Election Outcome

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Come now, I can already see gun control being slipped into some kind of Anti-terrorism bill via Democrat congress and obama.

Yes the threat is real and no they haven't learned or care about 94'.
Expect the worse, then when whatever happens you won't be surprised.
Well so far I have been called naive, and said my head was in the sand for my thought on the matter. Considering this is all based on speculation and opinion, everyones head is in the sand and everyone is naive on the subject no matter what you think the outcome will be. Nobody knows whats going to happen, end of story. Im STILL NOT WORRIED at all. I think its too touchy of a subject for a person to try and take tha right away from the American public. There will be absolute outrage and i dont think either of them will want to go up that creek. I think anyways. So call me names and tell me who I am for having an opinion, I rather enjoy it.
In my opinion, the attack on the 2A will start with AWB (definition to be determined---probably will include all or most semi auto weapons) legislation out of the liberal house supported by the senate and signed by Obama as president. Although reversible with time...look how long it took the Clinton bans to lapse...this will be nothing compared to the effect the court appointments both at the lower level and most importantly and the real prize for a president and a liberal controlled congress---a Supreme Court justice!

I am concerned that gun rights as we know them may not survive an Obama presidency coupled with a liberal congress. I am not even sure buying weapons and ammo in advance of an Obama swearing in will work since most of what we buy is a matter of public record.

I do not like the prospects but don't see a solution other than doing all we can to ensure an Obama/Biden presidency does not come to pass. Best advice I can give is to hold our noses and vote for McCain/Palin is about the only recourse that does not spell a certain 2A rights assault from the left.

Sorry for the long winded rant but all in all the 2A is worth it.

Polling is not an exact science. Nor it is an "art" that is immune from manipulation.

I had heard that all my life and found it to be true after working on polls during my PR Masters. Most pollsters came up through PR, and they don't call them "spin doctors" for nothing.

-- John
With an 8 point spread and a widening trend, it doesn't have to be an "exact science," sorta like with a nuclear bomb you don't need a +-3 inch accurate missile to whack your city.
"Welcome back to the 1930s."


At this point, regardless of who is elected, the economic situation is probably going to get worse before it gets better. Whether or not it was an engineered credit crisis, now Joe Six Pack is holding the tab and people still owe overpriced mortgages on devalued real estate.
I have to agree with JWarren. The polls have been wrong before too many times. I am betting that McCain will win so I am not too worried about my 2nd amendment rights. The republicans have a better political machine. If they can get W. elected they can get anyone elected.
Well, after the last two weeks of polls ...... get ready for an Obama/Biden president, 'cause that's where we're going.

Yeah because CNNs, NPRs, and all other polls aren't biased at all. Nevermind them deviating +/- 7%
"Hitler Youth of Obama"??????
"Barack Bin Laden"????
Is this really necessary and is this keeping with the regs here on the High Road? When folks resort to name calling, it degrades the legitimacy of their arguement. We are not Third graders here on the High Road, at least we shouldn't be.
Obama openly opposes our right to carry. He will do everything in his power to restrict us from carrying outside our homes. He will do everything he can to mandate handgun registration nation-wide. He's tried to ban center-fire rifle ammunition.

I'm worried.

I also don't think the Obama/Hitler comparison is that crazy. Think about it: an economic crisis; an unpopular war; civil unrest; a charismatic leader whose followers practically worship him...I think the stage is set for the rise of a tyrant. I'll bet that pre-Nazi Germans and pre-Soviet Russians thought that it could never happen to them, either.
I was trying to point out that name calling and other things don't do anything for the discussion. It re-enforces the Anti's views of us as simple minded, beer drinking idiots. Lets not give them any more ammo. I am suprised that this thread is still open, as this is a topic that is purely off of High Road standards.

I don't like any of Sen. Obama's gun control views. Saying he is the same as Hitler or Stalin is a bit of a stretch. I don't bow down and worship any political leader, Rep or Dem, because they are politicians.

Both Parties suck. I say we have term limits in Congress and throw all the bums out and start over.
Anti's views of us as simple minded, beer drinking idiots.

Excuse me while I sip at my suds.

Follow Obama's money trail and it will lead you to George Soros, who is Anti Christian, Anti American, and Anti Gun. He spent in the neighborhood of $400 million trying to defeat Bush. American Rifleman had an article about Soros, it is worth the read.
More than just he Presidency

The next President will appoint both Federal District and Supreme Court judges and justices.

Facing reality, Senator McCain is not a grand staunch ally of gun owners in any and all circumstances. He is lukewarm on the matter, not particularly anti, but surely not sweepingly pro-gun the way I would like. Senator Obama is a strict gun-control 'sensible controls' advocate of the first water.

Senator McCain is far more likely to appoint judges and justices who will follow the intent of the Constitution - and that's good for both the nation and gun owners.

Senator Obama is far more likely to appoint judges and justices who will follow the Democrat - Liberal agenda of good intentions and reshaping America in their image. That does not include regular citizens owning guns.

It's not just the immediate laws and regulations either will sign or enforce. It's a long term influence.
"American Rifleman had an article about Soros, it is worth the read." An NRA article must be true because they wouldn't be biased about anything right?

