Does your FAL slap your face?

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Dec 25, 2002
NW Florida
Just curious.

I want a new FAL. It's a 90 percent chance I'll try to get a DSA STG58A. Why I have such a crazy itch for a main battle rifle I don't know. Perhaps it's because I miss my old FAL.

What I don't miss is being pimp slapped in the face by the stock while I'm hunkered down over the sights. If I look through a scope I'm just fine. Hunker back down and....yep, there's that pimp again! I the only one who has this problem??

That problem really has me torn between getting an M1A or going back to the FAL.

Good SHooting
I don't have that problem (cheek slap) with my STG58 and it kicks like a mule. I'm currently shooting it with the regulation open sights, but I'll probably get a scope for occasional use.

(edited to add)
I always intentionally get a good cheek weld as a matter of standard practice when shooting MBR's to mitigate any potential for bucking rifles. Hang on to that hoss!

Depends on how you hold it. A good cheek weld is VERY important to avoid discomfort. I never noticed it on the straight-combed STG stock my STG58A came with, but it's occasionally noticable with the Penguin humpback stock, which is a sturdier unit and has less flex.

I REALLY noticed it on the hardwood stock.
Hey Red,

I had the EXACT same problem with an FAL I used to have :D So did the 2 guys that went with me on that first range trip. It was downright painful.

I bought a set of Penguin stocks with the "humpback" cutout to replace the straight stock that was on it, and I didn't have that problem any more.


Since you're such a fan of the AR, why not get an Eagle Arms AR10? There's not that much price difference between them and the DSA.
Since you're such a fan of the AR, why not get an Eagle Arms AR10? There's not that much price difference between them and the DSA.

True, but I'm somewhat suspect as to long term durability. I know the AR10 series has been around a good while, but just how do they fare when laying down some serious rounds down range? Plus the cost of mags. AR10 mags are pretty pricey as well as M1A. I'd also hesitate to post if I got some M1A mags and modified them for the AR10....for some reason that makes the M1 guys a little nutty. :D

When it comes to heavier calibers, I want steel on steel!

DSA has been tempting me ever so much with their little "shorty" version FALs. I already have a long range now I need an intermediate range hammer.

Another option is the Saiga .308. That way I can still have enough money for a CX4 Storm as well. Heck I can even get another SAR1 as well.

Good Shooting
One of the first things I did with my Springfield FAL was to have a KDF muzzle brake installed. I've never noticed any cheek slap. I'm sure it's not anything I should feel deprived of.
The VEPR in .308 caught my eye... Under $600 for what everyone seems to agree is a very well made, very nicely finished rifle. I'm left handed though, so AK variants leave me a little short. I may have to get over that though... I kinda feel like it's my DUTY to own at least one.

I realize the mag thing, with expensive AR10 mags, and 10 round max Saiga and VEPR mags... but what I found with "our" FAL was that I only used a 20 round mag TWICE, and the 5 round mag the rest of the time. Heck, I bought 4 20 rounders from CDNN and never even took them out of the package. I also have more than a dozen 30 round mags for my AR, but use the 1 single solitary 20 round Colt mag I have almost exclusively.

It's my understanding that a couple of well known AK shops can convert the Saiga and possibly the VEPR to use FAL mags. The Saiga can be legally converted to pistol grip config using a $90 Red Star Arms trigger group and a few US made parts.

Let us know what you decide. Bring it with you when you come to GA to visit your in-laws :D
I've had the same thing happen to me. Only it was with a Barrett .50. Didn't have my cheek weld tight enough and it knocked me pretty good.
Haven't had that problem at all with my DSA SA58, whether using a scope or the iron sights. My wife has shot it as well, with no problem. Although she prefers to shoot the .223 rifles, she doesn't mind the SA58.

However, when I shoot my Garand M1s, I have to watch where I put my thumb, or else it'll smack my nose. And before I added a stock extender to my HK91, its scope kept hitting my nose as well. Hummm... perhaps I need to get a smaller nose?

Haven't had that problem at all with my DSA SA58, whether using a scope or the iron sights. My wife has shot it as well, with no problem. Although she prefers to shoot the .223 rifles, she doesn't mind the SA58.

However, when I shoot my Garand M1s, I have to watch where I put my thumb, or else it'll smack my nose. And before I added a stock extender to my HK91, its scope kept hitting my nose as well. Hummm... perhaps I need to get a smaller nose?
I'm left handed though, so AK variants leave me a little short.

How do you mean? I'm left handed. I find the manipulation of the AK safety and charging handle is EASIER when left handed.

Just be careful where you put your support hand. It really hurts if the reciprocating charging handle smacks your thumb...:eek:
Nope, I have a DSA STG58A and no problems with getting slapped. It is completely stock as delivered from DSA.

