Fast and Furious, I doubt the subtitle would fit, by Katie Pavlich

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
Just finished the above entitled, while it might be dated, it is copy write 2012, the stink from Operation Fast and Furious is still prominent, the criminality of those who operated it and remain unpunished is still troubling, Obama is still president, and the cover-up of course continues.

I think, some will disagree, that the book is very much worth reading, it's not very long, and might I also suggest that having read the book, people might take a moment and contact their elected representatives, U.S. Senators and Congressmen/women re the ongoing abuses and criminality of those who came up with this creature, and operated it, for they remain unpunished to this day.
The gun runner, E. Witholder will never be brought to justice.
Our own US people have been killed by fast and foolish guns.

Given that there will never be answers for:
Klinton email/server
Loretta Lynch giving Hitlery a pass
NSA spying on Americans
IRS targeting conservatives
Lois Learner's missing computer drive

Hoping for justice for fast and foolish is a pipe dream.

I can't confirm the actual source (as I heard it on Glenn Beck's radio show, yet he's pretty solid on his facts), but one of the rifles used in the first Paris attack was traced back to AZ and one of the guns Fast and Furious let walk. That's another pretty big indictment on how our Government is more complicit with illegal (regardless of their intent) gun running. It's also a scary reminder that the drug cartel may very well be dealing and working with terrorist organizations.

Yeah, the gun was supposedly traced to Phoenix; that's it. That's Beck's "facts" for you :rolleyes:

I'm not positive, but I would not be surprised if a large portion of new production AKs are now made in the US, so we really shouldn't be so surprised when they make it out into the black market by hook or by crook (or by Hillary) then flow internationally. Really no different than claiming remnants of long-defunct Soviet states are directly responsible whenever a kit-built AK is misused somewhere.

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