EDC knife recomendations for college?

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I like mine with no lock or pocket clip, as those are really not necessary if you aren't into the "tactical knife" stuff.

I recommend against using pocket clips in college-type-areas. I notice them all the time on people, and I strongly suspect lots of people notice them.

Blend in.

edit: For a really great defensive tool really consider a cane...if you have some kind of leg injury especially.
3-1/4" Old Hickory paring knife in the classic cardboard and duct tape sheath stuck in the front or back pocket.

Super cheap, easy to replace, pretty innocent, easy to ditch.

Damn...Steve must be slipping.
Damn...Steve must be slipping.

Steve has a surprise; stay tuned...

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

Run what ya brung.

Software-not Hardware.

Mindset, Skillset, "then" Toolset.

Have Mercy! They gotta lotta nice girls down there...

When you're going through hell, keep on going, you might just make it out alive...

*cowboy up!*
For the modern college campus, I have to agree with posters who picked a sak. Low level, innocent in appearance. In a liberal college atmosphere, all it will take is one observant anti proffesor to notice a pocket clip, and create a real hastle. Or a campus cop.

One thing to keep in mind; the pocket clip paints you a certain way. My youngest of three children is a county police officer, and they look for any signs of somebody they have to interact with being armed. When they see a pocket clip, it will be a whole different attitude they will have towards you. Right or wrong, signs of being armed is not good. Don't profile yourself.
I'll second sm's suggestion about the Leatherman Micra/Squirt. This should be the one you pull out if you have to do any cutting jobs on-campus (opening boxes, clipping drink straws, etc.) That's my SOP at work (very PC/anti-knife...tiny scissors very PC)....

If you also decide to carry a bigger folder or fixed blade, keep it very concealed (IWB w/ clip behind the belt is best, IMHO) and don't pull it out unless you absolutely need it.
I get the advice about the pocket clip, (my dad's cop friends have said that to me before, as well) I hadn't really though about behind the belt IWB, though, damn fine idea.

I would just go with a SAK, but again, I've already got a small multitool, and I prefer to be able to just grab something off the clip and open it in one hand. It bugs the hell out of my to have to drop what I'm doing to grope through my pockets and then have to open and close the knife with two hands. With all the recommendations, though, i'll definitely pick up a SAK if I catch too much flak for whatever else.

I know it's just a matter of convenience, but, hell, I like knives, I don't want to be pissed off every time I have to use one. Where's the best o'clock to carry IWB?
Where's the best o'clock to carry IWB?

Thanks.....best place to carry will depend on what's most comfortable for you. With my body type, I lean toward 4:00. You'll have to experiment to find what's best for you.....

I would also recommend tip-down carry and only carry a knife that doesn't open too easily (esp. on its own)....
Highly recommend something like this


You'll use it far more than you think for the tools, and it looks like a tool as well.

I carry at least one pocketknife/multi-tool and usually two, literally everywhere I go. Even to the kids schools, even though you aren't supposed to, etc...

Frankly, it's a tool, and if they want to give me a hard time about it, let them. I'm a perfectly sane and harmless adult. The truth is, at my older son's high school, I help on work days with the baseball field, etc... and bring many more potentially dangerous tools up there, so if I were of a mind to go on a rampage with my tools I would do it then.

On the rare occasion when anyone mentions it, I always say that my Dad told me that a grown man should have his keys, his wallet, and his pocketknife on him at all times. And he did tell me that.

Of course I'm 40, 6'3" and 225 lbs, so most sheeple are eager to agree with whatever I say
I agree get a SAK. I've had a Huntsman for 30 years. If you want a single blade and feel confident it won't get you in trouble, a Benchmade Mini-Griptilian or 551 Griptilian is hard to beat. The mini-Grip will be less indimidating and still very usefull.
I'll second sm's suggestion about the Leatherman Micra/Squirt. This should be the one you pull out if you have to do any cutting jobs on-campus (opening boxes, clipping drink straws, etc.) That's my SOP at work (very PC/anti-knife...tiny scissors very PC)....

I really love my squirt, but the knife blade on it sucks. I use the pliers part of it and the screwdrivers all the time. Pretty much only use the knife blade for scraping stuff. I always carry a Case pocketknife too, so the squirt blade is useless to me. I wish they made one with an extra tool instead of a knife blade
In a liberal college atmosphere, all it will take is one observant anti proffesor to notice a pocket clip, and create a real hastle. Or a campus cop.