The FAL barely recoils at all as a benefit of it's gas system...that as a consequence of being able to regulated it for function also changes its recoil characteristics slightly.

Because the recoil is so light (relative to, say, a bolt action 308) the only thing I could suggest is that you're not really getting a good cheek weld and/or your support arms are causing the rifle to recoil up instead of straight back. Have your cheek a little bit away from the stock in this condition and...WHAMMO.

The only problem I have is wearing shooting glasses with the hooded DSA rear often hits the glasses lens when in the 200 M setting and scratches them.
I did quite a bit of shooting the other day with my .308 VEPR. I shot it using a scope and just the irons. Not sure which position did the most damage, but my cheek was noticeably sore going home that day. Guess the Pimp visited me, too.
No cheek issues with my Springer clone. Shoots like a Cadillac. But I always have good cheek weld. It gets kinda slippery when I drool...(yeah, it is that nice). The Century L1A1, however, is more clunky. Vibration/twingy on that one.

Makes a difference on what buttstock the rifle has..... The comb line determines how your face lines up behind the sights.

I have 2 STG-58 rifles on IMBEL receivers. One has the original Austrian metric rear buttstock (straight, not humped). The other has a Century made butt.

When shooting with irons the one with the Century made butt will hit my face pretty hard. No problem with the original Austrian butt. The Austrian butt's comb is lower than the Century's. Your face is naturally lower on it and you don't have to press your cheek into it as much to line up with iron sights, hence, less face slap.

With a scope mounted the Century butt is just fine. My face is up high enough to avoid the hit. With the scope, the Century is actually preferrable to the Metric cuz' it does get you up more in line with the scopes centerline.

As somebody mentioned in an earlier post the Penguin made US stocks mimic original FAL lines and are more what you want if you are going to be shooting the irons.


garands forever
This is a body geometry thing. I have a long neck, a long head (no c-section on this baby) and I could shoot my right eye yellow on my DSA. I made a 2-inch long insert for the stock and have been happy ever since.
I've shot quite a few FALs and never noticed any real problems (unlike the G3, which, after a couple of mags I have to put away because my shoulder hurts). You can lighten the recoil somewhat with the gas adjustment, but keep in mind it's there to adjust the correct cycling of the action, not as a shooter comfort mechanism.

The other thing you might consider is buying yourself a FALO. With all that extra mass they should not recoild as bad. But they sure are hard to lug around.
STG Slap...

Read up on this a little after I bought a DSA STG, found out some things. Type of stock is important, but so is type of brake.

A good brake (like the stock brake on the STG) will force the gas out and to the sides of the barrel. I've read stories on about some brakes venting straight up, forcing the barrel down and the stock up.

I think that might hurt.

My STG recoils lots less than my Savage 10FP in .308.

How do you mean? I'm left handed. I find the manipulation of the AK safety and charging handle is EASIER when left handed.
The safety is all that I was referring to. I guess it's easier to use your weak hand to manipulate it, since the safety lever is visible to a lefty. As for charging handle, etc... I find that a lot easier to work on most semi-auto rifles... AK's, Mini's, 10/22, etc.. all have the charging handle on "my" side.

When shooting with irons the one with the Century made butt will hit my face pretty hard....The Austrian butt's comb is lower than the Century's. Your face is naturally lower on it and you don't have to press your cheek into it as much to line up with iron sights, hence, less face slap.
Interesting... The FAL that Red and I both got "pimped" with had the Century stocks on them before I replaced them with Penguin. I did have to "press down" pretty hard to use the irons. After I put a scope on it though, I kinda wished it still had the straight combed stock for the proper cheek weld.

Hump back for irons, straight back for scopes I guess....
Used to get the slap, but found out it was due to getting the upper jaw/teeth too tight against the stock and hunkering down on the stock. Raised head up and relaxed a bit, no slap.
Never had this problem with my SA SAR-48 and I've been shooting it for about 10 years. Since it is an Imbel, it has the standard Imbel stock and muzzle break. The one problem I did have, like someone else mentioned above, was that my eye was right on the rear sight. I solved this by buying a longer butt pad from Tapco.
I think FALs have relatively mild recoil. I've never been slapped in the cheek with one.
The FAL in question was a G1 with no muzzle brake. Just bare barrel and straight stock.

So far it looks good towards the DSA STG with a muzzle brake. I might have to drop Kurts Kustom a line and see what type of brakes they have. I'm really not a stickler to keeping the original look, so I might even consider a .30 caliber Bushy AK brake! :D

I know the blast would be horrendous..but what the heck, it's supposed to be a fun rifle!

O speak to me great gods of the tax return and grant me a great bounty!
Grant me a good enough bounty and I can kick the whole FAL idea and get me a M1A. :D

Good Shooting
Also been slapped by the FAL when I'm caught trying to sneak a peek at an M14/M1A:D
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