Eye protection

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Apr 15, 2007
Just wondering what everyone does for eye protection? I wear prescription glasses and when I shoot I wear my standard sun glasses which are a polycarbonate but not shooting glasses per se. Is anything else necessary? I looked at a pair of yellow "shooting glasses" with prescription and they were going to cost $500. Most of the cost was in the prescription. Are there good sources of shooting glasses that can use prescription lenses? thanx
i am pretty sure that the okley type glases are capable of using percriptions, and the ones that i use are just like the oakleys but they are ess. alot of guys in my unit have thier eye pro like the above mentioned with perscriptions in em, paid for by the army of course.
eye pro

Yes, I have recently become familiar with the ESS and have been researching them. Thanks for the confirmation. Have heard some of our military members are using them.
Yes, I have recently become familiar with the ESS and have been researching them. Thanks for the confirmation. Have heard some of our military members are using them.
yep i wear em, they came with the interchangable lenses. dark, clear, and yellow, they weren't that expensive either. like $26 at ranger joe's IIRC. i also have brand new sets of ess goggles but i don't wear them they aren't the most comfortable but they do work the best!
Safety glasses like you'd use in a woodshop or metalshop work well and some are designed "large" enough so that they'll fit over regular glasses.

Go to Here and look at the "Defiant" model (not endorsing this particular one, just showing an example)
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