Even with Ike, you gotta love Texas

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9mm only makes IKE mad...:D Seriously though, John Culbertson sounds like a swell guy. Good luck down there!
springmom said:
That and try NOT to watch that bloody 24/7 coverage of water sloshing over the seawall in east Galveston.
You should give your television away.

I got rid of mine a couple of years ago, and haven't been happier.
I'm near Austin, they are saying 40-65 mph winds. These old Ash trees in my neighborhood are fragile as glass, They lose limbs even with no wind. Got the safe room stocked and ready. I just hope the criminals don't decide to stay after it's over. Everybody stay safe.
Originally Posted by springmom
That and try NOT to watch that bloody 24/7 coverage of water sloshing over the seawall in east Galveston.
You should give your television away.

I got rid of mine a couple of years ago, and haven't been happier.

Three words. Fantasy Football League. Archerandshooter won his league last year, and is in it again. The man will DIE if he doesn't get to watch football every weekend. DIE. Next weekend when he's up in Wyoming readying for the hunt, he'll probably be trying to pull up ESPN.com on his Treo :neener: :D

In the interests of full disclosure, however, I am hooked on "Bones". So he wouldn't be the only one to suffer :p


how are the supermarkets holding up on water over there? i went to an austin wally world last night and their water aisle was totally blown out...and that's 3+ hours in from the gulf.

i hope you're well-stocked.
Want to know something crazy?

Here in College Station, I had friends that "evacuated" to houston.

Now somebody tell me the logic behind that!
texas bulldog said:
how are the supermarkets holding up on water over there? i went to an austin wally world last night and their water aisle was totally blown out...and that's 3+ hours in from the gulf.
Water aisles have been stripped for days now, along with the canned foods row, diapers and everything else.
My parents live not-too-far from Springmom. My dad is worried about this one; their house is on high ground, but there are *huge* pine trees near the house. (he's been thinning them out for years but the ones left just keep getting bigger)

I think I remember Hurricane Carla, but realistically I woulda been too young to remember it. So those are probably false memories from hearing folks talking about it when I was just a little bit older.
Bugged Out

I live in Galveston and was following the storms progress all Wednesday. Up til that point it had looked like the bulls-eye was on the Corpus area. But Wed, the models were moving further and further NNE.

Finally at midnight Wednesday, the last set of computer models grouped Ike making landfall 50 mi S down the coast from me as at Cat 3 - WAAAAY to close. 45 min later, after some agonizing, packed some clothes, a case of water, some canned stuff and two computers in my truck. Grin - and 3 handguns (G19/SP 101/642), plus some spare .38 spl ammo.

Stopped at an ATM for a w/d, was already filled with gas and then headed north on 45 to Dallas. 5 hrs later, was checked in to a motel on 45 about 15 mi S of Dallas.

The traffic was good, but still heavier than what I would expect at 3am. All in all a good ride, but I had to go to 3 hotels before finding one with a room (and internet access) for check in.

Now looking at the news this morning, seeing the waves CRASH over the 20 ft Seawall and reports of The Strand already under a foot of water, I'm sure I made the right call.

I was thinking of moving before, looks like the decision has been made for me.
TheShootist, good call indeed. I'm glad to hear you got out. As cool as it would have been to see the surf early this morning (and people were out gawking, the news showed) BEING there with that storm surge? No thanks.

DeerHunter: it's because they can go to Spec's before it closed. We have *way* better booze shops :evil::evil::evil: If you have to ride out a hurricane, at least have something delightfully potable to do it with.

Water supplies depend on the grocery store. But we had all that stuff laid in by June 1. I learned my lesson in Rita. We got everything we needed, yes; but had to stand in the Lines From Down Under to do it. This time, as hurricane season approached, we had water and food in the house before the first named storm popped up.

