Entreprise FAL?

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Jan 20, 2003
I have long wanted a FAL. Do any of you guys have experience with the Entreprise guns?
The situation is that I can spend about $800 on the gun. I have heard that DSA FAL's can be had for that price, but I haven't found anywhere that matches up to that claim. The Entreprise gun is the right price, I just need to know if it is worth the effort.
I want something that lives up to the FAL reputation of being reliable and relatively accurate. I don't want a gun that will have to be sent back to the manufacturer a dozen times to fix something that should have been fixed before they sold it.
I have also thought about a Century CETME. The only thing is that they have issues and I don't want to take the chance on getting a bad one. I am an impatient person, and I don't need the aggrivation.
Let me know what your experiences are and if you know where to look for the best price on DSA's, let me know about that too.
For 800 you can buy a custom built plain model FAL from guys like ARS or Triple G. That is a LOT of money for an enterprise. Get a shotgun news and find the DSA adds, then get a local dealer to do the transfer for you, 800 is a tad low but you should be able to do it for 850 or so.

You can also build your own for about 500 and have a good solid FAL.
I will have to put it off for awhile now.
I put the SA-M7 that had been calling me on layaway today.:D
I will be picking it up next week...:D
iamkris, it is for Stg58 DSA FALs (a better buy in my opinion) and we got the number we need and are moving forward in 2 weeks.

Enterprise is a better of the "budget" FALs but all things considered I think you are better off spending the difference on a DSA.
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