I don't know about other campuses, but at The Evergreen State College (THE greener ultra-liberal college), UW and WWU, all in WA State, pocket clips are a daily sight. Yesterday I saw a cute young woman student-type with her obligatory facial piercings, raggy clothes, etc. and she had some sort of pocket clip knife in her right-side front pocket. The majority of guys do too.
For $50-60 that can do anything, I'd go with an assisted opener (please check local laws) like the Kershaw Blur. if it's just a utility/fingernail cleaner, you're already quite well equipped.

Agreed, although a Blur is a bit large for some people.

I think the ultimate "gentleman's" carry knife is the Kershaw Leek. It is very thin and comes in various colors. Shop around and you can find deals. Sportsman's Warehouse sometimes sells them cheap, and I've gotten good deals here and on eBay.

Quite a few others are big fans of this knife:

I bought a Spyderco Ladybug with a green handle a while back. It's a great knife for minor cutting tasks, and noone seems to have anything against it, seems noone think of it as "a knife".

Several times I've happened to have it on me when I came to areas with "no weapons or knifes" signs posted. (I simply forgot it was in my pocket on the way there.) I always went up to the closest guard and showed the knife to them, to disclose that I had it. So far, not one have had anything against it, all have let me go on. One big security guard even laughed and said "you call *that* a knife???" :)

None of those places was airport security though. I even had to remove my moneybelt to pass security when I flew internationally last time. :)
I really love my squirt, but the knife blade on it sucks.

Sorry, I should have clarified....I use the scissors for most of the cutting jobs mentioned when I don't want to terrify the PC crowd.....the last time I used the "knife blade" on it was to cut an outlined pattern from a sheet of copy paper......

....hence, the IWB folder.....when I need a knife, I need a knife.... :cool:
I think the ultimate "gentleman's" carry knife is the Kershaw Leek.

It was mentioned earlier either in this thread or another similar about Pocket Clips being read by criminals and cops by Carl.

A few years back I mentioned this and caught flak here on THR, and received some very nasty PMs.

I was testing and reviewing the Leek at the time for some folks, for employees to use.
I am not picking on the Leek, as I was testing other knives with pocket clips...just I was using a Leek when a chill hit me 3 times in a short time period.

1. Cops were rattling off what knife folks had in pockets as they passed.
"How do you like your Leek, have you tried the smaller Chive yet?"

2. In a shady area, near a blood bank, with Scope on my breath ( I don't drink) and with a cotton swab, and band-aid I stuck on my arm to look like I gave blood:
"Yo, you gotta Leek, you must have rolled someone for the money!" - it was said.
"Nah man, Wal-mart Gift Cert for cleaning up a church lot ..."

3. I stuck my Leek in my pocket, after shots fired, and I ran around the corner.
Some gang banger had a clip on knife and while looking at a car, with a nice paint job, scratched that paint.
Shots fired in the air " say fool, get away from car, but you gonna pay to fix it!"

I do not want attention.
Low profile, and blend in is the key.

I have been on other college campuses to hear a speaker or attend a function.
It depends on a lot of things, still some Security and Cops have asked some to put a clip on knife in pocket, or to take it back to a vehicle.

In fact a party of four were denied entry. They were seen flipping knives and doing things in the parking lot.

Now in a state owned building, where CCW is not allowed, I went in with a Slimline Trapper and the lady I was with , went in with a Buck 110.
We simply had a function to attend to, and there was food prep to be done.

We went up to the older seasoned Security and asked if we could take these in for that function to prep food.
He said yes, and even scribbled a note saying he gave permission.
I asked about clip on, and "rather you would not use those, we have had to restrict those as employees were flipping them and not getting any work done playing with them".


I don't own a locking knife, one hand assist, or one with a pocket clip.
Personally, I do not want the attention.

I do know some folks were targeted as the pocket clip drew attention of thugs.
If a person is dressed a certain way, and carries themselves a certain way, with a clip on, "they might have a CCW, and we want the gun".

Now I have watched tapes, and one person on tape was at their vehicle messing with the CCW.
Cell phones were used by thugs to tail this target on the parking lot, in the store, and back out.

The clip on knife drew attention, that person got out and the knife spotted.
He turned around to "adjust" the CCW using his vehicle for cover , so he thought, and was pegged.

That car with a gal and kid, appearing to be taking car of a kid while "dad" was shopping, was the "spotter" - she made the first cell phone call.

College - just like one should do in activities of daily living (ADLs) - should not Advertise - anything!

Get your backpack where you can access it in the vehicle.
Pull onto campus, snag pack and exit vehicle and head out to class.
Upon return, toss pack into car, get in and drive off.

