Did You See, Second Hand Lions?

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Jan 31, 2003
I saw the movie, Second Hand Lions, the other day in a packed movie theater. I never had so much fun at a movie theater, in a long time. Everyone was laughing at the antics of the old coots and cheering for the kid. It had me rolling in the isle when they were fish’n and how they took care of traveling salesmen. Granted, it would not meet safe gun handling (Shotgun) standards. If you have not seen it, to me it is worth it… It is set in Texas around 50’s-60’s, then goes back to WW1 and then to current times. We’ll it’s a good story.

The best part that these two old coots remind me of my father-in-law. They have captured various aspects of his persona. I could swear that he was there as a technical advisor or something. Yes, my wife agrees. We could not wait for the Video, we saw it again…

Not totally gun related, but they did use them…

Awesome movie, good plot, and clean humor. I'm definately buying it when it comes out on DVD.

Loved the lion "mauling" scene when everybody came running with guns.
Not at all, very suitable movie for kids. No blood fest if that is what your worried about.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but here's some trivia . . .

The Ithaca shotgun used in the movie was included in a local IDPA-style match where one had to transition from pistol to shotgun. For "special" people, the full-flash blanks from the movie - loaded into the shotgun by the match director - made that stage a little more challenging for some. ;)

They rented empty shotgun shells to scatter around the set . . . after buying live ammo and paying someone to empty them. (BANG! BANG!)
The gun play was just that... They played with the guns. The only killing was during the flashback war images. It seemed that most of them were with a sword.

I have no problem with my 9 year old seeing the film.

In fact the part where the relatives first see the boy and point that wavey finger at his face and say "We know what your up to...", has become a family adopted line.... As said prior, good clean fun film!


Second Hand LionsÑÑTwo Fine Old Coots

Hadn't seen a single negative review of 2nd Hand LionsÑthat in itself is unusual. Took my wife to it on a date 2 days ago. We both loved it.

I'm approaching old coot age myself, and I aspire to be the sort of old coot portrayed in the film. Hope I can similarly inspire someone.

Sure would be a lot easier, though, with the $millions those two had stashed away. :D

Re the gun handling: I was a little unhappy with the 2 uncles when they sat on the porch, and the one with the glasses constantly had his shotgun pointed right at the other one. That, and the "chasing the lion" scene, with the kids hauling the Garand around, and everybody (who may have had no firearms training, especially the mom and the little kids) brandishing weapons. The anti's just love to believe that's the way WE handle firearms, in reality. Yeah, I know, artistic license and all that, but the anti's will still use it against us.

That said, the picture was generally great. Loved it.

Did you get the joke about Purina Lion Chow?
This is one very good film. Very affecting. At its core it's a film about love, honor, what it means to be a man, and about being an idealist in a world that often considers idealism a "nutty idea".

I really, really liked this one.
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