Excellent training video for the "what ifs".

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Dec 30, 2008
After posting a request a week ago for a video that deals with the "what ifs" of defensive shooting, I received a response that is a perfect fit. So I decided to bring my thoughts about it to the forum so that someone else might benefit.

I instruct students who have received their CCW and want to go further. It seems like most people get their permit and carry it (while their gun is at home in the box) thinking it will protect them somehow. Admittedly, if you don't know others interested in shooting, your interest usually wanes rapidly. So this is an informal (read: no charge) class where we deal with what the class wants to learn and what I want them to learn:evil: (history, activism, law, etc.)

What I needed was a video that dealt with the real life problems that we all encounter and those who are new to shooting encounter more frequently. My classes are held in the home the day before the range and I don't demonstrate with hot firearms in someone else's home.:eek:

"Advanced Pistol Handling Training" is the perfect video for this. I was hesitant because of the "advanced" in the name, expecting another SWAT type video presentation. I was pleased to find that was not the case. From start to finish this is a practical and practicable program.

The beginning goes over the basics of gun handling and then you get into the meat of 'what happens if'...you can't use your weak/strong arm and you need to load, rack or reload your weapon?...you have to present your firearm to an attacker from the side or rear? and, of course, you have a weapon malfunction?

Rob Pincus explains in easily understandable format the information you need to successfully implement this training into your own workout. The reasons causing the situation, the answer to the problem, alternatives and follow-up.

There are bonus videos in which you learn how this training applied to a real-life situation and how to construct reactive targets.

Without sounding like a commercial, I will just say that if you want a video that will teach or reinforce training to deal with the Murphy moments of your life, this one is excellent.


Don Randolph, CRSO
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