Getting into tool boxes, trunks will get you pegged.

Get a small umbrella that fits under the seat, don't be fiddling around in a trunk getting one.
Keep a travel size in the backpack.

Not everyone that attends college is a straight and true law abiding type.
Folks get read and pegged.
Sm I'm not sure I understand part of your post, are you saying people are targeted by criminals because they're carrying a clip-on knife?

My Dad (grew up in the inner city and raised me in suburbia) always taught me that if you want to keep from being mugged to walk like you're afraid of nothing. Point being I feel like projecting confidence is more important for deterring criminals than how you're dressed or what you're carrying.
Criminal sees the pocket clip, may just have the idea he'll take it from you and use it himself. Same as a gun printing under a shirt or pants pocket. It tells him just what you have and where it is. It's like showing your hand to everyone around the poker table.

Play the game of life with the cards close to your vest.
Not sure where SM lives (and I see Maryland for Carl), but out here in Western WA a pocket clip knife just shows you're an average outdoorsy type. More common than not if you're under 30 in this state.

Actually SM, I would like to know your general location, because I think I want to avoid ever going there! Doesn't sound like a very nice place.
I'm not sure I understand part of your post, are you saying people are targeted by criminals because they're carrying a clip-on knife?

Thugs know the difference in a Super Knife, and the person in painter, or carpenter pants.
Then again if a UC wanted to "blend in" then wearing painter /carpenter pants, with paint splatters, drywall dust and the like on skin, hat, boots, and shirt, would be allow them too.
Which is exactly what one UC is doing, with a Kel-Tec P-11 , and Spydie in pocket.

Which is exactly what a drywall/painter does wear, and does carry while he works.


Now I can slip on a apron, stick a 5" knife into the chest pocket, and stand next to thugs smoking around a grocery store.
They see the knife, and think I am the Produce guy.

If I snag a "butchers jacket" and walk out with a 7" Butcher knife in a "butcher pocket" in plain site, these thugs will think I work in the Meat Dept.

I did not even work at this place.
Just the concerns were getting bank deposits made, and thugs were watching the front of the store, the courtesy booth and the Rent-a-Cop.

They were short handed with one person being off and another sick.
I just walked out the door, and on my "break" was going to run an errand.
Now I am single, still "I gotta get my wife's cleaning", or 'my kid's books ordered from Barnes & Noble are in", or..."My mother in law is coming in and I don't want to be here when she arrives".

I did the bank errand, broad daylight, and thugs never gave me a second look.

I've said it before, if you want to know what is really going on where you live, sit in on court case.

Hey, if the thugs admit they chose a target due to clip on knife in a court case, this just supports what I heard on the streets.

I have no idea what tee-vee sez, as I do not personally own a tee-vee and have not in a long time...
When I was in college, over 15 years ago, I carried a Victorinox Swiss Army knife or an old Case trapper. The swiss army knife had four blades. One was a big serrated blade, the other was a small blade, a can opener and a bottle opener. I used that knife all through college. I used it to open beer, cans of food, strip wire, cut garlic and onions, etc...... I lost it a few years ago. I also carried that trapper for a while. I was going to college at the University of Southern Mississippi, but I was raised in the woods and swamps of southern Mississippi and that ol' Case always reminded me where I came from.
Yeah, I kinda wanna avoid wherever you're living, too, sm.

I think in Indiana carrying a knife is just considered outdoorsy, too. I could see what you're saying, the average civie with a knife knows a lot less about using it than would a criminal trying to take it, but I would think a college campus would be a hell of a lot less dangerous than all that. Maybe I'm being naive, but it's not like I'm going to Gary (murder capital of the US for several years). Either way, I'm liking the behind the belt, so I'd think that'd solve the problem.
Yeah, I kinda wanna avoid wherever you're living, too, sm.

I'm not being argumentative, I am being a Mentor.

Yes, I was raised into a hi-risk lifestyle, and had mentors and elders that were familiar with this industry, and other professions.

I was born in the mid fifties, and lessons started as a wee brat on things.
I also had "knacks", meaning I exhibited some things that were useful for staying safe.

The key to being safe, is blending in.
Little things like "reading a room" and "giving the perception" one needs to give.

Re: College.
Older returning student here.
I the past 12 months, I have been on campus with I think 3, maybe 4 bomb threats, and 3 school shootings.

