Denver Post Poll on Magazine Limits Ballot Proposal

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Oct 28, 2007
Denver, CO
There is a poll running on the Denver post about the magazine bill and a ballot measure to repeal it.

Read it carefully. It's easy to vote backwards if you are "For" the ballot initiative to repeal the magazine limit.

It is currently running 78% for repeal, 21% against repeal.


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if you are a resident (or not) - please WRITE Hickenlooper.

you can indicate if you are a resident of Colorado or not on the form.

tell him you oppose HB-1224 and the other unconstitutional laws . please keep it respectful and plainly worded. Things like constitutional rights, jobs, tourism from sportsmen, relocation concerns about moving to colorado. ..etc all make for decent input.

article II section 13 of the Colorado Constitution is:

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons."

then go crush the poll. we dropped 2% in the last 20 mins.
Found this earlier tonight and voted... we're killing it at the moment. Maybe we can get it to 95%?
Vote in the poll wrote the governor and sent the link to all my contacts on my email

For. I oppose the limit and would vote to overturn the bill.
8157 Votes, or 81.18 %

Against. I support the limit and would vote to uphold the bill.
1823 Votes, or 18.14 %

Unsure. I haven't decided yet.
68 Votes, or 0.676 %
Hit it!

Total Votes = 10264
For. I oppose the limit and would vote to overturn the bill.
8327 Votes, or 81.12 %
Against. I support the limit and would vote to uphold the bill.
1865 Votes, or 18.17 %
Unsure. I haven't decided yet.
72 Votes, or 0.701 %

I did my bit.
Yep sent my .02 cents in. Do you think these type polls done any good? The punks that right these laws just get their names and faces on the news. Politicians don't give a <removed> about whats right or wrong just trying to look helpful & caring.
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Uh, guys? The anti crowd is gaining on us...
Less than four hours ago...
Total Votes = 10264
For. I oppose the limit and would vote to overturn the bill.
8327 Votes, or 81.12 %
Against. I support the limit and would vote to uphold the bill.
1865 Votes, or 18.17 %
Unsure. I haven't decided yet.
72 Votes, or 0.701 %
I did my bit.
And now...
Total Votes = 14686
For. I oppose the limit and would vote to overturn the bill.
11562 Votes, or 78.72 %
Against. I support the limit and would vote to uphold the bill.
3009 Votes, or 20.48 %
Unsure. I haven't decided yet.
115 Votes, or 0.783 %
I assume Hickenlooper told all on his staff to spend the day voting on this poll, emptying their browser cache, and voting again and again and again.
If you use Google Chrome the incognito more will allow you to vote more than once.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk. Hence all the misspellings and goofy word choices.
CoRoMo said:
I assume Hickenlooper told all on his staff to spend the day voting on this poll, emptying their browser cache, and voting again and again and again.

Either that, or an anti-gun website has also caught on to this poll. It's definitely worth noting how quickly there's been a swing in the results. Maybe someone can take Justin's advice and fire back in the interest of fairness?
Okay, someone is definitely screwing with the results on the anti-gun side. I went to the website and refreshed it a couple of times over the course of ten seconds, and literally watched the anti-gun answer grow with each mouse click. The poll wasn't moving anything like that last night. Someone is sitting at their computer, trying to make it look like the anti-gun side has more support than ours.
Something is sort of funny with this poll....... I refreshed the page 6 times within about 30-40 seconds, and every time I refreshed the page, the "yes" statistic dropped by .01%

That translates to over 1.5 votes/second for the "no" voters.

That rate translates to over 5400 votes/hour. They dont even have 6200 votes yet. Unless there was some kind of surge in voting during the 30 seconds in which I was refreshing the page, someone is manipulating the poll. In other words, this poll IS BEING MANIPULATED.:cuss:
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