "more scare tactics."

Brady remains hopeful that the political pendulum, which has swung sharply in favor of gun-owners' rights in recent years, will swing again.

"I guess I'm an old enough broad, I've seen it swing so many times," Brady said. "The younger folks that work in my office, they get so downhearted, it breaks their heart when they see the way things are going. I tell them it will get better."

Meanwhile, John Massey, owner of Shooter's Supply in New Castle, is doing a brisk business -- in hunting equipment, not quasi-military rifles.

"We do a little bit of [business in assault-type guns], but it's not our main deal here," said Massey, who will order such a weapon if a customer asks.

"We prefer to carry the higher-quality guns," he said.

Contact J.L. Miller at 678-4271 or [email protected].
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