For those who think felons should never have guns...

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Sep 8, 2005
There's certainly a good argument to be made that convicted violent criminals shouldn't be allowed to go and buy guns. But that's not what I want to start here, again...

This is an example of what a "felony" can be in 2010 America. This is why I do not believe that RKBA should be automatically denied to felons, as opposed to the subset of felons who have actually committed serious crimes.

Shannon Anderson 27, along with her husband, William Anderson, were arrested March 8 and March 9, respectively, on felony warrants charging them with forging a doctor’s note to excuse their third-grade son from school.
Agreed. The word "felony" is attached to too damn many piddly little meaningless "crimes", which destroy the rights of good people that made some little mistake. While real criminals get out of jail and then go on one form or another of public assistance, and take jobs "under the table", so the rest of us can support them while they continue their crime careers with the new skills they learned in prison.
I agree. This is just one reason why I believe the Government is severely over stepping their authority by taking away someones Constitutional Right for life.

what kinda forgery is allowable in the brave new world you would imagine

No one is saying that forgery should be allowed, only the injustice that it was a felony and the parents lost their second amendment right because of it. I don't see the need to attack the OP or to try to childishly muddle the conversation with stuff like that.
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what kinda forgery is allowable in the brave new world you would imagine?

The point is not that this shouldn't be illegal, it's that it shouldn't qualify as a felony, which carries with it a variety of social stigmas and future difficulties, not the least of which is the temporary loss of gun privileges.
Well, that is a bit wacky. But...

They did write 12 forged notes for three kids, and did get "two counts of offering false evidence in the course of an investigation", which would make me assume that they kept lying during the investigation.

Poor decisions have consequences, even if they are a bit over the top... And forging a medical document is one heck of a poor choice.
not the least of which is the temporary loss of gun privileges.

What is temporary about it? If you are a convicted felon you are prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or owning a firearm for LIFE. That doesn't seem very temporary.

Also I prefer the term RIGHT, not privilege. To me a RIGHT is something that is inherent, privileges are given in most contexts of the word. No one gives you your rights. They are yours simply because you are.
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If you are a convicted felon you are prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or owning a firearm for LIFE. That doesn't seem very temporary.

I thought there were ways to petition for restoration of rights forfeit through felony conviction, and that gun ownership was one of the rights that could be restored by the state.

Could a governor restore rights in the same way they pardon certain criminals?

KR, there are states that do that, I want to remember Florida is one.

However, I'm not sure that affects the application of the Federal GCA, which appears to be pretty straight forward in "no felons".
That doesn't indicate that we need to change our gun laws. It indicates that maybe we should reconsider what constitutes a felony.
a governor can give you your rights back,BUT
its Obamas signature that would really give your rights back, and unless you won some major lottery with a 100 million dollar prize, you can't afford getting your rights back.
and Obama is too much like clintons, shummer,
feinstein, and all those who will snatch all are
firearms IF THEY COULD.
I think if a person commits a felony and does their full time, then that person should get a horse, $20 and a old Colt revolver. and every other right they had before committing felony.
Yes, it is a shameful state that such trivial things are considered felonies in America.

I've of the opinion that once you do your time you should have your rights restored.

If you're not safe to be in society, you shouldn't be outta prison.

However, that is overly simplistic because some folks are on probation. So I would extend the 'probation' to exclude gun ownership and voting rights until that period of time has passed.
i agree this should not be a felony more like a misdemeanor. these kinds of things drive me nuts. it took taxpayer money to prosecute them, why? just fine them & send them on their way. if their is a jail sentence with this that too would be on our bill. as far as firearm ownership being a right or a privilege. i think some crimes violence,drugs,rape,murder & some others, should ban someone from buying a firearm. but for law abideing citizens i do believe it is a right, & one that should not be infringed.
Tehama County District Attorney Gregg Cohen needs immediate medical help to remove one part of his upper anatomy, from a certain orifice in his lower anatomy.

Seriously, if I am ever REQUIRED to have a doctor's authorization to excuse my child from school, it is time to find a new school.
Tehama County District Attorney Gregg Cohen needs immediate medical help to remove one part of his upper anatomy, from a certain orifice in his lower anatomy.

Seriously, if I am ever REQUIRED to have a doctor's authorization to excuse my child from school, it is time to find a new school.
It's Glenn County. Did the article say Tehema?
My guess is that the prosecution is equating the forgery of a doctor's note with the forgery of a drug prescription -- real bad juju. And the parents were blatantly stupid.

Still, this is ridiculously out of proportion.
Just about anything more than a parking ticket is a felony today.
Just a back door way for the gun grabbing law makers to take our guns.
These same lawmakers want to give back the right to vote to conficted felons.

Re-elect no one
I hope the jury rejects the entire charge, since the charges are so blatantly outrageous...
Agreed. Its not like the felony clause prevents repeat offenders from getting weapons anyway. Also, why is the 2A the only right that is revoked forever?... even after someone has paid their dues and/or reformed their life. The term "felony" is painfully abused.

Boya, I really like that last statement...
I think if a person commits a felony and does their full time, then that person should get a horse, $20 and a old Colt revolver. and every other right they had before committing felony.

priceless :)
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