Re: Indiana.
Yes, I have been to Indy.
I know how the farmers dress, and nobody gives a second look seeing a Buck 110, or Shrade LB7 in a sheath, in areas.
Heck, some "city thugs" won't come down as them ladies and gents know how to do a "pop" and will have that knife out so fast , one handed, it will scare folks.
Then "country folks, play for keeps!"

Oh yes, folks were getting lock blades out and ready to go one handed , extremely fast, decades ago.
One can beat a switchblade with a Buck 110 or clone.

Re: Switchblades.
Knives designed with ladies in mind were abused and stereotyped as being "evil" and were banned.

Folks are doing the "Switchblade Syndrome" with tactical knives today.
Quite a few places do not allow them in workplaces, or campuses.
The wording of knife laws on the books already, are being interpreted to deny these tactical knives in some places.

You teach folks how to treat you - mentor.

Just like switchblades, folks are teaching how they want to be treated with tacticals.

It is not where I live, but where I have been, seen and done.
Yes, I currently am near a bad spot on the map.
I have lived in a one stop sign town, where I could leave a vehicle unlocked, with the keys in the ignition and never lock the house.

Two major cities were off limits to me. New York and Chicago.
The exception was, "serious" had happened.
Some was kidnapped, dead or the like.
Bonded and Insured as I was, those two cities were off limits.

I could not travel in the same conveyance as some folks, not eat at the same place they did, or stay in the same hotel, much less visit them at their home.

I am going back a lot of years.
Houston, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Miami, Atlanta, Memphis, New Orleans...etc.

I have stood and looked at New York, a state I was not supposed to be in.
Hit the road, head across PA to West Virginia, take OH , then head down KY.
Just near the KY Speedway, change vehicles, as I did not want to "give perceptions" , of being out of town and head onto into TN.

Change vehicles along the way and end up in Key West.
Before that long bridge leaving the mainland, about 8 cars were busted into at a hotel, everyone had out of state tags.
I am running FL tags, and I did not get popped.

Drive back up, hop a plane and land in MS. Now I run the "low route" and head east . When leave Shreveport, and the vehicle with LA tags, I have TX tags, as I am heading to Belmont, Galveston, Houston, Waco, Dallas and up to OK city where I get a vehicle with OK tags.

Not rental cars, not for the most part, business vehicles.
While I had my folks in the business, and had partners, and for me lady partners quite a bit, I worked Solo a lot.

It ain't where I live, instead where I have been, seen and done.
Blending in, giving perceptions, and staying atop dirt, and not six feet under it.

Now criminals know this, so I am not worried about posting it in public.
I still cannot believe some cops still do this...and it is not because I have not done my part in correcting it.

One of the hardest things about getting a cop going undercover, or just wearing plain-clothes, is to not advertise they are a cop.
I do not do well with rules and regulations anyway, still common sense should kick in...

I have walked into a place, and knew that person was a cop. Not in uniform, maybe someone new to UC, or plainclothes to assist me and mine.
Heck all the thugs knew they were cops.

Ink Pen.
Just like these knives were are talking about, the Ink Pen made them.

Cross Ink Pens were part of the uniform.
Chrome for patrol, 10k yellow gold filled for some ranks and the 14kygf for higher ups.
Sterling Silver and Gold ones for some special higher up deals.

I have made 'em from Patrol to Captain, all because of a Cross Ink Pen.
Like I said, the hardest thing is getting a cop to not act like a cop, or former active Military, to not act Military.

Prostitutes, Pimps, and Madame's will read a person so fast it will make your head spin.
Street gals will turn away as they know you from a distance. You are either bad news ( beat gals up) , broke, married and you are going to regret what you are thinking, out of town low life...
Some will set up you up for a fall. They read you a mile away and they want that Rolex, diamond ring, bracelet, cash, ...

Hi-class escorts will too. Both kinds of gals working the legal gambling places such as horse racing, or casino's, and nice hotels where business meetings are held.

That sweet thang will saddle up, and hang on your arm as you toss dice. She pegged you two steps after you entered the Casino.

Now I have no idea what tee-vee shows portray, or current movies, or video games...
I do have an idea what is in the real world, and one is folks really do read people, places and things.
I do.
I was raised to do this.
Criminals do this too.

Don't look like prey - think like a criminal.
Don't Wanna Be Near SM


Steve, it's not that they wouldn't want to meet you, personally, it's more that they don't want to have to hack through the jungle where you live, beset on all sides by prehistoric bikers in loincloths and red-headed Amazons in short shorts.


'Course, you could always introduce them to your pet tornado.

That thing been saddle broke yet?

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