Not being Christian does not make you not American. A healthy separation of Church and State, which is a fundamental in our Constitution just like the 2A, is what this country needs to get back to.

This is off topic though. I still think term limits in Congress are the way to go.
Anyone who thinks 4 years of a gun grabber like obama in the white house will have no effect on gun rights is an absolute dam fool. And I'm not going to sit here and read it on THR and pretend otherwise. And I don't really give a * what anyone thinks of this post of mine either.

We have two options this election, and neither option is likely to leave our gun rights unscathed after 4 years. The choice we have to make is how big of a dent in our gun rights are we willing to accept? Do we vote mccain and hope for a little dent? Or do we vote for obama and stick our heads in the sand and tell ourselves there are more important things at stake?

If you chose the latter, that's fine. It's your vote. But I'll be dammed if I'm going to sit here and read a bunch of crap on this thread from fools that have convinced themselves of a load of lies about obama having no effect on guns. I don't really care what crap you convince yourselves of, but when you put it out in the open and expect the rest of us to eat your crap sandwich with you, you better expect some unkind words in response.

The emperor has no clothes, and you can eat your sh*t sandwich all by yourselves. I'm having no part of it.

P.S. There will be "payback" for heller. you can bet your a$$ there will. So don't be surprised when it comes.
How many of you actually believe that the outcome of the election will directly affect gun laws?

Not a bit. The fact the it was pro-gun Dems that delivered control of the Senate to the Dems was duly noted by the Democratic Party leadership, and by Obama and his buddies.

Despite all of the whining on THR, Obama is pretty much a centrist - US (general) elections are always fought at the the center. That's more or less a side effect of a two party system.

If you need to verify any of this - search for the silly Obama lawsuit against the NRA. The lawsuit is silly, but read the fact check on the NRA letter. If Obama was really that bad, then the NRA would not be compelled to lie and distort his record in order to create a viable scare tactic. If Obama was really that bad, then the NRA could actually tell us the truth without distortion.

I fully expect Obama to win (and I started this election as a McCain supported, and gave him money) - I think the Republican infatuation with deregulating and spending like drunken sailors has doomed McCain.

The credit crisis/bailout looks more or less like a Republican created crisis to the general public. That may even be a fair assessment.

Whether it's accurate our not, it looks like the Republicans deregulated us into this mess, and now they want to stick the taxpayers with either a trillion dollars in excess debt, or tax the heck out of us to pay for it.

It's pretty obvious that they won't raise taxes, so we have a choice between the "tax and spend" Dems and the "spend and spend and spend" Republicans.

On top of that, the economic crisis has move foreign policy so far of the front burner that most people have completely forgotten about it.

So I think an Obama win is a forgone conclusion.

The good news is that I expect lots of hand-wringing by the Dems about "gun control" - but almost no action. There are Dems who want "gun control", but not badly enough to lose control of the Senate.

This could change if the fall election turns into a general Republican rout. I am a little nervous about that. Most folks understand by now the Republican claim about lowering spending and taxes was just a bald faced lie - Clinton in his worst days couldn't have created this much debt. And to be fair, the results are in on the Republican claims about the joys of deregulation. And the results ain't good. :)

So here's my overall predictions:

  1. Obama will win. I don't see anyway around that - unless there is some major terrorist attack on US soil. Even if that happens, I don't know if it's enough to swing the election - it would prove the Bush administration policy is not working. The Republicans are sort of stuck here. If the policies of the current administration succeed (as I think they will), the foreign policy will stay on the back burner. Only a policy failure will move foreign affairs to the front burner. But then it will be a Republican failure the brings foreign policy to the front burner. :)
  2. If there is not a Republican Congressional rout, then no change in gun control. I don't expect a rout - incumbency is powerful. The Dems will want to keep control of the Senate at nearly any cost, including gun control.
  3. If there is a Republican Congressional rout, all bets are off. This scares me. The current crew has really messed this up.

"I'll be dammed if I'm going to sit here and read a bunch of crap on this thread from fools that have convinced themselves of a load of lies about obama having no effect on guns. I don't really care what crap you convince yourselves of, but when you put it out in the open and expect the rest of us to eat your crap sandwich with you, you better expect some unkind words in response."

I am sorry that you are unable to hear anyone else's opinion that might get in the way of your own. Again, I point out that name calling and personal attacks are against High Road policy. I'm not a fool and neither are you. We are Americans and we should be able to have a healthy debate without name calling.
Projection and wishful thinking will allow people to believe they can vote for the most anti-gun candidate in memory, yet he won't pursue his stated agenda. His vehement and repeated statements of opposition to our rights notwithstanding, they believe that if only he is elected, all their hopes and dreams will come true.
I really don't understand how this denial of the obvious could possibly face any rational examination. I'm pretty sure it isn't being subjected to one. Kind of like believing in Santa Claus when you're 4 years old.
RPCVYemen said:
Despite all of the whining on THR, Obama is pretty much a centrist.

You have GOT to be kidding. Just look at his stands on gun control. Look at his past associations with radical bombers. Look at his early mentors -- hey, a COMMUNIST was one of 'em!!!! Centrist?

Good grief .....:uhoh::banghead:
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