FBI refuses background checks for CCW NICS exemption

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Oh so you "believe" it to be so, but have no facts to back up your assertion. :barf: Now we see there is no substance to your claim.

It does matter who manages it, and your beliefs are wrong.
Let's not forget that the very idea of the government creating any law that restricts our rights to own or trade our personal items, of this type, amongst ourselves is inherently illegal in our constitution. Saying that any are ok is just proof of how we've become acclimated to our sad current state of affairs. There are men in coffins with 200 year old wigs on rolling in their graves at the mere discussions we are having today. Damn the interstate commerce clause and all of the mayhem it has produced. We are in the best position we've had in decades, but not centuries. When everyone owned and could carry freely, it was safe. Now, that we are restricted, restrained and demonized, we are no longer free and have metropolitan areas awash in crime committed with our favorite toys. It is quite ironic that those of us who look so harshly upon the crimes committed with them, are the ones affected by the "laws" that harass their existence. Those that lobby for the “laws” from behind their armed body guards are gracefully unharmed by the changes. Repeat 10 times before leaving the house every morning. All antigun “laws” are illegal.
Look, I agree with the spirit of Bowmen and others.

Unlike many federal agencies out there that wouldn't exist without an industry to persecute... er, um regulate (OSHA comes to mind), the BATFE knows full and well it could go after illegal arms all day and be just fine (look at the DEA), so they are the tax payer funded gun control agency.

The BATFE wants to demonize not so much the casual shooter, or the occasional range goer, but the folks who but their ammo atleast 300 rounds at a time. Those folks take advantage of no NICS check legislation more than anyone else, so the ATF feels a need to goat screw those folks.

But, the idea earlier posted of giving out assault rifles to "militia members" on a state level, don't be surprised if it happens and a major conflict goes down. With the illegal immigrants, and various other things that would have sounded like conspiracy theories just a little bit ago, don't be surprised.
Welcome to THR.

When everyone owned and could carry freely, it was safe.

When might that have been?


Thanks for the welcome. I've had a profile for a while, but I guess I've never posted. To the question above. America was a very safe place throughout history. Still is really, but not in many government funded metropolitan areas. Of course it has always been safer for those that excersice the right and reason to carry a firearm and those that have been blessed to live in locales that "permit" ccw. You know, the benifit of the unarmed and the armed appearing the same to the criminal, thus thwarting the incident before it happens. I can't seem to dig up the quote by Louis Lamour, that stated, he had a great deal of difficulty finding any violence in the old west to write about in his research, so he was forced to create it in his imagination. Just as many people create a fear of an inanimate object in their imagination. That quote has been around a long time, so I'm sure most forum members have seen it at one time or another. The masses have always been asses, but it seems there has been a focused and effective socialist agenda at work in our country from several angles since at least as far back as the 1930's with murmurs of it starting earlier in the 1800's. History denotes a much more polite society in Americas youth. With the reduction of religion and self defense/reliance in our short history, there has been an equally proportionate reduction in the enjoyment of freedoms and safety.
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