FBI list of weapons not detectable by airport security (illustrated)

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I've only got one - Swisstech Utilikey.

I love the one labeled "Manufacturer Unknown" when the blade clearly says "Microtech" :rolleyes:. Send whoever wrote this to Iraq, give Hans Blix a hand.

And of course they're concerned about the "Fred Flinstone Commemorative" flint-knapped stuff. Gee, modern tech defeated by literally 100,000 year old tech :scrutiny:.

Just rampant idiocy.
I only made it to page 8 before I found one I have, the Gerber Touche' belt buckle.
How do they get away with classifying blunt "impact tools" as knives?

One would be better off with a good kubotan (even a mini-mag-lite or a Mont Blanc pen) ... ... until it's illegal to carry THEM on an airplane....

I find it mildly disturbing that the Microtech knife... clearly marked Microtech on the blade... is shown as manufacturer unknown.

I hope they are not that sloppy all of the time...
That carbon fiber knife is :cool:
I find it mildly disturbing that the Microtech knife... clearly marked Microtech on the blade... is shown as manufacturer unknown.
You took the words right out of my yap....
What's that Shukra?

It looks mean but I can't figure out if it's some combo flail device or spike knife.

That walker cane has the best yari-blade sword I've ever seen. Big, strong & nasty. Might have to get me one of those.
I've got three, the Spyderco credit-card knife I keep in my wallet, one of the kubotan/pepperspray devices, and one of the plastic knives that I picked up at a gunshow...
I've carried my Swisstech Utilikey past TSA screeners on a number of occasions. The first couple of times, I never even thought about it, and wouldn't have until I was showing it to someone and they asked about airport screening.

It's impossible to confiscate every single thing that could possibly be used as a weapon. Never mind a "sword umbrella", a sturdy regular umbrella is a decent impact weapon if you hit soft targets. I bet a ballpoint pen in the eye would smart a bit, too.

If I ever get killed on a plane by a little old lady with tactical nail clippers, I'll raise my hand and ask St. Peter where the line for helpless sissies is.
Wonderful! The Fan Belt Inspectors (aka Federal Bread Inspectors, or Fumbling, Bumbling, Idiots, or....) found a copy of a Customs handout, circa 1970! I feel much safer now!

How about the guy with a handful of keys stuck between his fingers?
I'm reminded of a cartoon from the 70's that had a 747 with lots of little windows. Caption: "It carries 200 passengers each in solitary confinment"
See I know this is a joke. It was just put out there to make you THINK our government is stupid.

Because when I flew to phoenix, they confiscated Naval Surface Warfare Center Money clip with a .75 inch blade that is barely sharp enought to open letters, yet let me keep

My all metal, 6 inch long pen (stabbing weapon)
My keys, on a 4ft chained length of 550 cord (flail, garrote)
My Steel Toed Boots (impact weapon)
My belt, with heavy buckle (flail)

Oh, and while I was on the flight, I got
A Fork (stabbing weapon)
And there was a phone in front of me (flail, garrote)

And of course, they let me keep my hands, considered lethal weapons in all 50 states.(It sucks because I have to have a permit to put my hands in my pockets) ;) :D

So see, that has to be a joke, becuase if were really worried about all the little useless things, and let all those other weapons through without a second glance, then that would mean that they aren't really trying to keep us safe, but make the sheep feel that they are sa....

Oh, never mind, I get it now.

Nevertheless . . . it was very nice of our federal government to publish a list (with pictures, manufacturers' names, and essentially "how to hide" instructions) for all of us. Good thing none of those terrorists have access to .gov websites or Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Grrr... I've had that "Executive Pen" knife for years. That cheesy blade lock would snap and impale me if I ever had to use it on anything harder to cut than envelopes. Looked nice in a shirt pocket next to a good pen. Long blade though and now also specifically illegal in CA ("pen" knives) Grrr....
How do they get away with classifying blunt "impact tools" as knives?

My Uncle Henry Bear Paw lockback could double as an impact weapon. Sucker's big enough than about an inch sticks out of a full hand grasp, and it's _heavy_. WHAM! --> Crunch. Try that with your little plastic handled knife.
Jeeze. What kind of world do we live in where the FBI prints out a detailed report on knives with blades smaller than a little girl's pinky? :rolleyes:
Looks like a lot of junk to me. Does this mean it is pretty much impossible to get caught with that stuff in case one were to carry it on the plane to defend one's life from terrorists?
I've gone threw a airport security check with one of those Carbon Fiber "CIA Letter Opener" things in my shoe. Of course this was well before 9/11 where they weren't looking for this kind of stuff or searching people.

It's pretty damn ridiculous that they care about most of that crap, you'd be hard pressed to kill anyone with most of it. And after 9/11 if a planeload of people let the plane get hijacked with weapons the likes of those they all deserve to die anyway.
Did they intentionally leave this out....? Or what....

Plastic Knife

Hasn’t the plastics industry progressed enough to be able to deliver up some very sharp, durable, weighty, CONCEALABLE and lethal instruments. And, wouldn’t every one of those pass right by every airport screener in existence...?

Hmm, isn't that interesting. Two years and multi-million dollars after the Trade Center was destroyed by a number of men carrying box cutters, we have new laws to violate all kinds of rights, security everywhere, but they still can't detect the weapons that started all this. :banghead:


My favorite was the lettuce knife. If you've ever touched one of these, you know how poor of a weapon they would make.

I think I would rather have a Bondo filler knife. Those things are strong and pretty sharp. Plus they are cheap.
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