We stocked up on fresh foods, gas for the generator, gas for our vehicles, and went about painting the guest bedroom for my brother in law (who still intends to come in Sunday.....) Today it's just wait, except for taping the windows this morning. Hanging out with the neighbors in the "nice breeze".:uhoh:

Just came in froma quick trip to finish stocking up. Food Town was a madhouse!!! Picked up some xtra water, peanuts, lemons, and topped my tank up. Got the wood on the windows, food, fuel, water, M1, M97, 1911, 995, Sig, A-75, rechargeable search lights, flashlights, and a new bottle of "Whalers Vanilla Rum".

Yep I guess I'm ready.:D

Livin in Texas

North of Katy, South of Tomball, West of Houston.:neener:
I bet if all gun owning Texans swarm to the coast, and we all shoot our guns at Ike simultaneously, we can stop him. Granted, most of Texas will be functionally deaf after this, but hey, at least we can say we shot a hurricane.
Ike enroute

We're bunkering down in Brazoria County...the northern portion.
Won't get any salt water, but are expecting a bit of a blow...
The worst part is we'll most likely be without power for a month or two, due to the fact that there aren't a dozen houses on this line...
The generator will keep the well and fridges going for as long as we can stand it...
Next major purchase: Propane generator.
To keep this gun related...
We have many!
springmom your a good gal and I am happy to hear your firearms are close by. I have seen some pictures of what going on in Texas they look rather spookey. I saw a dumpster floating down the street and a heilcopter rescueing 6 people in a RV park. Y'all in good ol Texas be safe and your in my prayers. May The Good Lord guide each and every one of you to keep you safe.
I know you folks in Texas will be fine... Texas is stocked with self-sufficient folks that know how to take care of themselves, unlike those folks in New Orleans. As a resident of a State that has been hit with a few hurricanes, and just north of Florida, who has, over the past decade, really taken a beating, I'm amazed that we can all manage to take care of ourselves, but New Orleans could not.

Oh, and to keep it gun related, yeah... I think that we won't be hearing a whole lot reports of looting and other criminal activity in Texas, as you folks do love your guns (as do I). Guns are great looter deterrents.
A radio station in Austin (!) gave evacuation instructions to Aggies in Houston--get on Loop 610 and stay there.
Our prayers are will all our Texans (native, naturalized, and wannabes) that may be affected by Ike.
Mrs. Armoredman said:
I saw a dumpster floating down the street and a heilcopter rescueing 6 people in a RV park.
That's not us. They're running file footage to wind everybody up.

Ike isn't anywhere near land yet, and where I'm sitting, it's still a nice day.
They keep showing the sea wall cuz they aint got anything else to show.

I'm gettin a few gusts <15mph. A few sprinkles. Then its nice a sunshiny. I got everything picked up that needs to be. If it gets bad enough, I'm gonna have to bring my outside dog inside. I am dreading that. Maybe my 2 baby bantam chicks.

I'm gonna get me a lil nap cuz its gonna be a long night. I'm just thankful for the Knob Creek.
Just saw on CNN that parts of Galveston are flooding already.

There are still fools at the beach watching the storm come in.

Our prayers are with all in Ike's path. Keep your powder dry and God Speed!
Today it's just wait

That's the worst part. You know its coming... you know it's big... you know you're going to be inconvenienced (is that strong enough word?) for days...weeks...months...

...And you can't do squat about it.

My area is almost a ghost town. Wal=Mart closed at midnight. Kroger is still open, but don't know how much longer that will last. Little grocery store across the way was still open at 11.

The worst part is the kids...they know something's wrong and trying to explain it straight-forward without frightening a 3 & 7 year old isn't working. My 3 year old is cool; my 7 year old is terrified. My 10 year old is looking at as an adventure...for now.

Oh...to keep it gun-related...maybe to kill time, I'll dig out my classic Lee loader and spend an hour or two making a half-dozen hot .38 Special loads :D
Or, I could clean my guns. But, better be careful using Hoppes #9 - I understand hurricanes love the smell and might come right up my driveway to get a sniff.

The local HEB grocery store was well stocked this morning..... I went to get some fresh meat cause all my supplies are frozen in the deep freeze..had to take some out to thaw so I'll have food tomorrow....

got the magazines loaded for several guns in case of looters too....

We are ready.....
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