Equipping a boat

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I just carry my Glock in a dry box if I carry a gun at all when boating around FL. I have a Remington 870 Marine Magnum, but that's for home defense and the Bahamas.

Protect yourself from the real threats which face boaters. The biggest ones are dehydration and exposure. Always have at least one or two sealed gallon jugs of water, some foul weather gear, some warm clothing in winter, and some way to get out of the sun.
Thanks for the words, but I knew that already. :p

Seasickness remedy:
2 cups

Pour soda into 1 cup. pour back and forth from cup to cup until fizz and carbonation is gone. give to motionsick person(s).

Its not a matter of if I move to NC and buy a boat, but when :D
The seas in my veins
the traditon remains
I'm just glad I don't
live in a trailer....
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