Four Fabrications - Corrected

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Aug 18, 2007
According to two recent op-eds published by the New York Times:
  • “more guns means more murder.”
  • “more guns means less safety.”
  • “a gun is 22 times more likely to be used in a criminal assault, an accidental death or injury, a suicide attempt or a homicide than it is for self-defense.”
  • “gun-owning households were 41 percent more likely to experience a homicide and 244 percent more like[ly] to experience a suicide.”
On October 19, 2017, the website Just Facts Daily set the record straight with
Four Fabrications About Firearms, By James D. Agresti
with detailed and well researched explanations. I recommend it to all on The High Road.

p.s. I was tipped to this article by an item in the VCDL Alert e-mail newsletter this morning. You can subscribe without joining VCDL, and they never share the mail list with anyone. Check it out.
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Great article. Logical, supported by facts, clear analyses of the lies from the newspaper report.
The anti gun people don’t care about the truth. Facts don’t matter. It is an agenda
I have a very liberal relative who has anxiety when he sees a handgun Idiot
Tainted minds spend money on tainted and unsupported studies to get bad statistics out, and they are repeatedly used to foster their agenda. We are not dealing with people who are reasonably objective about their anti gun bias, we deal with liars who deliberately twist, misinform and create arguments from nothing at all.

Taking their points of view from a perspective of "fair play" is conceding the field to them before the match has started. There is no fair play, their rules of engagement are based on a strategy of total victory by any means. Lying is first and foremost.

Approach their arguments with an attitude they are always based on lies, question them directly on it, and you find that is the case. The best approach is to politely reject their statistics as fake science and that their sources are deliberately misinforming them. For the most part - and the track record is pretty consistent - "the studies" are wrong and you will be on solid ground with that approach.
Apparently, one has ONLY defended oneself with a firearm if somebody is shot AND KILLED.

I always ask anti-gun cultists whether one can ONLY defend oneself with the martial arts if somebody is beaten, kicked or choked to DEATH.

I then ask them how they feel about chemical sprays. I ask them what they recommend, sarin or mustard gas.

Pathetic stupidity, craven dishonesty, and rank hypocrisy are a toxic mix and anti-gun cultists have all three in hyper-abundance.
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