Florida - Guns at Work Passes

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Dave P

Dec 24, 2002
North Florida
Apr 9, 10:19 AM EDT :)

Senate passes bill allowing employees to take guns to work

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida residents would be able to keep firearms in their vehicles while at work under a bill that has now passed both the Florida House and Senate.

The bill passed the Senate on Wednesday and an identical version passed the House two weeks ago.

Supporters of the bill say people have a constitutional right to keep guns in their cars for protection. Businesses had argued they have a constitutional right to set the rules on their own property.

The bill states that businesses cannot prohibit employees or customers from keeping a legally owned gun locked inside their cars, as long as the gun owner has a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 26-13. The bill now goes to the governor.
as long as the gun owner has a permit to carry a concealed weapon

When was this added to the bill? I don't recall that language, and as far as I can see from the Florida Senate website, that is NOT in the bill anywhere.
as long as the gun owner has a permit to carry a concealed weapon

It was just recently added.The house seemed to feel that they could not get the bill through to the Gov. without adding this proviso.
The bill failed last year without this CCW restriction.
One step at a time.Hopefully next time this onerous stipuation is stripped from the law.
Oh my. Now the blood will run in the streets once again. No wonder the highways in Florida are called major arteries. Of course I say all that in a humorous vein.
On this show here, the host was taking calls on the new Florida parking lot gun law. Both he and a few listeners were talking about how tempers could flare, and a person could go to the parking lot, retrieve a firearm, and go postal.

I called and pointed out that it has always been legal to have a firearm in the parking lot, or even on your person, in the workplace, and that all this law does is make it illegal to be fired or to have your vehicle searched in connection with firearms.

Others pointed out that CCW holders are almost never involved in crimes of violence. One stat was that out of 1.2 million CCW holders, only 138 were revoked for firearms violations, and the majority of those were for carrying in a prohibited area.
Great news :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Do not forget to email the governor:

Email Governor Crist Now

Urge Him To Sign Crucial Self-Defense Bill HB 503!

Date: April 9, 2008
TO: USF & NRA Member and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President

This morning the Florida Senate PASSED HB-503 “Guns-Locked-Up-In-Your Car” bill by a vote of 26 to 13 and sent it to the Governor for his consideration.

House Bill 503 by Representative Greg Evers (R-Milton) & Senator Durell Peaden (R-Crestview) protects your right to keep a firearm locked, out of sight, in your private vehicles for lawful purposes in publicly accessible parking lots.

It's time to email GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST and urge him to sign HB-503.


PLEASE SIGN HB-503 the "Guns-Locked-Up-In-Your-Car” bill

Please send an email to Governor Crist and Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp at the email addresses below:

[email protected]
[email protected]

For three years we have fought corporate giants and big business bullies. They have been banning firearms and violating your rights. Their intent was to prohibit you from parking in publicly accessible privately owned parking lots, if you have a firearm locked in your car or truck for protection while traveling to and from shopping, work, or where ever your daily routine takes you. They have been violating your right of self-defense and your right to keep and bear arms.

This has been a WAR for your safety and your firearms freedom. And the War continues. YOU MUST EMAIL GOVERNOR CRIST NOW AND URGE HIM TO SIGN HB-503!

Almost two weeks ago, before the bill even came to the Senate floor, the Florida Chamber of Commerce started an email campaign to flood the Governor with emails asking him to VETO HB-503 the Guns-In-Cars-In-Parking-Lots bill. They were seeking to jump start the opposition. Their alert contained deceptive and misleading information designed to frighten business owners and get them to email the Governor and urge a veto.

Nowhere in either the U. S. Constitution or the Florida Constitution are businesses given this mythical right they claim they have to control everything on their property. No such right exists. And nowhere are businesses authorized to usurp constitutional rights of individuals.

Nor do businesses have the right to search private vehicles of customers or employees or to ban the lawful possession of firearms or any other legal property in a private vehicle simply because the vehicle is parked in a parking lot provided for customers, guests and employees.

Do law-abiding people have the right to carry and store firearms in their personal private vehicles for self-defense and other lawful purposes and keep those firearms locked in their vehicles in parking lots? The answer is YES.

The U.S. and the Florida Constitutions both give citizens the right to keep and bear arms and the right to self-defense. Further, F.S. 790.25 (5) specifically authorizes the carrying of firearms in private vehicles for lawful purposes.

Now, do business owners have a right to preempt constitutional and statutory rights? The answer is NO, but they are doing it anyway and HB 503 puts an end to it.

Constitutional and statutory rights do not stop when a law-abiding person drives onto a parking lot.


Please continue to check www.NRAILA.org for updates on this important self-defense bill.
I just watched Gov. Crist say on the news that he will most likely sign the bill and that he believes in the 2nd Amendment that people have a constitutional right to protect themselves and although there are competing interests the right of the people to protect themselves is more important.

Way to go Charlie....
I just watched Gov. Crist say on the news that he will most likely sign the bill and that he believes in the 2nd Amendment that people have a constitutional right to protect themselves and although there are competing interests the right of the people to protect themselves is more important.

Very, very encouraging!
Senator Peaden was the Senate sponser of this. And he deserves special credit for the success it has enjoyed. He is a retired physician from Crestview and a very nice person. He has stated that Crist will sign this.

Thank you Senator Peaden!
Senator Peaden was the Senate sponser of this. And he deserves special credit for the success it has enjoyed. He is a retired physician from Crestview and a very nice person. He has stated that Crist will sign this.

Thank you Senator Peaden!

I sent Senator Peaden and email thanking him this afternoon.
Oh, my... I just saw this. It sure made my day. Does anyone know where there is a record of which state senators and reps voted yea/nay?
Guitargod1985,here is the vote:


Bill Number ....: CSHB 503 Date: 4/9/2008
Amendment Number: Time: 09:48AM
Reading Number .: 3 Roll Call: 5
Floor Actions ..:

Yeas - 26 Nays - 13 Not Voting - 1
_ Y Alexander _ Y Fasano _ Y Peaden
_ N Aronberg _ Y Gaetz _ EX Posey
_ Y Atwater _ Y Garcia _ Y Pruitt
_ Y Baker _ N Geller _ N Rich
_ Y Bennett _ Y Haridopolos _ N Ring
_ N Bullard _ N Hill _ Y Saunders
_ Y Carlton _ Y Jones _ N Siplin
_ Y Constantine _ N Joyner _ Y Storms
_ Y Crist _ N Justice _ Y Villalobos
_ Y Dawson _ Y King _ Y Webster
_ Y Dean _ N Lawson _ N Wilson
_ N Deutch _ Y Lynn _ Y Wise
_ Y Diaz de la Portilla _ N Margolis
_ Y Dockery _ Y Oelrich
Presiding: Justice President: Ken Pruitt
'VA'=Vote After Roll Call 'VO'=Chamber Vote
Because the Democrats are always the largest supporters of property rights, and opposition to this law is not about gun control, but about property rights.
I'm confused...I thought the Democrats were for Unions and Employee rights?

The Republicans are the ones that are "beholden to big oil" and other big buisnesses and want to trample the rights of the poor workers.
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