First Highpower Practice Match - Range report

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Dec 25, 2002
Well today I went to the Reading Rifle & Revolver club here in Mass and did a 20 rnd offhand 200yrd practice match. Lets just say that I had a great time. Second, I have to thank Cold (Mike) for inviting me up to the club to practice with him. He showed me some proper mounting techniques, shooting posture, match procedures and how to fill out the scoring sheet. He also spotted me and let me shoot his M-14 (very nice rifle) after we were done. He also walked me through some basic pit instruction as well. It was a lot of fun.

Ok, to the practice match. Now remember that this is the first time shooting the AR and the only time I've shot at something over 100 yrds. When it was all said and done I scored a 136-0x with 5 misses. I figure it's not to bad a start, but a lot of practice will be needed. I was concentrating so hard on aiming that I accidentally shot Mike's target, not just once but twice. He was kind enough to let me score it. I know, in a real match I'm basically out of luck if that happens. I didn't realize I was aiming at the wrong target until he told me. There were even damn huge signs below the targets indicating the lane number you were in. I'll remember to pay better attention to that going forward. I definately don't want to screw up someone's score in a real match.

I can't wait to shoot again. John Holliger's RRA Upgrade Upper and the NM lower worked without a flaw.

Thank you to everyone who's got me this far. I'm definately hooked now.

The hook is set...not reel him in!

I'm glad you had such a good time. Don't worry, there are only two types of Highpower shooters. Those who have crossfired, and whose who will. Just try to program yourself to see the target numbers through the sight as you make your final approach. Truthfully, once you have your true NPA, you should not ever have to worry about crossfiring, but watching for the numbers in your sight should still be habitual.

Good to hear everything worked as it should.

Cold, thanks for taking Troy under your wing out there!

Glad you enjoyed the time at the range. Just like the rest of us, trigger time and rounds downrange will equal higher scores. :)

Those who have crossfired, and whose who will.
Yup, particularly on the 600 yard line. Rockrivr1, there's some really nice folks who shoot highpower in MA. You'll have a lot of fun at Reading once the snow melts and you can start shooting across the course.
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